View Full Version : August run?

Small White Car
07-26-2011, 06:38 PM
So has anyone thought of something for August yet?

I know I'm the new guy almost none of you have met but I enjoyed the parts of the runs I've been able to make, ACH and Baldy to Crystal Lake and it's getting towards the end of July and I hadn't seen anything up anywhere so I was just wonderin'.

Anyone thought of a night run?

There are two overlapping meteor showers in the next couple of weeks, might be good for small groups though, you guys pull a pretty good turn out!


07-26-2011, 07:00 PM
So has anyone thought of something for August yet?

I know I'm the new guy almost none of you have met but I enjoyed the parts of the runs I've been able to make, ACH and Baldy to Crystal Lake and it's getting towards the end of July and I hadn't seen anything up anywhere so I was just wonderin'.

Anyone thought of a night run?

There are two overlapping meteor showers in the next couple of weeks, might be good for small groups though, you guys pull a pretty good turn out!


I think we are gonna do rim of the world next month. After that i'm not sure.

I love the idea of a night run.

07-26-2011, 07:04 PM
August 14 is Rim of the World. The thread will go up within a day or so. The night run sounds really cool, we have done one before, but I don't think we can pull it off with everything going on right now.

07-26-2011, 09:28 PM
August 14 is Rim of the World. The thread will go up within a day or so. The night run sounds really cool, we have done one before, but I don't think we can pull it off with everything going on right now.

A night run over 74 is a good one. Used to do it on the Harley in the Eightys.:judge: