View Full Version : Thanks to kdracer73

04-14-2012, 12:47 AM
Thanks Paul, again!

I simply could not have done that myself. Paul helped me put in a snap ring to lock in the clutch pedal to the MC. It was a bitch of a tight spot. He had to modify one little piece and we had to go to the parts store to find a snap ring that would as the pieces from the new MC wouldn't fit the old one (only needed the rod to modify).

I think I must have either gotten some air in the line when the rod came out (possible I suppose) or I didn't make the rod quite long enough because sometimes it is hard to shift now. I mean quite hard and it was butter before. Sometimes it's totally fine so I'm inclined to believe it's an air bubble moving around. . . Hope so, because that heim joint is loctited on the rod. And it decided to throw a P1339 crank position not learned code. That's almost certainly related to the fact it was changed out and while it was put through learning, maybe it didn't complete the sequence for some reason. ls1z28 will be out Monday to help me with these issues. . . but she's almost running reliably . . . I can taste it.