View Full Version : Not bad gas mileage in the Vette.

11-28-2011, 07:11 PM
I took the carb apart and carb cleaned everything, it's running way better now. No more 2K rpm idle, haha. Starts easy too. Knock on wood.

I got better than 20 crusing from OC to SD, not so bad for a monster. The cruise ranged from about 14.5-15.5 AFR all the way down. If I went up a hill in 6th, or dropped into 5th gear, it went down to 11.5-13.5, which is what it should be doing.

The carb idles right about 14.5-15 in cold weather, but its a little richer when it warms up. I guess thats the nature of the beast when you run a carb though.

11-28-2011, 07:33 PM
I took the carb apart and carb cleaned everything, it's running way better now. No more 2K rpm idle, haha. Starts easy too. Knock on wood.

I got better than 20 crusing from OC to SD, not so bad for a monster. The cruise ranged from about 14.5-15.5 AFR all the way down. If I went up a hill in 6th, or dropped into 5th gear, it went down to 11.5-13.5, which is what it should be doing.

The carb idles right about 14.5-15 in cold weather, but its a little richer when it warms up. I guess thats the nature of the beast when you run a carb though.

Better than 20 mpg in a carbbed, supercharged 383 . . that's impressive.

11-28-2011, 07:59 PM
That's really good. What mph were you cruising at? I only get 22 in the Cobra cruising at 75-78 with 3.55 gears and you're making a lot more power than I am. As long as you stay out of it you can get good millage. When I took the Cobra to CSW and ran the Roval I would go through 7 gallons of gas in a 20 minute session which would be 8 laps. The Roval is 2.88 miles so I was getting around 3.30mpg at speeds of 40-135.

11-28-2011, 08:01 PM

My motor runs super cool, so I'm not so afraid to tune my cruise above 14.7

Do you have a 6 speed too? I'm at about 1750 rpm the whole trip.

11-28-2011, 08:11 PM
And I'm surprised you got even 3 mpg racing. Haha

P.S. intercool that bitch. Feeling how hot the air coming out of my procharger was at idle, it's no wonder I was melting pistons.

11-29-2011, 08:24 AM
Yes, I have a T56 with a .62 6th. I would like to put an aftercooler on it but it would cost me a lot and there isn't very much room for it. I'm happy with how it runs now.

11-29-2011, 02:37 PM
Yes, I have a T56 with a .62 6th. I would like to put an aftercooler on it but it would cost me a lot and there isn't very much room for it. I'm happy with how it runs now.

I have the .5 sixth gear, I think my fifth gear is .72.

And ya, I guess if you can control it with tuning, you don't need to intercool... Doesn't really matter.

Shaolin Crane
11-29-2011, 02:51 PM
Ron just doesnt want to lose his cruise control :)

11-29-2011, 06:19 PM
That's pretty good mileage. What cam are you running?

11-30-2011, 11:36 AM
It's something like .550 in. .570 ex. lift, 242 / 246 duration with a 110LSA.

11-30-2011, 12:36 PM
hot damn... that's real impressive mileage! You should park in the "FEV Parking Only Spots" from now on :thumbs_up: