View Full Version : A little test of the Torque App

06-11-2012, 01:57 AM
I've been using a cheap Bluetooth ODBII transmitter ($20) with the Torque App (Pro version $5). I wasn't going too nuts driving uphill into the sun through a dirty windshield, but you get the idea.

NOTE: You can configure whatever data you want to be recorded that's available from your ECU. You do have to use a PC/Mac w/ Java+XJuggler+TorqueSync to encode the Videos (data overlay) but it's pretty straight forward really.

Test of the Torque Data Encoder - YouTube

Shaolin Crane
06-11-2012, 10:35 AM
Pretty cool, i'll definitely look into something like that. I wonder if there is one that offers a dpic function?

06-11-2012, 11:49 AM
Que es dpic?

06-11-2012, 11:51 AM
The only thing is that sometimes the gauges are rather slow to respond. The last time I used it was a few updates ago, I'm sure it has changed some. I was at Adams Motorsports Park and the Gauges were all over the place. It's nice to have though, if you ever get a code you can look it up with the app and you can use the other functions to monitor the car. It's one of the only apps I have ever paid for on my phone cuz I wanted to support the developers.

06-11-2012, 12:14 PM
The only thing is that sometimes the gauges are rather slow to respond. The last time I used it was a few updates ago, I'm sure it has changed some. I was at Adams Motorsports Park and the Gauges were all over the place. It's nice to have though, if you ever get a code you can look it up with the app and you can use the other functions to monitor the car. It's one of the only apps I have ever paid for on my phone cuz I wanted to support the developers.

Probably depends more on your transmitter than the app for response. Some of the cheap ones don't transmit very quickly. Mine is a cheap one, but works reasonably well for just farting around. It's not a professional level data logging tool, but for $5 (and $20 for the adapter) it's MORE than good enough.

Shaolin Crane
06-11-2012, 12:31 PM
Dpic=g meter

06-11-2012, 01:35 PM
Dpic=g meter

Haven't used it, but I'm pretty sure it has it, based on the phones (Droid in my case) accelerometer I suppose. :huh:

06-11-2012, 01:46 PM
Probably depends more on your transmitter than the app for response. Some of the cheap ones don't transmit very quickly. Mine is a cheap one, but works reasonably well for just farting around. It's not a professional level data logging tool, but for $5 (and $20 for the adapter) it's MORE than good enough.

Mine is pretty cheap, but there are certain settings you can mess with that will make it a little better.