View Full Version : I'll be fighting this one
06-09-2010, 11:26 PM
I'm doing about 50mph coming home from the gym, driving perfectly safely on Beach Blvd., a large 3 lane road, freshly paved, clear as bell, when officer McDouchebag decides I'm a menace to society and writes me a speeding ticket for 53 in a 35. Mind you, it said 50 mph less than a mile earlier, and this (naturally) was at the bottom of a hill after a bridge.
06-10-2010, 12:18 AM
Where at on beach? You might have got yours where I got mine.
06-10-2010, 01:19 AM
Where at on beach? You might have got yours where I got mine.
The bastard was waiting on Pacific Ave (,+La+Habra,+Orange,+California+90631&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.826758,67.763672&ie=UTF8&cd=10&geocode=FY_bBQIdSvT3-A&split=0&hq=&hnear=N+Beach+Blvd,+La+Habra,+Orange,+California+9 0631&ll=33.879769,-117.998389&spn=0.004979,0.008272&t=h&z=17). You can see the bridge, crossing down under that is where he takes your speed. Whatta a piece of excrement.
06-10-2010, 02:10 AM
The "Speed Limit" on the street is different from the "Maximum Speed" on the freeway. The Speed Limit can be subjectively reasoned, while 1mph over on the freeway cannot.
You should fight it. You'll probably lose for going 20 over, but who knows. Start by pulling up the vehicle code violation and read the language carefully.
06-10-2010, 02:17 AM
The "Speed Limit" on the street is different from the "Maximum Speed" on the freeway. The Speed Limit can be subjectively reasoned, while 1mph over on the freeway cannot.
You should fight it. You'll probably lose for going 20 over, but who knows. Start by pulling up the vehicle code violation and read the language carefully.
Thanks for the tip. Like I said, it was 50 mph very close to this area and no obvious reason for the lower limit (like reducing the number of lanes or going into a residential area) I honestly had no idea it was 35. I thought is was doing the fu*king speed limit. It's just a shake down. Absolutely no difference from the mob.
06-10-2010, 09:24 AM
Definitely fight that - I think you'll have a good shot of beating it.
06-10-2010, 04:06 PM
Fight--- you can only win or lose----meaning there is nothing to lose.:drink:
06-10-2010, 05:10 PM
Fight--- you can only win or lose----meaning there is nothing to lose.:drink:
Well, most of the time when you contest you lose the option to opt for traffic school.
I haven't seen the law, but I think it has the phrase "safe for the conditions" in there or something like that, which is what you should concentrate on proving. Not so much that the posted speed limit is bogus, but the optimal conditions for your rate of speed: large number of lanes, visibility was clear, ground was perfectly dry, it was light outside, not near a school zone, almost no traffic, etc.
06-10-2010, 05:16 PM
The bastard was waiting on Pacific Ave (,+La+Habra,+Orange,+California+90631&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.826758,67.763672&ie=UTF8&cd=10&geocode=FY_bBQIdSvT3-A&split=0&hq=&hnear=N+Beach+Blvd,+La+Habra,+Orange,+California+9 0631&ll=33.879769,-117.998389&spn=0.004979,0.008272&t=h&z=17). You can see the bridge, crossing down under that is where he takes your speed. Whatta a piece of excrement.
I swear that is the same exact place I got mine at. Was he on a bike? Mine was. If you go 1.5 blocks north of there it is a 45mph zone.
06-10-2010, 05:23 PM
I swear that is the same exact place I got mine at. Was he on a bike? Mine was. If you go 1.5 blocks north of there it is a 45mph zone.
I'm sure it's a trap. When he said "I got you for speed" I said, "I was doing 50 in a 50." That's when he said "it's 35" to which I responded, "you guys are unbelievable." At that point I bit my tongue. I really wanted to ask him what it feels like to be an armed robber, or that I have more respect for the mob because at least their honest about extortion. But I really don't want to end up on the news just yet.
I was written for 53 in a 35. That's less than 20. There was NOBODY else on the road within 100s of yards. He was in a car. Probably there all night fattening up on the public.
06-10-2010, 08:14 PM
I'm sure it's a trap. When he said "I got you for speed" I said, "I was doing 50 in a 50." That's when he said "it's 35" to which I responded, "you guys are unbelievable." At that point I bit my tongue. I really wanted to ask him what it feels like to be an armed robber, or that I have more respect for the mob because at least their honest about extortion. But I really don't want to end up on the news just yet.
I was written for 53 in a 35. That's less than 20. There was NOBODY else on the road within 100s of yards. He was in a car. Probably there all night fattening up on the public.
You need to really look for the posted limit signs in the area to verify the 35 zone. It you need any graphics help let me know.
Shaolin Crane
06-10-2010, 10:55 PM
ALL the tickets i have ever fought, the officer didnt show up, figure he writes 100 tickets a month, he would rather be on that street issuing tickets than going and fighting the tickets, but the speed limit and MAXIMUM speed are different the city has what they call the reasonable and prudent safety speed, each city has its streets divided into zones that surveyors have placed maximum SAFE speed limits for each zone, but citys can adjust them to whatever they'd like, being that this is most likely a speed trap, that entire length of road is most likely a safe speed limit of 70mph and you can DEFINITELY fight it by proving that you may have been speeding according to the posted limit but what you were doing wasnt unsafe, and remember so many departments are under the gun to pull in revenue to keep the officers they currently have that they are pulling people over right and left, i pulled into my shop last thursday night (posted limit of 40mph) and as i was walking inside in my own parking lot he lights me up and tells me to get inside, to make a long story short he was looking for any reason to write me a ticket but couldnt because i was on my own property, shit he even left 2 black stripes when he took off, just be careful out there
06-10-2010, 10:57 PM
I'm sure it's a trap. When he said "I got you for speed" I said, "I was doing 50 in a 50." That's when he said "it's 35" to which I responded, "you guys are unbelievable." At that point I bit my tongue. I really wanted to ask him what it feels like to be an armed robber, or that I have more respect for the mob because at least their honest about extortion. But I really don't want to end up on the news just yet.
I was written for 53 in a 35. That's less than 20. There was NOBODY else on the road within 100s of yards. He was in a car. Probably there all night fattening up on the public.
I got hit for 52 in the 35. I already went back there and double checked the speed limits and that section is 35mph. A block and a half north of there at La Mirada jumps to 45mph. I forget how far south it's 35mph, but it's for at least a mile or so.
06-10-2010, 11:17 PM
. . .shit he even left 2 black stripes when he took off, just be careful out there
Where I live in Fullerton, just the other day a cop was blasting around on Orangethorpe around residential areas at 60-70, blew a left red, middle of the day, people around . . . no lights or sirens.
They are the law. They do whatever the fuck they want.
Shaolin Crane
06-10-2010, 11:36 PM
Where I live in Fullerton, just the other day a cop was blasting around on Orangethorpe around residential areas at 60-70, blew a left red, middle of the day, people around . . . no lights or sirens.
They are the law. They do whatever the fuck they want.
I'm not gonna say im not looking forward to it, but its true
06-10-2010, 11:37 PM
You need to really look for the posted limit signs in the area to verify the 35 zone. It you need any graphics help let me know.
And if Adam helps you out, let me know if you need help after you're thrown in jail for trying to pull a fast one on the judge.
Shaolin Crane
06-10-2010, 11:37 PM
I think not wearing a seatbelt is dumb, but I'm still with Chuck on this one. If it doesn't infringe on the rights of others it has no legal justification.
As far as drinking and driving, I think the limit should be raised, definitely. A .08 is what? Two beers? I'm as light weight as it gets, I drink maybe three or four times a year. And I can barely feel two beers.
Not sure if I posted a thread on this, but a cop let me go for doing 83 in a 65 last month. Sometimes it pays to be nice.
I was let go for doing 120 in a 35 once...
06-11-2010, 05:44 PM
I was let go for doing 120 in a 35 once...
Need more explanation before I believe that.
06-11-2010, 10:36 PM
My buddy had that sme thing happen only he was doing 150 in a 45. It was back in the early 90's in Diamond Bar. He was going down Diamond Bar Blvd on his new bike and a cop got him on radar. The cop told him that was the fastest he'd ever radared anyone going and let him off with a warning.
06-11-2010, 10:54 PM
The popo are out in mad force. Must have got the directive to go fleece the public. I've never seen as many police pulling people over as I have in the last couple days; streets, freeways, everywhere.
06-11-2010, 11:13 PM
I noticed that on my drive to work tonight. I lost count of how many people I saw pulled over.
06-11-2010, 11:22 PM
The popo are out in mad force. Must have got the directive to go fleece the public. I've never seen as many police pulling people over as I have in the last couple days; streets, freeways, everywhere.
It's not just that. We had the city police come through not to long ago for code enforcement. I got a ticket on the Cobra and the Explorer for no front license plates. When I went to the police station a girl that was walking in asked what I got mine for and she said she got one for blocking the sidewalk in front of her driveway. She said her bumper was only over it by about 3 inches but aparently if any part of your vehicle is over it's a ticket. Another one of my neighbors got one for being over 12 inches from the curb on two cars.
Shaolin Crane
06-11-2010, 11:26 PM
Need more explanation before I believe that.
I was racing a lancer in my truck, well i had to show him who was boss and took it up to 120 to make my point, well the cop was hiding at the end of the street, lancer took off and he came after me, the cop got out SCREAMING "what the fuck is wrong with you" etc, he demands my information and as im looking for my stuff he notices my background investigation packet (had an appointment in a hour) and asked me if i was going to become a cop i replied i was in the process for LASD, he look at me and said "are you fuckin kidding me" walks back to his car and threw his citation book in the car as hard as possibly, starts to lecture me about how stupid i was etc, says hes going to give me a brake on the speeding but was going to write me up for EVERYTHING wrong with my truck, tinted windows, no front license plate, GPS blocking vision of the windshield, no mud flaps, uncovered fog lights, and excessive smoke, in the end i was glad to have gotten out of the one and that was the last time i ever raced on the street
Shaolin Crane
06-11-2010, 11:27 PM
It's not just that. We had the city police come through not to long ago for code enforcement. I got a ticket on the Cobra and the Explorer for no front license plates. When I went to the police station a girl that was walking in asked what I got mine for and she said she got one for blocking the sidewalk in front of her driveway. She said her bumper was only over it by about 3 inches but aparently if any part of your vehicle is over it's a ticket. Another one of my neighbors got one for being over 12 inches from the curb on two cars.
i got the EXACT ticket 2 weeks ago my trailer hitch on my truck was hanging over the sidewalk and i got a fucking ticket, Kommiefornia is getting bad
06-11-2010, 11:30 PM
It's not just that. We had the city police come through not to long ago for code enforcement. I got a ticket on the Cobra and the Explorer for no front license plates. When I went to the police station a girl that was walking in asked what I got mine for and she said she got one for blocking the sidewalk in front of her driveway. She said her bumper was only over it by about 3 inches but aparently if any part of your vehicle is over it's a ticket. Another one of my neighbors got one for being over 12 inches from the curb on two cars.
Yeah Police State! Seriously, if so many are spending so much time literally just extorting money from the public, umm, maybe we don't need so many. :huh:
I guess those 90% pensions for life don't pay for themselves. :nuts:
06-12-2010, 01:04 AM
I was racing a lancer in my truck, well i had to show him who was boss and took it up to 120 to make my point, well the cop was hiding at the end of the street, lancer took off and he came after me, the cop got out SCREAMING "what the fuck is wrong with you" etc, he demands my information and as im looking for my stuff he notices my background investigation packet (had an appointment in a hour) and asked me if i was going to become a cop i replied i was in the process for LASD, he look at me and said "are you fuckin kidding me" walks back to his car and threw his citation book in the car as hard as possibly, starts to lecture me about how stupid i was etc, says hes going to give me a brake on the speeding but was going to write me up for EVERYTHING wrong with my truck, tinted windows, no front license plate, GPS blocking vision of the windshield, no mud flaps, uncovered fog lights, and excessive smoke, in the end i was glad to have gotten out of the one and that was the last time i ever raced on the street
Looks like he sympathized with you. You had several arrestable offenses in there btw. And he could have taken your car permanently for racing. The racing is way worse than speeding.
Shaolin Crane
06-12-2010, 09:21 AM
Looks like he sympathized with you. You had several arrestable offenses in there btw. And he could have taken your car permanently for racing. The racing is way worse than speeding.
He didnt say anything about the racing, i dont think he even saw the lancer, im very aware at how lucky i was and i make sure i dont EVER do shit like that again
07-07-2010, 01:12 PM
In preparation for contesting this ticket, I need to find the traffic and engineering speed survey to see what it states. If it justifies my speed or is out of date I have a fair chance of fighting. If it's "current" and does not justify my speed (no matter how rational my speed really was), not a lot of hope other than the hail marry the police officer won't respond/show up. So here's the fun part. If it's on streets within a municipality, it will be done by the city (probably) and you'll need to get them from the city. If, however, like Beach Blvd. it's a state hwy., congratulations, you get to try and get it from the correct Dept. within Cal Trans. :nuts:
In the meantime, here's cvc 40802 for a speed trap:
(1) a particular section of a highway measured as to distance and with boundaries marked, designated, or otherwise determined in order that the speed of a vehicle may be calculated by securing the time it takes the vehicle to travel the known distance.
(2) a particular section of a highway with a prima facie speed limit that is provided by this code or by local ordinance under subparagraph (a) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 22352, or established under section 22354, 22357, 22358, or 22358.3, if that prima facie speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within five years prior to the date of the alleged violation, and enforcement of the speed limit involves the use of radar or any other electronic device that measures the speed of moving objects. This paragraph does not apply to a local street, road, or school zone.[/indent](b)
(1) for purposes of this section, a local street or road is defined by the latest functional usage and federal-aid system maps submitted to the federal highway administration, except that when these maps have not been submitted, or when the street or road is not shown on the maps, a "local street or road" means a street or road that primarily provides access to abutting residential property and meets the following three conditions:
(a) roadway width of not more than 40 feet.
(b) not more than one-half of a mile of uninterrupted length. Interruptions shall include official traffic control signals as defined in section 445.
(c) not more than one traffic lane in each direction.
(2) for purposes of this section "school zone" means that area approaching or passing a school building or the grounds thereof that is contiguous to a highway and on which is posted a standard "school" warning sign, while children are going to or leaving the school either during school hours or during the noon recess period. "school zone" also includes the area approaching or passing any school grounds that are not separated from the highway by a fence, gate, or other physical barrier while the grounds are in use by children if that highway is posted with a standard "school" warning sign.
(1) when all of the following criteria are met, paragraph (2) of this subdivision shall be applicable and subdivision (a) shall not be applicable:
(a) when radar is used, the arresting officer has successfully completed a radar operator course of not less than 24 hours on the use of police traffic radar, and the course was approved and certified by the commission on peace officer standards and training.
(b) when laser or any other electronic device is used to measure the speed of moving objects, the arresting officer has successfully completed the training required in subparagraph (a) and an additional training course of not less than two hours approved and certified by the commission on peace officer standards and training.
(i) the prosecution proved that the arresting officer complied with subparagraphs (a) and (b) and that an engineering and traffic survey has been conducted in accordance with subparagraph (b) of paragraph (2). The prosecution proved that, prior to the officer issuing the notice to appear, the arresting officer established that the radar, laser, or other electronic device conformed to the requirements of subparagraph (d).
(ii) the prosecution proved the speed of the accused was unsafe for the conditions present at the time of alleged violation unless the citation was for a violation of section 22349, 22356, or 22406.
(d) the radar, laser, or other electronic device used to measure the speed of the accused meets or exceeds the minimal operational standards of the national traffic highway safety administration, and has been calibrated within the three years prior to the date of the alleged violation by an independent certified laser or radar repair and testing or calibration facility.
(2) a "speed trap" is either of the following:
(a) a particular section of a highway measured as to distance and with boundaries marked, designated, or otherwise determined in order that the speed of a vehicle may be calculated by securing the time it takes the vehicle to travel the known distance.
(i) a particular section of a highway or state highway with a prima facie speed limit that is provided by this code or by local ordinance under subparagraph (a) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 22352, or established under section 22354, 22357, 22358, or 22358.3, if that prima facie speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within one of the following time periods, prior to the date of the alleged violation, and enforcement of the speed limit involves the use of radar or any other electronic device that measures the speed of moving objects:
(i) except as specified in subclause (ii), seven years.
(ii) if an engineering and traffic survey was conducted more than seven years prior to the date of the alleged violation, and a registered engineer evaluates the section of the highway and determines that no significant changes in roadway or traffic conditions have occurred, including, but not limited to, changes in adjoining property or land use, roadway width, or traffic volume, 10 years.
(ii) this subparagraph does not apply to a local street, road, or school zone.
07-07-2010, 01:15 PM
This is the route Im taking. ( My court date is tomorrow for my "speeding" in the same place.
07-07-2010, 01:50 PM
This is the route Im taking. ( My court date is tomorrow for my "speeding" in the same place.
Excellent. Thank you for the additional info. I'll probably start with a trial by declaration. If that fails you can still ask for a trial in person. In short, you get two shots instead of one.
07-07-2010, 05:27 PM
I got a parking ticket for not turning my wheel towards the curb on an incline. The problem was that it was such a slight incline that I would never have thought to do it. It's total fucking extortion bullshit.
I will say I don't think that they get 90% pension for life. That is very high.
07-07-2010, 05:54 PM
. . . I will say I don't think that they get 90% pension for life. That is very high.
I regret to inform:
3% per year for up to 30 years = 90% of pay at retirement.
That's for life, transferable to spouse after death. Go ahead and plug those numbers in. Enter the force at 20, retire at 50, how long do you think that pension will be drawn?
But wait, there's more. They somehow manage to rather often get promoted into higher paying positions right near the end. But hold on, get a little injury, like a slipped disc, and poof you get that pension . . . tax free. I can go on with how it can get even more grotesque, but I think you get the picture.
Public Servant = Served by the Public
07-07-2010, 09:35 PM
I just looked on google earth and in the SB lanes about 400ft north of the bridge is a 35mph sign on a light pole.
I'm sure thats a big money spot for the a$$holes with guns.
Looks like you just contributed to the BPk treasury.
My old inet signature
My grandfather would hide and take money from people traveling along the highway - he got 20 years.
07-07-2010, 10:15 PM
I just looked on google earth and in the SB lanes about 400ft north of the bridge is a 35mph sign on a light pole.
I'm sure thats a big money spot for the a$ with guns.
I don't know if it meets the "legal"definition but it sure is hell is a speed trap.
Looks like you just contributed to the BPk treasury.
Not without a fight. I'm anxiously awaiting Damian's result as it looks like he was a victim in the same area.
My grandfather would hide and take money from people traveling along the highway - he got 20 years.
Don't get me started on the true nature of government. :jester:
07-07-2010, 11:06 PM
I regret to inform:
3% per year for up to 30 years = 90% of pay at retirement.
That's for life, transferable to spouse after death. Go ahead and plug those numbers in. Enter the force at 20, retire at 50, how long do you think that pension will be drawn?
But wait, there's more. They somehow manage to rather often get promoted into higher paying positions right near the end. But hold on, get a little injury, like a slipped disc, and poof you get that pension . . . tax free. I can go on with how it can get even more grotesque, but I think you get the picture.
Public Servant = Served by the Public
If my brother would have staying in CA he would have been able to retire at 51. He always told me that on the average a cop lives 5 years past retirement. I would be curious as to what the average age of retirement for a cop was.
On another note. My co-workers boyfriend's dad was a highly decorated CHP for like 30 years and within a week of retiring he was approached by the Marshals and now pulls down like $75K a year on top of his pension!
07-07-2010, 11:19 PM
My ex-father-in-law, some of you met him on the Planes of Fame trip, Retired from LAPD a Sargent. His Favorite saying is "just send the check" He is 83 now , still packing heat and using his Shield to get out of speeding tickets ! Talk about awesome bennies :lmfao:
Of course, the biggest battle with the ex-wife was her wanting me to ditch my " Blue collar ' career and be a cop. :alert:
07-08-2010, 12:01 AM
He always told me that on the average a cop lives 5 years past retirement. I would be curious as to what the average age of retirement for a cop was.
Total BS. Though I don't recall the exact number, in CA it's the same as regular people. Also, it's not nearly as dangerous as they'd like to make you believe sometimes, I don't think it even ranks in the top 10 dangerous jobs. Things like being a commercial fisherman are WAY more dangerous.
On another note. My co-workers boyfriend's dad was a highly decorated CHP for like 30 years and within a week of retiring he was approached by the Marshals and now pulls down like $75K a year on top of his pension!
That was the other part I was avoiding for fear of aneurysm. It gets better, some guys will put 20 years in the military, 25 in as a PO, get two pensions, and get appointed to some "committee" etc., and literally be pulling in 100s of thousands per year. Meanwhile, Rome burns.
Don't get me wrong. I'm an absolute red blooded capitalist. I have no problem with people making good (market dictated) salaries. I have a problem with contractually guaranteed pensions balanced on the back of the tax payer. Make your wage, do what you will with it, like us peasants and save/invest your own money.
07-08-2010, 12:07 AM
. . . Of course, the biggest battle with the ex-wife was her wanting me to ditch my " Blue collar ' career and be a cop. :alert:
I don't really blame people for grabbing low hanging fruit (though I'd rather do essentially anything before working for government . . . I'm an extremist.) I think Bernard Parks, who gets a six figure salary for being on the city council, also gets like a $150k pension or something like that. When asked why he thought that was right he said, "because I could." :judge:
e is 83 now , still packing heat
Oh, they also get special privileges there too. CCW is for the asking for them, if they even bother with that. Impossible for a regular citizen in LA.
07-14-2010, 11:40 AM
I'm on about deptarment 73 within Cal Trans trying to get the speed survey.
In the meantime, I wished there could have been a sign like this in that area.
10-23-2010, 12:47 AM
I'm on about deptarment 73 within Cal Trans trying to get the speed survey.
In the meantime, I wished there could have been a sign like this in that area.
Vettezuki does not quit. I finally got my speed survey today. Haven't looked through it but it is dated February 2003. Have to look up the required time period next.
Gary Wells
10-23-2010, 11:04 AM
Received 2 tickets from the same Bike LEO several years back at what I suspect would be the same location. On Beach, just coming up from the dip under where the train passes overhead. Tickets were 2 or 3 years apart, but definitely the same LEO. Speeding, both cases. Maybe 7 or 8 years ago timeframe. I haven't seen him there at that same spot in several years now.
11-11-2010, 02:10 AM
Filling out my trial by declaration now. Should be a slam dunk.
CVC 40802.
40802. (a) A "speed trap" is either of the following:
(2) A particular section of a highway with a prima facie speed limit that is provided by this code or by local ordinance under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 22352, or established under Section 22354, 22357, 22358, or 22358.3, if that prima facie speed limit is not justified by an engineering and traffic survey conducted within five years prior to the date of the alleged violation, and enforcement of the speed limit involves the use of radar or any other electronic device that measures the speed of moving objects. . . .
Then I show the date of the "alleged violation."
Then I append a copy of the Speed Zone Survey from February 2003 (a giant PITA to get), which does not include any extenuating addendum.
Well, let's see how this goes.
11-13-2010, 09:31 PM
The speed survey is 5 years? Sweet I might have to fight my last one.
12-28-2010, 04:15 PM
It took a fair bit of work, but "Not Guilty" was worth it. No points, no fees. Too bad I can't get back the waste of time. Every citizen who has even the slightest inkling they've received a BS ticket should fight it. Probably the best technique is
1) Delay as much as possible.
2) Submit for trial by declaration.
In my case it was a slam dunk, it literally was just the definition of a speedtrap, but the clincher was that the speed survey was out of date, making the method for measuring speed invalid.
12-28-2010, 04:21 PM
YAY !! :thumbs_up:
12-28-2010, 05:12 PM
Nice work dude - fight the power.
12-28-2010, 09:19 PM
Nice work dude - fight the power.
12-28-2010, 09:23 PM
Did the cop even show up?
12-28-2010, 09:35 PM
Did the cop even show up?
Trial by declaration. I don't actually know if he even responded. Honestly, in this case there was nothing to decide. The law states clearly the method for measuring speed was invalid because of the out of date speed survey, so he may have just punted. Wish I knew happened internally actually. Ah well. :huh:
For future reference here's a nice outline a guy made for those who don't know how to do a trial by declaration.
I recently got hit by a ticket trap going down Harbor before Imperial in Fullerton. Harbor was down to one lane so I decided to pull into the best buy parking lot along with about 5 other cars before me. Unfortunately, about 5 motorcycle cops were waiting there with lights flashing :barf:
They got me for failure to make a right turn in a right turn only lane that led to literally nothing but a dead end alleyway and a couple businesses. I bit the bullet and paid $250 plus traffic school to the man.
12-29-2010, 12:01 AM
For future reference here's a nice outline a guy made for those who don't know how to do a trial by declaration.
I recently got hit by a ticket trap going down Harbor before Imperial in Fullerton. Harbor was down to one lane so I decided to pull into the best buy parking lot along with about 5 other cars before me. Unfortunately, about 5 motorcycle cops were waiting there with lights flashing :barf:
They got me for failure to make a right turn in a right turn only lane that led to literally nothing but a dead end alleyway and a couple businesses. I bit the bullet and paid $250 plus traffic school to the man.
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