View Full Version : Time for another 5.0

02-15-2011, 01:33 PM
I got $2000-$2500 as of March 10th to spend on a 87-93 5.0. Can everyone help keep a lookout for a killer deal?!?!? I know the car won't be perfect, will need a tune-up all around maybe need some sensors cleaned and replaced. But I know a little about the way 5.0s work having ran into every single problem I've read in forums on the last 5.0 I've owned.

I'd appreciate if everyone were to help me by, just keepin an eye out if they see any good deals worth jumpin on! Thanks in advance!

No Verts, or autos please! 5 speed, gt, lx, or notchback.

02-15-2011, 02:49 PM
This definitely sounds like a job for Sean. He has found many a car a new home.

02-15-2011, 04:47 PM
$2000-$2500 will go a long ways on fixing up that SVO you have or did you get rid of it?

02-16-2011, 09:47 AM
This definitely sounds like a job for Sean. He has found many a car a new home.

Cool, any help would be appreciated! I'm always on Craigslist non-stop, but i know people have other methods to find cars.

Ron, It's a no go as of right now, finally got it running after the wiring harness was fixed, now it just decided to spring leaks everywhere, rear main seal, oil pan, turbo took a s**t and won't pass smog down here. That car is going to sit idle for a bit until i can get everything settled and get this fox body.

Shaolin Crane
02-16-2011, 10:38 AM
So im gonna guess you want a running car, check corral, you can get a major deal on some of the rollers on there, normally hooked up with all the suspension goodies, interior etc for half the price the car would go for new, find a cheap engine and tranny and you'd be set, tis my goal

02-16-2011, 10:50 AM
So im gonna guess you want a running car, check corral, you can get a major deal on some of the rollers on there, normally hooked up with all the suspension goodies, interior etc for half the price the car would go for new, find a cheap engine and tranny and you'd be set, tis my goal

Ya, i was thinkin of going that route, but with out a truck, an engine hoist, or a place to do it. thatd be a problem ha. ill keep a lookout on corral i had completely forgetten about them.

02-16-2011, 01:22 PM
Cool, any help would be appreciated! I'm always on Craigslist non-stop, but i know people have other methods to find cars.

Ron, It's a no go as of right now, finally got it running after the wiring harness was fixed, now it just decided to spring leaks everywhere, rear main seal, oil pan, turbo took a s**t and won't pass smog down here. That car is going to sit idle for a bit until i can get everything settled and get this fox body.

I'd spend the money replacing seals and the turbo on the SVO. It will make a great corner carver.

02-16-2011, 01:35 PM
@ Ron, well i was being vague in the repairs it needs ha. I need a car March 10th, because as of now, I am using a family members car and they need it back on the 8th :/ so i need a vehicle now.

As for repairs, injectors are burnt, bad turbo, no exhaust or cats (running downpipe only,) Bad seals, oil pan leak, has a cheap clutch that will need to be replaced, need headlight covers (Super expensive). All work i know how to do, just the time it would take me to do all of it, needing a car in less than 3 weeks sounds like a headache to "attempt" to do.

I do have plans for it once i have time and a spot. SN-95 front end swap, bigger brakes, better springs, rebuld konis, and upgrade my turbo, fmic, all that jazz. Itll come though eventually. For now though, 5.0 all the way. It's been my favorite car since 11 years old or so.

02-16-2011, 02:10 PM
Ahh, that changes things.

02-16-2011, 07:39 PM
would you be willing to motor swap and do a little work to a 4 cylinder notch? I know my next 5.0 will be a little old ladies 4 cyl notch, they can be had for under 1500 all day long, in much better shape than most 5.0 cars, and since youd probably be changing most of the drivetrain anyhow in any real serious 5.0 build, the wimpy trans/rear end dont really matter much.

02-17-2011, 08:54 AM
would you be willing to motor swap and do a little work to a 4 cylinder notch? I know my next 5.0 will be a little old ladies 4 cyl notch, they can be had for under 1500 all day long, in much better shape than most 5.0 cars, and since youd probably be changing most of the drivetrain anyhow in any real serious 5.0 build, the wimpy trans/rear end dont really matter much.

I wanted to do that, but again with needing to have a good, reliable, and running car by March 8th, that would take a bit of time to swap out the rear end, drivetrain, electrical etc.

I've found a couple super clean, decent mileage 5.0's already with minimal mods, going for like $3000-$3500. Mods being exhaust, short shifter, and cai most of the time.