View Full Version : 93 GMC Typhoon
09-12-2011, 09:47 PM
After a long day of many obsticles to get through, I finally did it.
But, before I left, I noticed the fuel gauge was on empty! Bastards could have at least filled it up.
Just ordered MSD cap and rotor, NGK plugs, MSD ignition coil, Monroe shocks (front and rear). Already has a K&N filter and Taylor wires. I just need to do the fluid changes and Im ready for my trip to NE next week.
09-12-2011, 10:19 PM
Awesome - I love Typhoon's. Post more pics :)
09-13-2011, 12:02 AM
If you guys have a meet when I'm OFF, you can see it in person. But I'll try and get some more pics up soon. I'm going to wax it like I've never waxed before and then do more pics.
Cars and Coffee is a must once I get back from my trip as well. Haven't been there in quite a long time, so I'm due for my exotic fix anyways.
09-13-2011, 07:19 AM
I love those trucks! What are your plans for it besides a tune up?
09-13-2011, 09:21 AM
very nice! my friend has a syclone and that thing handles amazingly for a truck.
09-13-2011, 01:05 PM
I'm going to do the suspension and brakes for sure. Energy suspension and Moog are going to like me. Rear drum to disk conversion.
I'm not sure if I want to put a better heat exchanger for the liquid to air intercooler or just do a FMIC. I'll also be doing a "CAI" for it since the stock tube comes over the top of the radiator. I'd like to do the TD06 upgrade, but I'll have to do trans work along with axles. I'll probably do all that but later on.
I also will be installing my AEM Truboost and AEM wideband, probably tomorrow. Im just waiting for my gauge pod to come in.
Shaolin Crane
09-13-2011, 01:40 PM
Dont do to it what i did with my truck, trans medley
09-13-2011, 04:56 PM
nice! I wanna get the syclone one day
09-13-2011, 10:25 PM
Dont do to it what i did with my truck, trans medley
On the list of goals I have with this truck, that's not one of them. Meaning, it will happen to me whether I like it or not, whether I'm ready for it or not.
09-14-2011, 03:47 PM
Getting the alignment and filling the tires with nitrogen right now.
09-18-2011, 12:57 AM
The one thing that sucks about working on older vehicles is that none of the nuts and bolts want to come off. Progress is good on the maintenance but I'm still waiting for parts to come in and I still need to get my steering shaft.
09-18-2011, 01:31 AM
The one thing that sucks about working on older vehicles is that none of the nuts and bolts want to come off. Progress is good on the maintenance but I'm still waiting for parts to come in and I still need to get my steering shaft.
PB Blaster like it was free and let it sit for a while, at least several minutes, but even hours. Then (if you can) give the bolt head a little whack with a metal hammer. Basically you're just breaking the welded bond formed by the rust.
Sometimes heating with a torch pouring a little water will also break a bond. I'm hesitant with this one because it can crack.
And if the shit gets real, a hammer impact tool will break anything loose. I've got one if you need to borrow, plus some "easy outs". You live close.
09-18-2011, 08:48 AM
I use WD-40 like it's going out of style. Sometimes an impact gun just won't fit, and that sucks! I'm going to pick up one of those little propane torches here soon, I've used that method a few times in the past with success, especial with some bearing removals.
Shaolin Crane
09-18-2011, 10:34 AM
Stop being a namby pamby you jackwaggon and put some balls behind a wrench :laugh:
09-18-2011, 11:22 AM
Lmao! Get that fucking Muffstain done!
I'm doing everything while I'm at work and I'm not in a position to break any studs or anything at that. If I was at home, I'd just use a breaker bar and call it a day.
09-18-2011, 02:05 PM
I use WD-40 like it's going out of style. Sometimes an impact gun just won't fit, and that sucks! I'm going to pick up one of those little propane torches here soon, I've used that method a few times in the past with success, especial with some bearing removals.
PB Blaster is far more effective at dissolving rust related issues. I'm talking about a hammer impact, I don't even know what the torque is, it's way higher than a standard impact. It will pop things loose a pneumatic impact won't. But you have to have enough room to swing a hammer.
09-18-2011, 07:11 PM
The impact gun I have is 260 or 280ft lbs. It works good if I can get it in there. I need to get one of those impact swivels or whatever they are called. Those hammer impacts are awsome, we use them here at work sometimes.
09-18-2011, 11:11 PM
I installed my AEM Truboost and it made a world of difference. I can't go over 11psi without it running weird. Not sure if it's a boost leak or a bad O2 sensor. I just bought a new O2 sensor and I'll do a boost leak test tomorrow.
11-14-2011, 03:13 AM
About 2 weeks ago the truck got too hot going up the Grapevine. Ended up changing the water pump, thermostat, radiator cap and a flush. Ran good after that, then it started smoking a couple of days later after I did an oil change. I ran 5w30 instead of 10w30 and I thought that was the issue. Added some Lucas oil additives and smoking damn near went away. Only smoked when I took off from a dead stop. Then it just started smoking all the time. Did a compression check and all cylinders had 155-160psi but one. That one only had 35psi and the spark plug had oil all over it. So now I'm in the middle of an engine tear down. I guess this is quite common for these trucks if they get a bit too warm. Sad part is, I just lost my job a week and a half ago too. So no crazy spending for me. Hopefully the damage is minimal (key word "hopefully") and I can just buy a rebuild kit for the bottom end and buy a new block later on and build that one up.
Anyone know how good Sealed Power kits are? I'm looking at this kit:
11-14-2011, 07:38 AM
Sorry to hear that. Most likely the issue you have is a blown head gasket and possibly a warped head. When you get it apart check the head surface.
As for the Sealed Power kit from Summit, that's what I used on the 454 in Chevelle. I bought the complete kit that came with pistons and I have 6 years of racing on it. In those 6 years all I've done is replaced blown head gaskets once and did a valve job about a year ago. I've been happy with mine.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 08:30 AM
Sealed power kits are fine. Call the guys at pacific engine, chances are they can get it cheaper, see sig for number.
11-14-2011, 11:04 AM
I second that, they made me a good deal on the parts and work on the 5.0 for the Explorer.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 11:10 AM
I talked to them about it and they said its about $60-$70 for a single piston, and not to try a re-ring on that piston. Shawn says the best bet for a rebuild is a set of probe fps forged pistons so you can up the boost safely.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 11:13 AM
Pistons here
11-14-2011, 11:55 AM
I'm not really looking to up the boost for awhile, I have other things that I want to work on first. I am glad to hear that Sealed Power is a good setup. If it's just the head gasket, which I doubt it is, I'll pick up some Cometic gaskets then. My luck is never that simple though.
Now would be a good time to have my intake manifold powder coated. I'd also like to do my fuel rails (stock setup is stupid IMO), and the fpr.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 12:02 PM
What color on the intake?
11-14-2011, 12:05 PM
I'll try and find a pic of how I want it, but I want it all silver with the lettering in red.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 12:08 PM
Alright, im about to order some silver so let me know
11-14-2011, 01:00 PM
I need to clean the internal parts first, they are full of oil from blowing out the PCVs. What kind of silver do you have? I wonder what a wrinkle silver would look like??
11-14-2011, 01:09 PM
I want to do my intercooler and tb as well, just have to get new gaskets for the tb though, but they are cheap.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 01:12 PM
I wouldnt coat the intercooler. The silver im going to order is called bright silver flake. Basically wheel silver and is a 70% gloss. I'll clean everything for you as I need to do it before and after anyhow. Did it to rons stuff and it all came out primo.
11-14-2011, 05:05 PM
It's a liquid intercooler, powder coat shouldn't hurt it, I wouldn't think so. I could be wrong though.
I need to clean all the oil and build up on the insides so you don't catch your oven on fire. I'll do it, it's no big deal. PM me a price.
11-14-2011, 05:12 PM
Throttle body, intercooler, and upper intake mani.
Lower intake mani (still on the motor)
PM me your number and I'll call you later tonight. I have some questions for you anyways.
Shaolin Crane
11-14-2011, 05:55 PM
What i mean by i'll do it it needs to be clean cause the glass bead will stick to it. Its no charge since its part of my process. I have a hot tank so its non effort. I wash it to make sure everything is clean, then blast it, the wash it again, Then pre clean then a pre bake then the final.
11-15-2011, 01:04 AM
I need to call Pacific Engine right?
Shaolin Crane
11-15-2011, 01:42 AM
11-15-2011, 02:45 AM
Anyone specific I need to talk to?
Shaolin Crane
11-15-2011, 08:26 AM
Nope, only 2 guys there either knows whats up.
11-15-2011, 03:41 PM
Talked to them today, gave me a good price. Now I just need to save up some cash and pull everything out.
Shaolin Crane
11-15-2011, 03:58 PM
Good to hear, i also ordered the powder last night. Should be here friday.
11-15-2011, 07:28 PM
With the engine rebuild and the powder coating, it's only going to cost me $1300. I might just cough up the extra dough and get the Cometic head gaskets too.
Shaolin Crane
11-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Cough, and forged pistons cough
11-16-2011, 09:30 PM
I'm going to sell some of my parts off of the Eclipse so I can get some cash for the rebuild. I'm going to try and get Eagle H beam rods too.
Shaolin Crane
11-17-2011, 10:16 AM
Those rods should hold up fine to 500hp. Spend the $270 on the forged pistons and go with the compacted graphite head gaskets. Mustang guys are running into the 9's on them and they're like $15 each
11-17-2011, 03:39 PM
What time do you want to meet up tomorrow? I can do afternoon to 6pm.
Shaolin Crane
11-18-2011, 12:03 AM
6pm still works for me.
11-18-2011, 08:54 AM
Keep in mind my wife goes to work at 6:30, so 6 is kinda pushing it.
Shaolin Crane
11-18-2011, 09:14 AM
I get off work at noon today, have a meeting with the sheet metal dude about the porsche, then pickup my lady at 3:30 most likely i'll make it there well before 6. If not i'll just cruise by your house and pick the stuff up, so no big deal.
11-22-2011, 08:23 PM
Were you able to look at the tb yet Guy?
Shaolin Crane
11-22-2011, 08:29 PM
Yep, this week has been kinda stressed with my workload and the holidays, i got all the sensors and doors off but it looks like its tac welded together. But its all shiny now.
11-23-2011, 02:26 AM
Tach welded? Sounds like GM quality there.
Shaolin Crane
11-23-2011, 09:12 AM
Tach welded? Sounds like GM quality there.
Yeah after the countershaft is pressed through they tac weld the throttle cable mounting spring on. Pretty common with OE stuff, accufab does the same thing. I'll get it really really really clean, and paint it silver to match and bake it at a really low temperature to make sure it doesnt burn up the seals inside. Gonna be the closest thing i can do without grinding off the welds.
11-23-2011, 10:38 PM
Sounds like a plan to me.
11-24-2011, 04:10 PM
What do you think about this color:
Shaolin Crane
11-24-2011, 04:18 PM
Its not a single stage, requires a clear. No bueno.
11-24-2011, 09:13 PM
This place has a bunch of cool colors. I want to do my exhaust manifolds and cross tube red, but they don't have it. Might just have you media blast them and paint them red myself.
11-26-2011, 05:57 PM
Guy, what were those head gaskets you told me I should get?
Shaolin Crane
11-26-2011, 06:20 PM
Shaolin Crane
11-26-2011, 06:34 PM
11-26-2011, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the link, I was looking at those awhile back.
Powder coating looks great.
11-28-2011, 08:07 AM
After a long day of many obsticles to get through, I finally did it.
But, before I left, I noticed the fuel gauge was on empty! Bastards could have at least filled it up.
Just ordered MSD cap and rotor, NGK plugs, MSD ignition coil, Monroe shocks (front and rear). Already has a K&N filter and Taylor wires. I just need to do the fluid changes and Im ready for my trip to NE next week.
I realize I'm late to the party, but awesome truck! I love those things :thumbs_up: Hard to believe you pay so damn much for gas on the left coast... here in the midwest gas is only like $3.09
The one thing that sucks about working on older vehicles is that none of the nuts and bolts want to come off. Progress is good on the maintenance but I'm still waiting for parts to come in and I still need to get my steering shaft.
No kidding... I installed new struts on my daily last week and despite having a 500 ft-lb impact wrench and a bolt that was soaked with PB blaster for a few hours, I couldn't remove that bolt on the rear saddle joint holding the strut. I ended up shearing off the bolt and I had to drill it out and instead installed a new bolt/nut... dumb...
That silver PC looks great, too!
11-28-2011, 04:38 PM
I just came back from NE a couple months ago and gas was dirt cheap, and better quality. I miss that.
Shaolin Crane
11-28-2011, 04:50 PM
70% of fuel cost in CA is gubberment tax.
11-28-2011, 06:22 PM
...and you're state is still broke :(
Shaolin Crane
11-28-2011, 06:56 PM
11-29-2011, 05:19 PM
Here are the parts:
They look good in the sunlight.
11-29-2011, 05:27 PM
Shaolin Crane
11-30-2011, 12:42 AM
12-05-2011, 04:51 PM
Im almost there with the money, which amazes me. January should be the month to get this back on the road!
12-05-2011, 07:25 PM
Cool ride!
12-05-2011, 11:22 PM
I just saw a super clean black Typhoon right down the street from my house and made me sad. I want mine up and running already.
12-11-2011, 02:21 PM
My pistons ( Im going with.
Shaolin Crane
12-11-2011, 03:07 PM
holy shit, you know those are sold individually right?
12-11-2011, 03:09 PM
holy shit, you know those are sold individually right?
At least it's only 6 :D
12-11-2011, 08:44 PM
I know, but Ive been doing quite a bit of reading on the SyTy boards, and I guess quite a few people use them with great success. Im going to pick up some Eagle rods as well and Ill be happy. Im getting a hookup on a Garrett GT42R that Im going to throw in later on, maybe after tax season.
12-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Guy, those pistons I showed you with the Dart coatings have gone down in price and they come with the plasma rings and pins too. If I can get the guy thats buying my old motor out of my Eclipse to paypal me the money now, Ill just buy them then.
What do you guys think?
Shaolin Crane
12-11-2011, 09:49 PM
Probe pistons and rings, stock rods. Will outlast your power goals easily. And be less then half the cost.
12-11-2011, 10:01 PM
I just dont want to be doing this all over again. The Sy Ty guys are not so comfortable using hypereutectic pistons, most of their builds using them fail. This truck is setup in stock form to run 15psi. Ill look into Probe pistons later and see what they have.
Shaolin Crane
12-11-2011, 11:45 PM
Im trying to figure out where i said hypertoocrackits? FRS probe pistons are forged and identical looking to the JE ones you posted and are only $350 for 8 of them, call and have them make you a deal on 6. The stock rods are pretty fuckin strong on a sbc. And i dont see you making 500rwhp any time soon. And if you do you'll be in the same position i'm in. Save the money, keep the power to around 450rwhp and you'll be a happy happy man
12-12-2011, 04:20 PM
Sorry, but I bought them anyways. :o
12-12-2011, 04:41 PM
The seller also hooked me up with a billet MSD distributor. Im happier now.
Good thing my unemployment card is coming in this week, Ill have this motor rebuilt fairly soon!
01-09-2012, 11:59 PM
My inlaws have a 98 Jeep Wrangler that my worthless sister inlaw overheated, blowing the head gasket. My father inlaw told me if I fix it, I can use it until I get my new money pit fixed. So yesterday and today I tore the head off, replaced the head gasket, water pump, thermostat, plugs/wires, cap/rotor and all the needed gaskets for about $100 and about 6-7 hours worth of work with no power tools. Truck started on the first try even after jump starting it for about 1 minute. Runs so much smoother now than it ever has since they've had it. I'm going to check the timing when I get home, and probably change out the coil.
I should make my sister inlaw cough up the money for the parts, but that will never happen. She is the definition of a typical Californian, lazy and expects everyone else to take care of her 25 year old ass.
Shaolin Crane
01-10-2012, 01:02 AM
Sounds like my sister
01-10-2012, 02:12 AM
Sounds like my sister
You have a sister?
01-10-2012, 04:57 PM
Sounds like my sister
Thats actually hard to believe that there is another person out there in this world as worthless as my sister inlaw. If she is, I feel sorry for you and your parents.
01-10-2012, 07:34 PM
I just caught this thread (just read ur first post, haven't gone thru whole thing yet)... soooo badass. This thing and a syclone are just awesome. I would love to have either one. Nice find man!!!!
Shaolin Crane
01-10-2012, 07:37 PM
You have a sister?
Unfortunately, I dont even talk to her. Just like her mother
Thats actually hard to believe that there is another person out there in this world as worthless as my sister inlaw. If she is, I feel sorry for you and your parents.
She is so worthless I know 8 year old students of mine that are more civilized and productive then her.
01-11-2012, 12:12 AM
Typhoon or Syclones are just awesome machines! Those are very hard to find. Great job on the new addition. :D
01-11-2012, 04:53 PM
You can find them for sale more now since people are hurting for money, its just a matter of price and condition. These are known for rusting, mine luckily doesnt have much rust at all, only on the under carriage.
01-11-2012, 04:56 PM
She is so worthless I know 8 year old students of mine that are more civilized and productive then her.
My 2 year old daughter cleans up after herself better than my 24 year old sister inlaw. Seriously, I cant even stand to be around her anymore. It sickens me how worthless she is and my inlaws enable her too. Im doinmg whatever it takes to prevent my daughter from turniong out like her.
01-11-2012, 09:05 PM
The Jeep has 222, 3?? miles on it, and it shows. The radiator is also leaking, so I just picked up a new one off ebay for $78 shipped. That should conclude the engine work for awhile. The trans and diffs oil need to be changed here soon too.
01-13-2012, 09:58 PM
The radiator works great, now the CEL is on. Yay!!
01-14-2012, 01:03 AM
Hopefully it is not major. Keeping my fingers crossed.
01-15-2012, 01:17 AM
It's a misfire cylinder #2. It's not the plug, wire, cap/rotor, or the injector. Compression test was only 78psi. It's not eating oil, so it's a bad valve. I'll look for some used valves and swap them out later on.
02-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Spotted this gorgeous Typhoon whilst in Seattle this weekend
02-01-2012, 01:39 PM
That's a fine looking automobile good sir
02-01-2012, 01:46 PM
That's a fine looking automobile good sir
He lives! Yeah, saw it and though of this thread. Thing was spotless... lights are the only turnoff but easy to replace...
02-01-2012, 09:11 PM
I need to fix this damn thing!! I dont have a lot of extra income flowing in, so thats killing me. Its killing me even more that I have a $10k truck just sitting there that I bought not that long ago. Now, Im moving next door, school is in full force, kid on the way, kid I have now, and a wife thats going to pop within 3 months.
Just going to fix the engine with what the parts that I have. Then Im only going to repaint it, then focus on the suspension and brakes and then work on tuning. Should be around 400awhp with about 18-20 psi.
02-02-2012, 07:14 AM
He lives! Yeah, saw it and though of this thread. Thing was spotless... lights are the only turnoff but easy to replace...
Looks like a transformer with contact lenses
Shaolin Crane
02-02-2012, 08:21 AM
I need to fix this damn thing!! I dont have a lot of extra income flowing in, so thats killing me. Its killing me even more that I have a $10k truck just sitting there that I bought not that long ago. Now, Im moving next door, school is in full force, kid on the way, kid I have now, and a wife thats going to pop within 3 months.
Just going to fix the engine with what the parts that I have. Then Im only going to repaint it, then focus on the suspension and brakes and then work on tuning. Should be around 400awhp with about 18-20 psi.
Paint it last.
02-03-2012, 12:12 AM
I wont paint it for awhile. I want to put a cowl hood on it, maybe, then paint it. I kinda want to mold the widebody parts to the actually body for a cleaner look.
02-20-2012, 12:15 PM
I finally pulled the head off of the Typhoon and found I did the same thing to this that I did to my Eclipse, I broke a piston. Like the Eclipse, the missing piece is long gone and made no damage to anything. So I got a used piston with rings for $40 shipped. Now Im waitng for a vendor on the Typhoon boards to get me a price on all the gaskets I need. So those new pistons I bought are just going to be put on hold for awhile, until my motor blows up again. Which knowing my luck, isnt too far down the road. As long as its after the wife goes back to work, thats fine with me.
Shaolin Crane
02-20-2012, 07:05 PM
Call Ed's for a price on the parts...
02-20-2012, 08:22 PM
Im gonna have to, none of the Typhoon vendors are responding to me. If I dont get anything by the end of tomorrow, Ill call them Wednesday.
02-23-2012, 07:26 PM
Guy, I got all the gaskets from them but the plenum gasket, which no one has, not even the dealership. Ended up cutting out my own, mad tight custom yo!!! It's not perfect, but will definitely work. Got my new/used piston in today, thing looks brand new actually. Now I'm just waiting for my head gasket to come in and I need new radiator hoses. If I don't get anything from summitracing about my head gasket tomorrow morning, I'll just pick one up from Ed's when I pick up my other gaskets tomorrow. I might actually get this thing running this weekend.
Shaolin Crane
02-23-2012, 07:47 PM
Ed's is the shit.
02-23-2012, 10:34 PM
Fuck, I forgot I broke the EGR valve and I haven't ordered one yet. Hopefully Ed's has one or can get one quick.
Shaolin Crane
02-23-2012, 11:44 PM
Most parts are within the hour, if you call before 9 they can have it by 11:30, so on and so forth.
02-24-2012, 06:58 PM
This truck is giving me a headache. I have to drop the front axle to get the oil pan off. I have one bolt that is just killing me right now. The nut is inside the frame and I can't hold the wrench and turn the ratchet at the same time.
02-25-2012, 11:20 PM
The axle is not easy to pull out at all, I have to disassemble half of the front end to get it out. I should have the motor pulled out tomorrow and I'll be replacing both head gaskets. I might just have the block bored out for the new pistons since I have it out already.
Shaolin Crane
02-26-2012, 01:25 AM
IIRC it's about $110-120 for a bore package from Pacific Engine.
02-26-2012, 11:56 AM
I better tear the engine down then.
02-26-2012, 10:08 PM
All of those pieces fell out as soon as I pushed the piston out. Im going to look closer at the cylinder walls, I might just bore it out anyways. I have to have the wrist pins pressed out and in the new piston anyways, might as well have them pressed into the new ones.
Shaolin Crane
02-26-2012, 10:30 PM
Yeah its cheap, like $3 a piston to have them hung.
I'd see what they can hook you up with as far as the whole shortblock.
02-26-2012, 11:04 PM
Could you please? This motor was a bitch to pull out and I really don't want to do it again unless I absolutely have to. I would like to just have them do the bottom end, the heads look just fine actually.
02-27-2012, 09:28 AM
I have to get the cylinders bored out. There is some unusual wear where the bad part of the piston was. Its not bad, but I really dont want to pull thos motor again.
Shaolin Crane
02-27-2012, 10:36 AM
Did you buy new rods yet? If not might be time to just ante up and get some. Even if it means it sits for a bit more.
02-27-2012, 10:13 PM
Do you have to use a special pulley puller for the A/C compressor? I want to clean up and paint the huge bracket it sits on but the pulley is in the way of the bolts. I did the water pump and p/s bracket already.
02-28-2012, 07:01 PM
Dropping the motor off on Thursday.
Shaolin Crane
02-28-2012, 10:03 PM
Do you have to use a special pulley puller for the A/C compressor? I want to clean up and paint the huge bracket it sits on but the pulley is in the way of the bolts. I did the water pump and p/s bracket already.
You can use a 3 prong puller but go VERY slow so you dont damage the magnet.
02-29-2012, 10:25 AM
Do you just use a rubber mallet to tap it back on? Ive never had to do this with any of the imports Ive worked on.
Shaolin Crane
02-29-2012, 05:41 PM
You got it.
02-29-2012, 11:57 PM
Do you have that puller that I can borrow? Im getting tired of buying all of these pullers.
A side note: almost broke my left big toe today. I was taking the other head off and it was stuck on the alignment pins. So I broke one loose, and I was working on the other one and it just popped off. The end that hit my foot has a 4"-5" stud sticking out of it and its about the size of a pencil and that part hit the outside edge of my toe. It put a hole in my new shoe and through my sock as well. If it were a 1/2" to the left, would have hit right in the middle of my toe and defenitely would have broke it. These iron heads are fucking heavy heavy!
I did get the motor in the back of the Jeep and Im dropping it off in the AM.
Shaolin Crane
03-01-2012, 09:44 AM
I have a puller you can borrow.
03-01-2012, 09:47 PM
I forgot to ask you for it when I was up there. Ill get it from you when I pick the motor up. Can you have them go ahead and replace the oil pump and the timing gears. If the lifters are fairly cheap, have them replace them too please. I might bring the heads up next week. If I need to call them, I will.
Shaolin Crane
03-02-2012, 12:45 AM
Best for you to call and let them know.
03-07-2012, 10:21 AM
Picked up the motor today, and it looks great. After class today, Ill be very busy putting everything back together. Might even be able to take it to Nick's this weekend.
03-07-2012, 11:56 PM
I got most of the engine put back together today. I lost a head bolt, no clue how since they were in their own box. Should have it put together tomorrow for sure. Im hoping to take it to Nick's Saurday. All the powder coating looks awsome though, thanks a million Guy. Ill put some pics up tomorrow night of everything.
03-08-2012, 11:13 PM
Anyone local have a timing light I can borrow tomorrow (Friday)??
03-11-2012, 10:37 PM
I got it installed and everything, but I cant get it to start up for the life of me. I have fuel, spark and everything, but it wont start. Ive checked the distributor and plug wire order several times and nothing. The best I got was at first when I had 2 of them out of order. This sucks!
Shaolin Crane
03-11-2012, 10:45 PM
Make sure you prime the fuel system first
03-12-2012, 10:08 AM
It is, the fuel pump kicks on as soon as you turn the key to the on position and even stayson for about 15 seconds after you turn the key off.
Shaolin Crane
03-12-2012, 11:10 AM
What i mean is, just because the fuel system is working doesnt mean its primed. If you didnt let it pressurize fully then every time you crank you're losing pressure. Cycle the key on and off for about 15 times making sure the let the fuel pump run completely each time.
03-12-2012, 04:55 PM
Ill try that. I recall smelling fuel from the exhaust though, dotn remember though. Ill try that now.
Boosten ya
03-14-2012, 03:17 PM
Any luck on getting her up and running?
03-15-2012, 10:41 PM
Ended up being I didnt set my valve lash correctly. The valves were stuck up a bit. Truck runs great right now. I still have some things on the interior I need to put back together. I need to hook up my AEM gauges and what not.
Boosten ya
03-16-2012, 06:13 AM
Nice glad to hear shes up and running
03-16-2012, 08:57 AM
I just need to run this old gas as low as possible and then fill her up with fresh gas. I get some knock here and there, nothing major though.
Boosten ya
03-16-2012, 10:06 AM
Add a couple gals of e85. No more knock up the boost a little and add more timing you will be amazed with it.
03-16-2012, 10:56 AM
The E85 station is taking forever being built, seems like they just stopped all together. So crap 91 will be my choice for awhile.
03-16-2012, 11:59 AM
Add a couple gals of e85. No more knock up the boost a little and add more timing you will be amazed with it.
Wouldn't that make the engine run lean since E85 has a different stoichiometric ratio than gasoline?
Boosten ya
03-16-2012, 12:14 PM
Yes. You obviously have to tune for e85. And update your fuel lines.
Shaolin Crane
03-16-2012, 12:15 PM
Yeah, he's better off running a little race fuel mixed with the bad gas to "clear it up" until he gets some fresh fuel. I'd never run e85 without a proper tune for it
03-16-2012, 05:43 PM
I wouldnt run straight E85 for awhile, Id just mix it to get either 93 or 96 octane. Quite a few guys run 93 with no problems. I mixed it when I was in NE and I had around 96 octane and it ran great. I only have about a 1/4 tank right now, so it wont take me long to get rid of it. I dropped the inlaws off at LAX today and that knocked it down there pretty good.
Shaolin Crane
03-16-2012, 05:53 PM
Be careful with the purity of CA E85
03-16-2012, 10:13 PM
Working on hooking up both of my gauges and my new amp and sub. Should be done tomorrow morning.
03-17-2012, 09:48 AM
I wouldnt run straight E85 for awhile, Id just mix it to get either 93 or 96 octane. Quite a few guys run 93 with no problems. I mixed it when I was in NE and I had around 96 octane and it ran great. I only have about a 1/4 tank right now, so it wont take me long to get rid of it. I dropped the inlaws off at LAX today and that knocked it down there pretty good.
How does this work? Do you have an article which you could point me to?
03-17-2012, 10:01 AM <-----This should really have its own thread.
03-17-2012, 10:26 AM <-----This should really have its own thread.
So I put Lowest: 91 Highest:105 (that's what I found E85 octane to be, online) To achieve 93 octane. Does that sounds correct?
03-17-2012, 09:14 PM
And put in how many gallons you tank holds.
03-18-2012, 01:52 PM
Just put some 91 octane in and gave it a couple good romps, feels much smoother now.
03-18-2012, 03:38 PM
Just did 2 boost launches and its a 1000 times better. Lit up all 4 tires both times launching at 6psi off the line. Too bad there is no race track to go to now, well, none that arent within 3 hours. Might have to go to SD.
Boosten ya
03-19-2012, 06:02 AM
Glad to hear she is great man.
Boosten ya
03-19-2012, 06:04 AM
How does this work? Do you have an article which you could point me to?
03-19-2012, 05:40 PM
My StreetFire ignition box and MSD coil both went out today, no idea how. Luckily I was across the parking lot of an AutoZone and I picked up a new coil for $45. Truck fired right up and even idles better than before.
Shaolin Crane
03-19-2012, 08:17 PM
MSD=May Suddenly Die
03-19-2012, 09:32 PM
I didnt get any pics of the engine assembled before I dropped it in, but here are what I have (excuse the mess):
Shaolin Crane
03-19-2012, 10:33 PM
Cleaner then my shop :huh:
How about some pics of it put back together. For my book.
03-19-2012, 11:03 PM
The garage looks much better now. no more oil. Scrubbed the crap out of it with a gallon of Simple Green.
Ill take some pics tomorrow after I mount the new coil. I just hooked it up so I could drive to school and back.
03-20-2012, 11:42 AM
The sun makes it kinda hard to se whats powder coated and painted, but here is what I got:
Shaolin Crane
03-20-2012, 03:39 PM
Does the a/c need to be charged?
03-20-2012, 10:00 PM
You money hound! Yes it does.
Shaolin Crane
03-21-2012, 12:45 AM
Ha, was just asking.
03-21-2012, 08:32 AM
How much? I had to drain the whole system.
Shaolin Crane
03-21-2012, 10:29 AM
Same price as always $100 flat plus parts. Hit up ed's for a drier, unless you want to risk running the old one. For $35 its cheap insurance. Then where ever you can find some r12. There's a bunch on CL usually. If you find a buttload for cheap i'll go in on some cans with you since I need some for the 88
03-21-2012, 05:19 PM
I think mine was converted, Ill have to look again though.
Shaolin Crane
03-21-2012, 05:38 PM
How well did it work? Usually the conversion sucks cause the compressor cant move the r134 the same way as r12
03-21-2012, 08:15 PM
It actually worked really good. So Ill look for r12.
03-21-2012, 08:25 PM
Ill look for some and I have to wait a bit to have you do it since I had to buy a new phone today.
Shaolin Crane
03-21-2012, 09:02 PM
Buy the r12 and i'll fill it and we'll take care of the payment later. It's getting hot so we'll keep you from sweating.
03-21-2012, 10:29 PM
I found two people fairly local that have r12 and quite a few on ebay.
Shaolin Crane
03-21-2012, 10:49 PM
People are always tossing them on CL, sometimes cheap, sometimes a buttload.
03-22-2012, 08:42 AM
I ordered my dryer last night.
Shaolin Crane
03-22-2012, 08:44 AM
Very nice
03-23-2012, 03:54 PM
Ive been trying to figure out why I couldnt go above 10.5psi ever since I got the truck running again. Earlier today when I started the truck to go to school, something sounded like it was rubbing and then it just stopped. Okay, so I went to school. Went to look and see what the noise was and I found a good chunk of my fan shroud missing. I also checked my air filter to see how dirty it was, its not that old at all, and it was soaked in oil from before. Ran it without the filter and bam, 14.5-15psi, like its supposed to do. Soaking filter in some dish soap right now.
Boosten ya
03-23-2012, 04:07 PM
Why was the filter covered in oil?
03-23-2012, 06:47 PM
From the valve cover that had the blown piston, a lot of oil mist was blowing out of the vent which goes into the air intake tube directly on the air filter. I cleaned a bunch of oil out of the tubing but I guess I never cleaned the filter.
Boosten ya
03-26-2012, 06:47 AM
Oh that makes since now lol I would just replace the filter and not worry about it any more.
03-26-2012, 07:56 AM
I would but it's a K&N that I had to order.
04-13-2012, 10:48 PM
Today my truck almost went up in flames, well it seemed like it. The wiring for the alarm to the horn for the alarm and the horn itself decided it wanted to short out inside the horn and cooked pretty good. No clue how it happened, just driving down the street, almost home. So now my alarm has no horn.
05-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Finally found a swaybar from a newer Blazer 2 door and and made a huge difference. Best $50 mod so far.
05-04-2012, 09:37 PM
Finally found a swaybar from a newer Blazer 2 door and and made a huge difference. Best $50 mod so far.
I ain't gonna lie. That little romp to just 100mph was a little nerve wracking the way that weight was shifting around. Coming from the low and hard sprung Vette where I can take a nap at 100mph I felt like we were going to take flight. (Though I think Olivia was actually asleep. :smack:)
05-05-2012, 12:04 AM
It was a bit unstable, it's a lot better now. I haven't done a good off ramp/on ramp test yet, but so far so good.
Shaolin Crane
05-05-2012, 03:04 AM
It needs a panhard style brace in the back to cure washyness, a swaybar will only bandaid the problem.
05-05-2012, 01:15 PM
It needs a panhard style brace in the back to cure washyness, a swaybar will only bandaid the problem.
^^^ This X a billion... that was the best mod to my old S-10 ever. granted I had very little weight over the ass end but it helps alot. And I don't know what kind of shocks you are running, but I had some Bilsteins on mine. They came stock on S-10 and blazer 'extreme' models. They are pretty decent for stock replacements. I only took mine off when I put on the 5/5 drop and they weren't short enough.
05-05-2012, 09:29 PM
Where did you get it from?
05-05-2012, 09:37 PM
Which? The shocks? I had a 2002 4.3liter auto S-10 extreme to begin with... but guys sell the take off bilsteins for decent prices. And I had almost 100k miles on mine and they were rock solid. Or you can do a beltech drop and be real low with some bad ass shocks. Also the extremes come with some heftier sway bars than stock s-10s did as I recall. Either way the pan hard bar suggestion will help handling more than a drop or shocks. The springs on the back of the Chevy mini trucks are more for comfort than for anything else. The rear end has a tendency to wrap so you have to stabilize that first, before you go for power or handling really.
Shaolin Crane
05-05-2012, 09:51 PM
Any panhard brace is probably custom made, there's a dude in rancho that makes them for the lightnings, all years, i'm sure he can do one for you. I'll ask my buddy how to get a hold of him.
05-05-2012, 10:16 PM
Can he do a watts link? A lot of s-10 guys run a watts setup instead of a pan hard. I had a 1inch panhard on mine and it worked ok but if I get an s-10 again in the future I would do a watts linkage if I kept the leaf springs, instead of going with a 3 link like I really want.
05-06-2012, 12:24 AM
I can do anything the 2 door guys do. Not many Typhoon guys do much as far as corner handling. The guys that do probably work for a shop. I don't want to go crazy with the suspension, but front coil overs will be done to get rid of the torsion bars and all that's related with them.
Shaolin Crane
05-06-2012, 02:42 AM
Personally i swould run a panhard bar
05-06-2012, 10:03 PM
Im researching those, but no one of the S10 forum has either for performance reasons. They just use them for their airbags.
05-07-2012, 09:06 AM
Im researching those, but no one of the S10 forum has either for performance reasons. They just use them for their airbags.
Thats cuz no one mods s10s for handling... but panhards bars, in principle, work well on other solid axle vehicles to aid in keeping the axle under control.
05-07-2012, 07:50 PM
What about something like his:
05-09-2012, 08:42 AM
That looks sweet. A buddy of mine ran a similar kit with airbags on his Blazer/S10.
Shaolin Crane
05-09-2012, 09:54 AM
Try and find something that mounts to a spot other then the cover. Honestly wouldnt be hard to make a panhard bar for it. Maybe Ron or John wants to make a little cash and make you one? Dont want to sound like i'm volunteering them, if i was a better welder I would.
05-09-2012, 11:45 AM
I'll probably go with a panhard bar, but I really do like the Watts bar.
05-09-2012, 01:55 PM
I would not trust how they mount to the diff cover.
What axle do you have now? 10 bolt, 12 bolt?
05-09-2012, 11:21 PM
10 bolt.
05-11-2012, 08:14 PM
I give up. I changed out the belt, power steering pump and then the steering box and the problem still persists. The belt appears to be plenty tight, power steering fluid level is good. The a/c is off as well. Screaching noise only starts when I'm barely moving and making a turn say into a parking stall, when the steering wheel is turned 50-75% in either direction. Doesn't make the noise if I'm not moving at all and doesn't make the noise if I'm driving at street speed.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem could be? Anything I need to check?
05-16-2012, 11:07 AM
Got tired of the ugly ass chrome tail lights and bought these:
05-24-2012, 02:29 PM
Finally lowered it. Backed the adjustment screws all the way out in the torsion keys and 3" drop blocks in the rear. Then I aired up the rear air shocks to raise it up just a bit to match the front.
05-24-2012, 02:53 PM
Looking good. I like the stance and the lights!
05-24-2012, 05:02 PM
It's looking better but not there yet. Still needs new wheels/tires, coil overs for the front, better rear suspension setup, front brakes, brake lines, and whatever else comes up.
I did just do an electric fan conversion as well. Engine runs much smoother with it.
07-03-2012, 10:36 PM
Next bundle of great news I have is I somehow spun a bearing or two. Low oil pressure and engine knocking means I get to pull the motor again.
75% sure I'm going to sell it after this.
I just can't win with this thing. If I don't sell it, which I probably won't because I'll puss out when the time comes, I just won't drive it.
07-05-2012, 06:10 PM
Damn near got this motor out. Just need to pull the wires off the starter and then undo the motor mounts and then pull that bitch out. Depending on how I feel, I might have it out today, tomorrow for sure. Then yank the oil pan off, then the mains, and see what the bearings look like and the crank.
Shaolin Crane
07-06-2012, 02:40 AM
Me thinks if its knocking its a rod bearing, not a main bearing
07-06-2012, 09:31 AM
I'll have to motor out today and start pulling it apart.
I'm just going to take my time with it this time. New tq converter, solid motor mounts (brand new rubber ones already wearing out), new plugs, wires, clean the crap out of the engine bay and maybe paint it, new fan controller with variable speeds and whatever else I can think of to make it run better.
I might ditch the liquid to air intercooler and run an air to air instead. Or at least run them both.
07-06-2012, 10:59 AM
PM Sent about pressure washer.
Shaolin Crane
07-06-2012, 11:23 AM
I would not run both. Pull the pan and verify what is wrong before doing any other work.
07-06-2012, 07:17 PM
Pulled the engine today, pulled the oil pan and found this:
Look by the plug and the opposite side, there are slivers of copper something. There was also some copper slivers stuck in the oil pickup tube screen. I pulled all of the rod bearings off and they all looked fine. Tomorrow the crank comes off.
07-07-2012, 04:58 PM
All 4 main bearings are gone. Rod bearing look fine but I'll replace them anyways. I have a Mallard normal oil pump, going to get the bigger one this time.
Should I pull the cam too to check the bearings?
Shaolin Crane
07-07-2012, 05:30 PM
Cam should be fine. But no reason not to check it.
07-07-2012, 06:51 PM
All 4 main bearings are gone. Rod bearing look fine but I'll replace them anyways. I have a Mallard normal oil pump, going to get the bigger one this time.
Should I pull the cam too to check the bearings?
You are already this deep just check it out.
07-07-2012, 07:54 PM
I'm gonna pull it out one of these days before I put it back together.
07-07-2012, 07:56 PM
Cam should be fine. But no reason not to check it.
Oh, the oil pump they use is a Melling Select? I guess it's normal flow, high pressure. So I'll be looking into that.
07-17-2012, 11:17 PM
Dropped the crank off today. He wasn't sure if they can fix it or not, hopefully they can. I'll be getting aluminum bearings this time, he said they are stronger and cheaper at the same time. Works for me!
07-18-2012, 05:15 PM
Honestly, I thought I had bad luck with cars. I can't believe how much crap keeps landing on your plate between stuff breaking and cars crashing and you just keep shoveling through it. Good luck with everything
07-18-2012, 08:13 PM
At least with things breaking, I understand why. I don't drive like a pussy, I beat the shit out of my vehicles. I hate it when it happens, but I honestly can't complain about it. It's all about that 1 day that it runs great and makes you forget about all the bs you had to deal with to get to that point.
I'm seriously thinking about putting the motor back together and just leaving it on the engine stand! Shit won't break that way. Knowing my luck, my engine stand will.
07-18-2012, 08:48 PM
At least with things breaking, I understand why. I don't drive like a pussy, I beat the shit out of my vehicles. I hate it when it happens, but I honestly can't complain about it. It's all about that 1 day that it runs great and makes you forget about all the bs you had to deal with to get to that point.
I'm seriously thinking about putting the motor back together and just leaving it on the engine stand! Shit won't break that way. Knowing my luck, my engine stand will.
That's how I feel. Drive it till it breaks. That way you know what's weak and you can make it better. I love the first drive after you fix the car. It makes me fall in love all over again with the car.
07-19-2012, 12:01 AM
The only problem about replacing the broken part(s) with better stuff is the weaker link moves to something else and that will fail. It's just a domino effect.
07-19-2012, 12:17 AM
This is how I'm going to do my air to air intercooler setup:
08-02-2012, 04:53 PM
I finally got my crankshaft back today, now the work begins.
08-09-2012, 04:45 PM
I finally spent some time in the garage today putting shit back together and sweating my ass off. Made good progress.
Excuse the tools and crap all over the floor.
08-09-2012, 11:47 PM
That is quite the colorful motor.
08-10-2012, 07:34 AM
I don't care for the yellow alternator, and the red manifolds look a lot better than the rusty pieces they were. I want to paint he alternator silver, but Ive never pulled the casing apart on one before.
Shaolin Crane
08-10-2012, 08:50 AM
I just paint them together, the paint wont harm the coils inside.
08-10-2012, 10:36 AM
I know what I'm doing today then.
08-12-2012, 08:09 AM
Haven't checked in here in a while. That is a rainbow motor for sure :p Love the typhoons and syclones though. I've never seen on in person sadly :( Next time you to go to cars and coffee I'd like to know, would love to check the beast out.
08-12-2012, 09:04 PM
Hopefully I can have it done by next month. I really need to get it done, even though Im not really doing it the way I really want to. My parts list so far is pushing $1k. New front propshaft is half of that though.
08-25-2012, 11:06 PM
Just waiting for my abs delete, ecu, and tq converter to come in and I'll be dropping the motor back in. Should get all of that in by Wednesday and I plan on having it running by the end of next weekend. Can't wait.
08-27-2012, 11:20 PM
Good luck.
Shaolin Crane
08-28-2012, 12:13 PM
Why would you want an ABS delete?
08-28-2012, 02:10 PM
Several people have had the ABS unit "fail" at the time when you need it most. It happened to me once where the ABS just let off all pressure when a car in front of me slammed on their brakes. Luckily I was able to pull into a parking lot instead of their ass. Plus I'm changing the brake lines with braided lines, what a better time to do it. It cleared up so much room too and lost about 15lbs at the same time.
09-10-2012, 01:58 PM
Retorqued all of my head bolts, readjusted my valve lashing yesterday. Got my hoses that I need for my oil lines today, so I'll be dropping the motor in later today, finally.
09-10-2012, 08:40 PM
Got the motor in, actually went really smooth this time.
09-13-2012, 11:31 PM
She will breath once again tomorrow. Worked on it damn near all day today. Just need a battery charger and then take it to the muffler shop.
09-19-2012, 08:08 PM
Ran into some setbacks, but I making ground slowly. Solved my major problem with a slight upgrade:
Compare those to the pics a few posts above.
09-22-2012, 08:07 PM
Took this pic right before it started getting dark out:
09-24-2012, 09:04 AM
So does that mean it's running?
Shaolin Crane
09-24-2012, 09:41 AM
For now :)
09-24-2012, 11:30 AM
It does, just need to take it to the Muffler Man this week and get the new downpipe done and the turbo to intercooler pipe made. I need to call him right now actually.
Goes in Wednesday, can't wait to actually drive this POS again. Which I'll need to get with Guy and do my AC.
09-26-2012, 10:05 PM
My truck is in the hands of the Muffler Man, he is going to make me a happy person. He saw the turbo and said "that's a huge turbo.". A GT3788R isn't small by no means. Sounded awesome driving over there. Can't wait to hear it spooled up.
Shaolin Crane
09-26-2012, 11:17 PM
I'm going to try and set some time aside to do your a/c and Ben's this weekend providing i have an adequate workspace to work on both your rides. This way I can save un-needed trips. I'm going to try and confirm with Ben, if I can remember to in the morning.
09-26-2012, 11:28 PM
No major rush on mine, don't plan on driving it much to be honest. Can't break anything if I don't drive it.
Shaolin Crane
09-27-2012, 12:05 AM
If I do both i'll plan a day to drive down. If I only have one to do then well, I can use thag time fore more productive things around here. Coordinate it with Ben if you want it done, if not then say the word and i'll schedule to pull the cobras motor this weekend.
09-27-2012, 08:50 AM
Let me find out what the wife's schedule is like this weekend and I'll let you know. If she is off, I'll come up then.
10-01-2012, 09:51 PM
I got the truck back today. Everything came out great except they forgot to put the O2 bung and O2 sensor back in, so it needs to go back in, no big deal. I need to check my valve lash and make sure all the plugs are getting spark tomorrow, idle is really rough. The turbo to interooler pipe looks great, had the BOV connection added on. The downpipe lookes great, full 3" downpipe and exhaust with the cat. Almost there.
10-02-2012, 10:58 PM
Just got done putting the engine back together after adjusting the valves again. They were too tight. I only went 1/4 turn past 0 lash instead of 3/4 turn and it runs smooth as hell now. Going to the muffler shop tomorrow morning to get the O2 sensor installed and then let the fun begin!
I'm getting used to adjusting valves now.
10-03-2012, 11:40 AM
Truck is done and runs great.
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