View Full Version : Fab FORDS at Knotts.

03-27-2009, 04:43 PM
I'm going. Who else wants to meet up there and look at the really good cars?:drink:

03-27-2009, 04:45 PM
I'm going. Who else wants to meet up there and look at the really good cars?:drink:

I'll meet up with you.

03-27-2009, 04:50 PM
I'll meet up with you.

Ok, that's one.:thumbs_up:

03-27-2009, 04:54 PM
I'll at least go. I was hoping to have RX-Snake in some sort of showable condition, but that's looking a bit dubious.

BTW, you can use our super awesome Event system to let anyone who sees the calendar know. Like so:

Ok, it's not super awesome yet, but it basically works.

03-27-2009, 04:59 PM
Ponyboy just said he is going.:rolleyes2:

That's two.:drink:

03-27-2009, 05:02 PM
I'll at least go. I was hoping to have RX-Snake in some sort of showable condition, but that's looking a bit dubious.

BTW, you can use our super awesome Event system to let anyone who sees the calendar know. Like so:

Ok, it's not super awesome yet, but it basically works.

You sure it works?

I tried to use it to add my name to yours and Seans, no go.

Why I'm doing it this way, is get everyone in one group if possible. :drink:

03-27-2009, 09:04 PM
You sure it works?

I tried to use it to add my name to yours and Seans, no go.

Why I'm doing it this way, is get everyone in one group if possible. :drink:

I'll be there. Not sure if I'm showing or not though. I want to be free to take pictures and what not. I'll meet up with you guys though. What time?

03-27-2009, 09:30 PM
I am at least going. I already sent in my registration form so we will see if I will be showing off Yazmine or not.

03-28-2009, 10:44 AM
I am at least going. I already sent in my registration form so we will see if I will be showing off Yazmine or not.

Show off, with your pretty Yellow car. It least I'll be able to find it.:bigthumbsup:

Don't know what time yet. It will be before opening, but not too early. Maybe breakfast before?:drink:

03-28-2009, 12:25 PM
Show off, with your pretty Yellow car. It least I'll be able to find it.:bigthumbsup:

Don't know what time yet. It will be before opening, but not too early. Maybe breakfast before?:drink:

Sure, let me know what you decide. I'll add the info to event on the calendar :drink:

03-28-2009, 01:06 PM
Sure, let me know what you decide. I'll add the info to event on the calendar :drink:

We could meet at a Denny's close to Knotts. If I remember correctly, they let regular 'People" in around 10 am. What time do the "show offs" have to be there?:p

They let the show offs in till 10:01 AM.

I'll have the T-bird that day. Hopefully I'll get some tires on it by then.:rolleyes2:

03-28-2009, 01:14 PM
Here's some info that MAYBE helpful.:drink:
Fabulous Fords Forever at Knott's

Fequently Asked Questions
Q. I would like to bring my dog -- are dogs allowed?
A. Small, friendly dogs are allowed, but they must be leashed or left inside the vehicle (with open windows and water, of course). Owners of large or intimidating dogs will be asked to leave if there are any complaints or incidents. If you have a large or intimidating dog, for the safety and enjoyment of other participants and spectators, please leave them at home or with a caretaker.
Q. I want to register for the 2009 Fabulous Fords Forever -- for what date is it scheduled, and when can I register?
A. The 24th Annual Fabulous Fords Forever will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2009. You must have your registration form postmarked by April 6 and received shortly after. Register early, as we often sell out before that deadline.
There is no on-site regisratation
regardless of any no-shows that may occur.
Q. I plan to be a show spectator, can I get in for free?
A. Yes and No. Show admission is free to spectators. However, the most convenient parking available is in the main entrance of Knott's Berry Farm, (Southbound Beach Boulevard across Beach Boulevard from the show) and the parking fee is approximately $10 (subject to change without notice). If that lot is full, there are other Knott's lots that may require you to pay the same fee. Spectator hours are 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Q. I will be participating in the show this year. What time is it over? When can we leave?
A. The scheduled time of show end is 3:00 p.m. -- but do not leave until all ceremonies are offically concluded -- whichever is later. If you expect to not be able to stay all day, please do not enter your car. Please keep in mind that leaving the show early is a safety hazard because of the number of spectators present. Please listen for any possible announcements about delays in show closing or vehicle exiting routes. We ask that all participants cooperate with us to allow for a safe exit, after 3:00 p.m. or when it is announced.
Please remember -- no burn-outs! There will be police at all exits. Drive slowly and safely at all times for the safety of the spectators and pedestrians. If you must leave early, please locate a show staff person at the stage area to be escorted to the appropriate exit.
If you feel you might expect to have to leave before the official end of show, please do not participate.
Q. I have heard that the new water park at Knott's has reduced the amout of space for the Fabulous Fords Forever show. Will the show be a sell-out?
A. Yes, but we are squeezing-in as many Fords as possible, but we expect the show to continue to be a sell-out before the registration deadline. Please mail your registration early to not be disappointed. There will be no on-site registrations regardless of any no-shows -- no exceptions. If you don't pre-register, you are welcome to enjoy the show as a spectator, and plan in advance for the following year. If you mail your registration after we have sold-out, your money will be returned by mail. If you also ordered discount Knott's tickets when you mailed your registration, that money will be returned also, however you can purchase tickets at the registration area the morning of the show (available tickets are limited).
Q. Does registration for the Fabulous Fords Forever car show include admission to Knott's amusement park?
A. No. The show is in the parking lot surrounding the North and East sides of Independence Hall and thus admission to the theme park or the water park is not required (nor included). The water park is only open during the summer.
However, if you wish to enjoy Knott's theme park, discount tickets are available via mail to both spectators and participants by using the discount ticket order section of the registration form. Tickets purchased by mail are good any one day starting from March 26 through the end of May. For pricing and additional information, please see the registration form.
Q. If rain is forecast for the show date, is there an alternate "rain date" scheduled?
A. No. Fabulous Fords Forever will proceed -- rain or shine! Us Ford lovers will not be stopped by Mother Nature (slowed-down, maybe; but not stopped).
Q. I sent my check for Knott's Tickets along with my vehicle entry several weeks ago, but the check has not yet cleared the bank and I haven't gotten the tickets yet. Is there a problem?
A. Not likely. But please be patient. We get hundreds of registration forms at a time and they don't always get processed immediately. We also process them in batches so, yours may not be in the same batch as a friend who mailed his at the same time. Once registration confirmation cards are printed, the first batch of those goes in the mail about the first of March. In addition, the discount Knott's tickets are sometimes processed and mailed separately.
Q. Can I register online or by phone with a credit card?
A. No. Please register only by mail by completing the registration form and enclosing a check or money order made payable to "Fabulous Fords Forever."
Q. I want to register more than one vehicle for the show -- do I need a separate form for each vehicle?
A. Yes. Please download the registration form and print as many copies as you need. Or simply photocopy the form you received by mail or fax (most fax machines or home scanners have a "copy" function). You can send all entries in the same envelope and pay with one check if you wish; just make sure you apply the appropriate postage. If you have friends who need a registration form, please make photocopies of both sides and pass them along. There are no quantity discounts.
Q. Are special hotel arrangements available?
A. Yes, but there is limited availability. Click on the "Hotel Accomodations" link at left, and also the registration form.
Q. In past years the Fabulous Fords Forever has been the same weekend as the Long Beach Grand Prix, is that true this year?
A. Sometimes the scheduling conflict is unavoidable. For more information on the Grand Prix, please visit www.longbeachgp.com for details on that event.
Do you have a question about Fabulous Fords Forever?
Please ask us!
E-mail: faq@fordcarclubs.org

03-28-2009, 01:22 PM

All-Day Parking


Buses and RVs

Free 3-hour Parking
Available for guests visiting the Chicken Dinner Restaurant, Knott's MarketPlace, Independence Hall, and T.G.I.Fridays (no park admission required). There is an additional $3.00 charge every 1/2 hour with a maximum of $15.00.

04-03-2009, 05:01 PM
These are the only people that want to look at GOOD cars??:rolleyes:

04-03-2009, 07:21 PM
I always park at Sears, and walk over.

04-03-2009, 10:13 PM
I always park at Sears, and walk over.

+1 :bigthumbsup:

04-06-2009, 11:00 AM
I always park at Sears, and walk over.

No problems with Sears?

04-06-2009, 11:52 AM
I got my confirmation this weekend. I am gonna be showing!!

04-06-2009, 12:47 PM
I will be at the show, not showing the cobra this year. I and a few of the guys from LAMC will be going to

Chicago Deep Dish get together after FFF.

Tony's Little Italy
1808 N Placentia Ave # B
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 528-2159

If u would like to join us that would be great, We are thinking of ordering and taking it to a near by park and for some pictures after. Anyone interested let me know.

04-06-2009, 01:09 PM
I will be at the show, not showing the cobra this year. I and a few of the guys from LAMC will be going to

Chicago Deep Dish get together after FFF.

Tony's Little Italy
1808 N Placentia Ave # B
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 528-2159

If u would like to join us that would be great, We are thinking of ordering and taking it to a near by park and for some pictures after. Anyone interested let me know.

I like that idea, I think I'm down.

04-06-2009, 02:24 PM
I will be at the show, not showing the cobra this year. I and a few of the guys from LAMC will be going to

Chicago Deep Dish get together after FFF.

Tony's Little Italy
1808 N Placentia Ave # B
Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 528-2159

If u would like to join us that would be great, We are thinking of ordering and taking it to a near by park and for some pictures after. Anyone interested let me know.

You picked a winner of a Pizza place. This place is AWESOME and it's been some time since I've been there.

Hmm...as for a park for good pics.

Tri-city - kinda crowded and if sports are going on, forget it. (I wonder about the back side of tri-city (enter off of rolling hills and placentia ave).
There is a school just across the street with a very empty parking lot and a field, or even the high school around the corner. El Dorado :) Oh my alma mater.....................

Ehh, we'll figure it out.

Darn it! I'm going to miss pizza - I have concert to attend that night. You guys will have to take photos for me.

04-06-2009, 03:37 PM
You picked a winner of a Pizza place. This place is AWESOME and it's been some time since I've been there.

Hmm...as for a park for good pics.

Tri-city - kinda crowded and if sports are going on, forget it. (I wonder about the back side of tri-city (enter off of rolling hills and placentia ave).
There is a school just across the street with a very empty parking lot and a field, or even the high school around the corner. El Dorado :) Oh my alma mater.....................

Ehh, we'll figure it out.

Darn it! I'm going to miss pizza - I have concert to attend that night. You guys will have to take photos for me.

So, why do you "people" always plan things way over on that side of OC??? I'm down where COOL people hang out. That is a lot of driving for me.:censored:

04-06-2009, 04:34 PM
So, why do you "people" always plan things way over on that side of OC??? I'm down where COOL people hang out. That is a lot of driving for me.:censored:

North Side sucka!

04-06-2009, 04:40 PM
So, why do you "people" always plan things way over on that side of OC??? I'm down where COOL people hang out. That is a lot of driving for me.:censored:

What city do u live in.

And dont lie dude, i saw u yesterday in fullerton at Nick's

04-06-2009, 04:41 PM
You picked a winner of a Pizza place. This place is AWESOME and it's been some time since I've been there.

Hmm...as for a park for good pics.

Tri-city - kinda crowded and if sports are going on, forget it. (I wonder about the back side of tri-city (enter off of rolling hills and placentia ave).
There is a school just across the street with a very empty parking lot and a field, or even the high school around the corner. El Dorado :) Oh my alma mater.....................

Ehh, we'll figure it out.

Darn it! I'm going to miss pizza - I have concert to attend that night. You guys will have to take photos for me.

LOL we hit the spot on the pizza place but u hit the spot on the park we were thinnking of going. I will let u guys know. They set it up but some people are lagging. ill keep u guys posted.

04-06-2009, 05:00 PM
What city do u live in.

And dont lie dude, i saw u yesterday in fullerton at Nick's

So you didn't stop to protect me from all those VWs????? They would not even talk to me. I think I scared them.:laugh:

I called BEN to come eat with us, but he wouldn't answer his phone.:judge:

I live in Huntington Beach.:drink:

04-07-2009, 08:26 AM
So you didn't stop to protect me from all those VWs????? They would not even talk to me. I think I scared them.:laugh:

I called BEN to come eat with us, but he wouldn't answer his phone.:judge:

I live in Huntington Beach.:drink:

I was a passanger on someone elses car and we went did not go inside since we were going back to the house to eat.

04-13-2009, 10:59 AM
OK, people. I checked out breakfast places for us.

I found three close to Knotts.

1)Dennys corner of Orangethrope and Beach

2)IHOP Beach and La Palma

3)Carrows corner of Beach and Stanton.

Carrows will be the easiest to get back and forth from. But, I haven't eaten their food in YEARS.

04-13-2009, 11:05 AM
OK, people. I checked out breakfast places for us.

I found three close to Knotts.

1)Dennys corner of Orangethrope and Beach

2)IHOP Beach and La Palma

3)Carrows corner of Beach and Stanton.

Carrows will be the easiest to get back and forth from. But, I haven't eaten their food in YEARS.

How about u guys eat breakfast at ur casas (houses) and then join us for late lunch/early dinner at D&B. Some of the LAMC gusy as well as some of the www.teamscm.com guys will be there as well as some of the OCHP guys. Hope to see u guys there. ooohhh by the way we skipped out on the pizza place 1:too small 2: wanted a place where they had some better selection of :drink: :drink: :drink:

04-14-2009, 06:39 AM
+1 :bigthumbsup:

I am going to the Knotts show Sunday the 19th, FYI:For anyone there is a Pre- Knotts show sorta kinda on Sat the 18th in Anaheim at TECHCO 3125 East Coronado St Anaheim, CA 92806 it should be fun, lots of cool cars too and free of charge.If you want something to do saturday 10-3pm

04-16-2009, 04:55 PM
So, how many want to go to Breakfast before Fab FORDS??

Any preferences on the place to eat?

04-17-2009, 12:04 PM
So, how many want to go to Breakfast before Fab FORDS??

Any preferences on the place to eat?

I'm there but I think I might ride in with Adam. We could still meet for breakfast though potentially. Let's figure something out and nail it down.

04-17-2009, 12:24 PM
I'm there but I think I might ride in with Adam. We could still meet for breakfast though potentially. Let's figure something out and nail it down.

IHOP is at the corner of La Palma and Beach --- Carrows is at Stanton and Beach.

Carrows is the easiest with vehicle and IHOP (a small one) may be the closest for walking.

I vote for Carrows at 8:30 AM.:judge:

04-17-2009, 03:30 PM
IHOP is at the corner of La Palma and Beach --- Carrows is at Stanton and Beach.

Carrows is the easiest with vehicle and IHOP (a small one) may be the closest for walking.

I vote for Carrows at 8:30 AM.:judge:

I'm in.

04-17-2009, 04:22 PM
I'm in.

OK, that's two.:bigthumbsup:

04-17-2009, 04:27 PM
I won't be able to get on the Web on Saturday. So anyone that answers on Saturday I won't be able to see. Sean and Ben could call me if there is a change.:judge:

04-18-2009, 06:09 PM
I won't be able to get on the Web on Saturday. So anyone that answers on Saturday I won't be able to see. Sean and Ben could call me if there is a change.:judge:

Adam and I will be there. We might be a few minutes late, but we'll be there.

04-18-2009, 09:44 PM
Adam and I will be there. We might be a few minutes late, but we'll be there.

I'll skip breakfast and meet you guys later in the morning, I think. Then I'll just hang for a lil' bit, come and work on the car. If any of you can/want to work on it, golly that'd be swell. There's 's plenty of monkey work still to do. :smack:

04-19-2009, 12:03 AM
Sean and I spent about 4 to 5 hours working on Yazmine to get her ready for the show. since I got her she has never looked so good as she does now. We used a 3M rubbing compound to get most of the water spots off her. She is not perfect but I am stoked to show her off tomorrow. :bigthumbsup:

04-19-2009, 06:14 PM
Overall I had a great time. The only real complaint is that is was hot as hell out there today. Then I went to get a drink and thought I do not see myself buying a drink for $3.25. :censored:

I was sitting at my car talking to the guy next to me and noticed he had a GTR sticker. They I looking at the other car next to me and it too had a GTR sticker as well. As I was talking to one of my Car Meet neighbors Gonzalo walked up and started talking to the guy I was. After a while I statred talking to him as well and of course mentioned your name and he said to call him and drop your name again and the fact we talked at the show and I would be taken care of. Nice guy btw. I see them ordering me a pair of MM adjustable RLCA in the near future.!! :thumbs_up:

04-19-2009, 08:05 PM
Overall I had a great time. The only real complaint is that is was hot as hell out there today. Then I went to get a drink and thought I do not see myself buying a drink for $3.25. :censored:

I was sitting at my car talking to the guy next to me and noticed he had a GTR sticker. They I looking at the other car next to me and it too had a GTR sticker as well. As I was talking to one of my Car Meet neighbors Gonzalo walked up and started talking to the guy I was. After a while I statred talking to him as well and of course mentioned your name and he said to call him and drop your name again and the fact we talked at the show and I would be taken care of. Nice guy btw. I see them ordering me a pair of MM adjustable RLCA in the near future.!! :thumbs_up:

Gonzalo's a good guy. I ran into him there around 1:00pm. I told you to mention me and they would help you out. Speaking of which, I was in their shop a couple days ago and they have a used set of FRP 4.10 gears in their show room marked for $120 with 2000 miles on them if you weren't able to get the other ones. Who were you parked next to? Was it Eli with the White GT that has the skull graphics painted on the lower section behind the front wheels?

04-20-2009, 03:14 AM
Can't wait to start cruising with you guys again, only a month away. :drink:

04-20-2009, 08:57 AM
I've never seen so many damn Mustangs in one place. Damn!:drink:

04-20-2009, 04:40 PM
I've never seen so many damn Mustangs in one place. Damn!:drink:

I dint see any vettes there yesterday, they were scared of all the power that was there lol :drink::drink:

04-20-2009, 04:44 PM
I dint see any vettes there yesterday, they were scared of all the power that was there lol :drink::drink:

No Vettes at Fabulous Fords . . . who wouldda thunk it? ;)

04-20-2009, 04:53 PM
No Vettes at Fabulous Fords . . . who wouldda thunk it? ;)

There was a 70 T-bird at the show. I told the guy I had a 70 also, I'm now his best friend. I think that made his day.:judge:

As Joe and I walked around the show we started talking about the vehicles we had and let go. Damn, we let some great cars go.:(

04-20-2009, 04:57 PM
No Vettes at Fabulous Fords . . . who wouldda thunk it? ;)

They know their place lol :stirpot:

04-20-2009, 05:00 PM
I dint see any vettes there yesterday, they were scared of all the power that was there lol :drink::drink:

I thought you knew I'm a FORD boy. The Vette was just something I couldn't pass up. It was almost free.:drink:

I've always looked at it as just another piece of Chevy. In the last couple of years I've just starting to realize what I have. Pretty sad.:sm_up_there:

05-22-2009, 03:42 PM
Ok, so I know I've been lag'n on getting some photos up. I didn't take many but I will have them uploaded this weekend. I've only got 4g's worth of photos to edit. (vacation, vacation, vacation...) Check back later.