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07-26-2011, 10:24 PM
The Best Cars For People Who Can't Park
Can't fit your car between the white lines? Try these vehicles. (http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1107_best_cars_for_people_who_can_t_park/index.html)It can happen to even the most careful driver: hurriedly squeezing into a parking space, you hear the sickening crunch of plastic scraping against another vehicle or object. No driving trip is complete without parking a vehicle, but it can be a chore that perplexes everyone from driving school graduates to middle-age commuters.

Photo Gallery: The Best Cars For People Who Can't Park - Automobile Magazine (http://www.automobilemag.com/features/news/1107_best_cars_for_people_who_can_t_park/index.html)

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Redondo Jon
07-27-2011, 04:17 AM
It’s because parking spaces have shrunk. Well, crappy drivers too but…

07-27-2011, 04:22 AM
It’s because parking spaces have shrunk. Well, crappy drivers too but…

Yeah, the civil engineers who cooked up the compact space should be water boarded. It's almost funny. You drive into these lots with tons of compact space and there is a significant percentage of double parking because people can't fit very well. This was some asshole's idea of encouraging smaller cars or lots that needed to list a higher number of spaces, it's BS.

Small White Car
07-27-2011, 09:30 AM
The issue with 'compact' spaces is a little trickier than one may think, most of the time it's done in order to fulfill a zoning law that says if you add ANY type of floor space, you MUST add parking spaces so if you want to expand your storage closets, you'll need additional parking spaces so don't blame the engineers completely.

You know who you can blame completely...

That damned housecow in her in her giant SUV who figures that an open parking space is an open parking space even if it only an inch wider than her Moommy mobile and sends her little fat kids into the McDonalds to complain about her fries being cold while she sits on her giant ass with a phone attached to her ear.

Shaolin Crane
07-27-2011, 10:10 AM
Here is the best vehicle for people who cant park

07-27-2011, 11:26 AM
lol SWC

07-27-2011, 12:55 PM
The issue with 'compact' spaces is a little trickier than one may think, most of the time it's done in order to fulfill a zoning law that says if you add ANY type of floor space, you MUST add parking spaces so if you want to expand your storage closets, you'll need additional parking spaces so don't blame the engineers completely. . .

I didn't. I said: "or lots that needed to list a higher number of spaces."

Abolish zoning laws. They are (another) crime against humanity.

07-27-2011, 01:27 PM
My friend lives in an apartment complex where I do not even feel comfortable parking my mustang in some of the spots. My F-150 goes not even fit in a bunch of the. The spots are totally stupid. I know why they do it but 5 cars end up fitting in 6 spots anyway.

Redondo Jon
07-27-2011, 07:50 PM
Small White Car:
"That damned housecow in her in her giant SUV who figures that an open parking space is an open parking space even if it only an inch wider than her Moommy mobile and sends her little fat kids into the McDonalds to complain about her fries being cold while she sits on her giant ass with a phone attached to her ear". :rolling:

I needed a good laugh today; thanks for that.

07-27-2011, 08:28 PM
I can't stand those idiots who back into parking stalls and it's not even close and don't bother to park like a descent human being. You know, those lazy bastards that go the wrong way down a parking lot driveway to get that spot that's 2 or 3 stalls closer to Walmart.

Shaolin Crane
07-28-2011, 12:26 AM
I can't stand those idiots who back into parking stalls and it's not even close and don't bother to park like a descent human being. You know, those lazy bastards that go the wrong way down a parking lot driveway to get that spot that's 2 or 3 stalls closer to Walmart.

Try driving a crew cab long bed super duty. More times than not its easier to back into spots then it is to pull in head first, i can typically getting in straighter and closer to the edge of an end spot than if i pull in head first.

07-28-2011, 01:57 AM
If I was you, I'd just park way in the back and call it good. I'm talking about the morons that have small cars and back in all jacked up.

07-28-2011, 02:40 AM
Try driving a crew cab long bed super duty. More times than not its easier to back into spots then it is to pull in head first, i can typically getting in straighter and closer to the edge of an end spot than if i pull in head first.

So could everybody else if they could drive. It's "rear wheel" steering when going backwards.

Which brings me to another piss off. Who is the dark hearted lover of the living satan who cooked up the no "backing into spots" idea?

Shaolin Crane
07-28-2011, 02:54 AM
If I was you, I'd just park way in the back and call it good. I'm talking about the morons that have small cars and back in all jacked up.

I always park as far away as possible, walking does the body good. However, if a lot is packed, doesnt matter where i park
So could everybody else if they could drive. It's "rear wheel" steering when going backwards.

Which brings me to another piss off. Who is the dark hearted lover of the living satan who cooked up the no "backing into spots" idea?

BP, Shell, Chevron, PCL, Unocal, Weld-it, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Nasa, Dryden etc etc etc All have a mandatory back in policy, 1 strike and you're gone type of strictness

Small White Car
07-28-2011, 09:28 AM
"Which brings me to another piss off. Who is the dark hearted lover of the living satan who cooked up the no 'backing into spots' idea?"

I would imagine it has something to do with registration or some other such nonsense your employer feels it's their duty to keep tabs on or it could be a throwback to the times before FWD was popular, make it easy for the tow truck to haul you out.