View Full Version : Was I too hard on this guy?

05-12-2008, 01:37 PM
What do you guy's think?

Little background on my story:

WE got new neighbors a month ago, it’s a family with three small children….two six year old twins, one three year old and a huge dog. They go to our church and both of them (parents) have gotten off drugs about a year ago and seem to be doing well. The dad did six months in a rehab facility.
Yesterday I pulled my corvette into MY driveway after paying the body man $500 to wet sand and buff the car. My wife was cleaning the engine area getting ready for the show tomorrow.

Well the dad decides to throw a softball with his six year old boy in their front yard…..the only problem was they were throwing in the direction of my car. The boy was standing about 10 feet from my car (it was behind him). It was very disrespectful; he knows the money I have tied up in that car because we talked about it.

The dad might as well been playing target practice with my car in my opinion because there were very good odds that he could have hit it, and I know they don’t have the money to pay for the damages. Plus he lets that huge dog run wild when he’s out in the front yard and the dog was sniffing around in my driveway.

Anyways, I went ahead and pulled the car around back in my shop to avoid any damages (It didn’t get hit).

That has bothered me all night thinking about it, I would NEVER do something like that to another person…..my wife says all those years of drugs fried his brain and he doesn’t think logically. He’s normally pretty cool and I like talking to them, but that took the cake.

Why do people do stuff like that?

End of rant

Cliff notes: Corvette was in my yard, neighbor decides to have softball practice and throwing in the direction of my car about 10 feet way

You're overreacting. If he was playing catch with a 6 year old, as you said, he must have been throwing soft and underhanded. No throw to a 6 year old is going to accidentally fly 10 feet over his head. That's unrealistic. Worst case scenario is rolls past him and hits your tire.

It seems to me that you've already judged these people, mentioning that they used to be drug addicts. How is that pertinent? What kind of church are you attending? If it's a Christian church as I suspect it is I will leave you with these words: "Judge not lest ye be judged."

Furthermore, this is not the correct section to vent. Don't post this sort of thing in the C3 section. Try the Bad Shark Lounge (http://www.digitalcorvettes.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7) next time.

Uh no I wasn't over reacting......you spend $20,000 + on a car and let someone throw ANYTHING 10 feet from your car and see how you would act. I'm not made of money, I worked very hard to get my 82 where it is at. It wouldn't matter if he was throwing soft and underhanded, he still created a potential situation that could go wrong by he choices.

Being a christian or not, I'm not going to "forgive" a recovering drug addict that quickly......you always keep your guard up until they have proven themselves that they are rehabiliated. I've seen too many people get burned because they let thier guard down trying to do the right thing only to find it backfire.

Sorry if I have a huge problem with people that screw up thier lives doing drugs and thier families have to suffer as well both emotionally and financially. No one forced them to start using. I can understand one time, and they need help. But my neighbor is a repeat user / offender, the only reason he's working is because it's court mandated. The last time he was busted for selling, so YES I'm going to judge.

I have a right to post here, it pertains to my C3 corvette.......it didn't start out as a general topic. So don't start playing forum police on me. :buhbye:

http://images.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/rolleyes5.gif http://www.motorgen.com/forum/images/smilies/blahblah.gif

FYI going to church isn't enough to fool God that you're a good Christian.

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

05-12-2008, 02:11 PM
You were hard on him, but you make good points. I don't think Jesus would put conditions on forgiveness :huh:

05-12-2008, 08:38 PM
He's a douche. Christian or not, he's just an asshole.


I always wonder where these asshole peers of mine come from, then I realize they have parents. The funny thing is if I posted that as a response to him, he would think I was talking about the former addict.

05-12-2008, 09:41 PM
I can easily see where you're both coming from depending on my mood? I'm very sensitive to "consideration" and it never ceases to amaze how little attention people pay to basic consideration. I've been heavily influence by my extensive contact with Japanese culture, who take this to a level of Art form though.

05-13-2008, 02:28 AM
Hahaha, they moved the thread into the Bad Shark Lounge, that's gotta hurt.