View Full Version : California Speedway March 7th Rollcall.

02-24-2009, 10:14 AM
Alright, so who's going to the track on the 7th? I'll be there taping but not racing this time. If any of you are going and want to be taped, add your name to the list here (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1187&day=2009-3-7&c=1) and come find me in the stands before racings starts. I'm going to put a green dot on your driver's side window so I know which cars to tape. It's too hard to tell from the stands which cars are which otherwise.

Does anybody have a propane bbq? Maybe we could all bring something to BBQ and tailgate (I was going to say everyone should bring there own meat, but I know how you guys are and what kind of replies I would get...). Also, does anyone have popup tents? If we get a few together we can set up our own little area and hang out. Let me know - I'll be there taping no matter what.

02-24-2009, 11:06 AM
I hope to god that it doesn't rain like last time...pop up tent shelters are fun and all but I'd rather be burn'n some rubber.

PS - Hey Sean, I'm thinking about taking the Cobra down the track. I'm also thinking about putting a hot pink stripe down the center so you tell who I am. :)

02-24-2009, 11:08 AM
I hope to god that it doesn't rain like last time...pop up tent shelters are fun and all but I'd rather be burn'n some rubber.

PS - Hey Sean, I'm thinking about taking the Cobra down the track. I'm also thinking about putting a hot pink stripe down the center so you tell who I am. :)

LOL, you're not even going to be there. You're shooting a wedding that day :nutkick:

02-24-2009, 11:54 AM
LOL, you're not even going to be there. You're shooting a wedding that day :nutkick:

Pst....I backed out due to a certain someones bday. :P

02-24-2009, 12:05 PM
Sean, if you are not going to run I was thinking about taking Yazmine to get some more baselines. Shannon might even go. You should run the Cobra Lexy!! I like the pink stripe idea, it would work for you both!!:nutkick:

If you need the truck to haul a grill and stuff Sean you can use mine.

02-24-2009, 12:07 PM
Sean, if you are not going to run I was thinking about taking Yazmine to get some more baselines. Shannon might even go. You should run the Cobra Lexy!! I like the pink stripe idea, it would work for you both!!:nutkick:

If you need the truck to haul a grill and stuff Sean you can use mine.

I doubt I'll have drag radials that day unless Mark isn't using his, so it's pointless to run on street tires. Maybe I'll take you up on the truck and we can bring a grill down.

02-24-2009, 12:26 PM
I doubt I'll have drag radials that day unless Mark isn't using his, so it's pointless to run on street tires. Maybe I'll take you up on the truck and we can bring a grill down.

You are just scared that Alexis is going to run a faster time than you on Street tires!!!

02-24-2009, 12:39 PM
You are just scared that Alexis is going to run a faster time than you on Street tires!!!

HA! I wish....naw I have some practicing to do. I've still gotta master the burn out. Maybe with my MCL injury, something will happen inside this knee of mine that will perfect it.

Hey, what can we do about getting the screen name stickers for the cars? Do you think we can have those by track day? I'm excited about my pink sexylxy sticker...........................

(what response will sean have....hmmm....) :pot_stir:

02-24-2009, 02:00 PM
So I take it you guys won't be at the March 6th private track day?

02-24-2009, 02:28 PM
So I take it you guys won't be at the March 6th private track day?

No, it's a busy Friday and I have to work :(

nordy racer
02-24-2009, 06:43 PM
i'll be there running my black bike :)

02-24-2009, 10:00 PM
i'll be there running my black bike :)

Remind me again what the black bike should be good for? I'm thinking high 9's/low 10's (which at Cali Speedway probably translates to a low 12 :o)?

nordy racer
02-25-2009, 05:11 PM
about mid 10's if the rider is good and i'm not LOL..

03-02-2009, 08:18 AM
Ok I take it back, I will not be racing but rather watching and helping. Hehe I totally forgot about the whole getting up early to race (and not having access to track tires this round doesn't help either - guess we need to finally buy some). It's cool, this chick is tired so it's probably a good thing I won't be racing. I might be a drifter if I did. So I'll be watching and taping you guys. Cant wait to be out at the track again and see you guys racing. It's been a while.....gosh 4-5 months now. Wow

03-02-2009, 08:58 AM
oohh man i wish u guys could go on friday, i want some footage of the slowbra.

03-02-2009, 01:29 PM
oohh man i wish u guys could go on friday, i want some footage of the slowbra.


I REALLY want to go. Is this the make up day for oc horsepower?
I just don't think Sean and I can get the time off to come out. Hmm....sick day? Ahem ahem, I think I feel a cold coming. JK

Naw I would really really love to come out seeing as how we seem to know everyone and it would be a good day to tape. :)

03-02-2009, 01:42 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think Mother Nature is gonna cooperate for Friday or Saturday. :(

03-02-2009, 04:19 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think Mother Nature is gonna cooperate for Friday or Saturday. :(

Lol, yeah I know. I looked at the weather and it's 40-50% chance of showers. :(

The weather just doesn't like track days doesn't it. I hope it's fine for sunday. Eek I have a big thing going on at my casa that day and I need the outdoors to put people.

nordy racer
03-02-2009, 04:38 PM
yep.. i think it's going to rain damn it.. i just purchased lowering straps for the bike too..

03-03-2009, 03:30 PM

I REALLY want to go. Is this the make up day for oc horsepower?
I just don't think Sean and I can get the time off to come out. Hmm....sick day? Ahem ahem, I think I feel a cold coming. JK

Naw I would really really love to come out seeing as how we seem to know everyone and it would be a good day to tape. :)

Well we are having a problem with people canceling on Ricky so it might not even happen. If it does not happen then i will try and go on saturday for some racing.

03-04-2009, 12:20 PM
Ok, so the weather for Saturday has been downgraded from 40% chance of showers to a sunny 66 degree day with only 10% chance of rain. I think it will a good day. :) I'll keep ya guys posted.

03-04-2009, 09:10 PM
Okay everyone, we wanted to be a little higher tech and ensure we taped people who signed up, so here is how it's going to work. We have had 30 static cling stickers made up. They have an M and then are numbered from 1 to 30. For the 30 people that sign up here (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1187&day=2009-3-7&c=1) we will give you one of these stickers to put on the inside of your passenger window. They will be visible from the stands so we make sure to get the correct cars.

At the end of the day we'll get the stickers back (we're going to reuse them at future street legal events) and then sync your user name up with the numbers. Once the videos are cut they'll be posted on the site and high resolution copies will be available for download.

To get a sticker, sign up and then the day of the event look for either a 2003 Yellow Mach 1 or a 1982 White Vette and they'll have the stickers for you. If you don't see either of them, then before racing begins come up to the stands and I'll be the guy at the end with a video camera and I'll have some. If anyone has any questions shoot me a PM or give me a call. See you all out there - thanks!

03-05-2009, 08:59 AM
Sean and Lexy, it looks like the weather will be nice on Saturday. I won't be there because Throttle Crazy and I are going to be out at TDS this weekend. If you guys want to run your car on Saturday you are more than welcome to use my DOT legal slicks that I have for my Cobra. Just let me know and we can arrange it.

03-05-2009, 10:29 AM
Okay everyone, we wanted to be a little higher tech and ensure we taped people who signed up, so here is how it's going to work. We have had 30 static cling stickers made up. They have an M and then are numbered from 1 to 30. For the 30 people that sign up here (http://www.motorgen.com/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1187&day=2009-3-7&c=1) we will give you one of these stickers to put on the inside of your passenger window. They will be visible from the stands so we make sure to get the correct cars.

At the end of the day we'll get the stickers back (we're going to reuse them at future street legal events) and then sync your user name up with the numbers. Once the videos are cut they'll be posted on the site and high resolution copies will be available for download.

To get a sticker, sign up and then the day of the event look for either a 2003 Yellow Mach 1 or a 1982 White Vette and they'll have the stickers for you. If you don't see either of them, then before racing begins come up to the stands and I'll be the guy at the end with a video camera and I'll have some. If anyone has any questions shoot me a PM or give me a call. See you all out there - thanks!

Sean if the track day does not happen then count me in for sat. I dont want to sign up now though and then not go.

03-06-2009, 01:31 PM

To all who are going... please make sure to get a window sticker for your ride so that we know to look out for you. This is the first time we are doing this so there may be some growing pains, so please bare with us. The stickers are static electricity stickers. They are not adhesive so don't worry about not being able to get them off. Pics below... not sure if we are going to be doing these on the windshield or the side window. We will have windex and paper towels to clean the area for the sticker.




Hopefully they are big enough for us to read. We will have to see.

03-06-2009, 01:33 PM
Sean and Lexy, it looks like the weather will be nice on Saturday. I won't be there because Throttle Crazy and I are going to be out at TDS this weekend. If you guys want to run your car on Saturday you are more than welcome to use my DOT legal slicks that I have for my Cobra. Just let me know and we can arrange it.

Would I be able to use them? :jk: :drool: What size are they? Sean and i are looking into splitting some.

I have your stickers BTW. I will keep them in the Stang till I see you next.

03-06-2009, 01:53 PM

I'm LOVE'N the signature! You make me laugh.


Thank you for the wonderful offer. I think Sean and I have decided to pass as this lady is dead tired and I've got a house full of peep headed over on Sunday for some grub.

Maybe another time when things aren't so crazy, but hopefully you'll be using them sometime soon so we can tape you. :)

We'll catch you soon, and thanks again.

Take care,

03-07-2009, 04:28 PM
So I took 107 pictures with the SLR.. this could take some time to go through =/

nordy racer
03-07-2009, 05:04 PM
good day today.. thanks for taking some vids and photos of my bike runs.. to bad my last run i left to hard and she came up on me :(.. at least i pulled of two 10 sec runs..

03-07-2009, 05:57 PM
good day today.. thanks for taking some vids and photos of my bike runs.. to bad my last run i left to hard and she came up on me :(.. at least i pulled of two 10 sec runs..

I was impressed, you were clearly running a lot better than last time. Last time I could tell you were having to fight the front end from lifting every run. Good luck at training, and we'll see you when you get back :drink:

03-07-2009, 06:05 PM
It was fun hanging out today - I got to meet some new faces and it was an overall enjoyable day (except sooo many cars breaking). See you guys next time :thumbs_up:

03-07-2009, 08:08 PM
Once again you guys put together another opportunity to have a good time. Nice work with the camera today Sean. Looking forward to the vids. Good to meet everyone today. See you guys around! G37 in case anyone is wondering. :D


03-07-2009, 08:56 PM
Nice to see you guys again. Lots of car out there today too, but my first 2 run was not so good at all. First run I launch at 1k and 2 run I miss shift on 2 gear.:suicide:

#1 run 14.238 @ 102.70mph :bang:
#2 run 14.723 @ 100.97mph :suicide:
#3 run 13.511 @ 104.85mph ;)

BMW 335i coupe :drink:

03-07-2009, 10:04 PM
Once again you guys put together another opportunity to have a good time. Nice work with the camera today Sean. Looking forward to the vids. Good to meet everyone today. See you guys around! G37 in case anyone is wondering. :D


Congrats on the 13 second pass Scott :drink:

I'm so impressed that a stone stock G37 Sedan with 2k miles is that quick. Time to start modding now :D

03-07-2009, 10:05 PM
Nice to see you guys again. Lots of car out there today too, but my first 2 run was not so good at all. First run I launch at 1k and 2 run I miss shift on 2 gear.:suicide:

#1 run 14.238 @ 102.70mph :bang:
#2 run 14.723 @ 100.97mph :suicide:
#3 run 13.511 @ 104.85mph ;)

BMW 335i coupe :drink:

Good to see you too. Sorry I couldn't stick around to see the 13 sec pass, but I had some other stuff to do tonight :(

Oh, and I'm an expert as missing gears so I know exactly what you're talking about :thumbs_up:

03-07-2009, 11:41 PM
. . . Oh, and I'm an expert as missing gears so I know exactly what you're talking about :thumbs_up:

And we've got lots of video to prove it. Don't forget bogging too. :nutkick:

03-07-2009, 11:42 PM
. . . I'm so impressed that a stone stock G37 Sedan with 2k miles is that quick. Time to start modding now :D

Don't forget California Speedway is Satan's home track.

03-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Yesterday was by far the best conditions I have seen at that track. I ran a 14.39 (previous best was 14.42) on my first run and followed that up with 2 14.06. I was so close to getting into the 13 sec club. Damn it! I spun on the first run and then spun and bogged on the second. Sean and I are coining a motorgen phase right now... "spogging". the last run there was just alittle too much gas at the start so I spun a little. Overall I was happy with the runs I had. I nailed every shift! I just wish I could of gotten at least one more crack at the 13second club but there were about 8 hondas that went down and the worst was an IDIOT in a Cobalt SS who blew something about a 1/3 of the way down the track and decided it was best to coast down the rest of the track to the finish line before he came to a stop and spewed oil almost the entire way down the track. I swear people do now pay any attention to the anouncers wnhen they say stop the car and pull over. That IDIOT killed at least 15 runs down the track.

Overall it was a good day. It was good to meet some of you and Scott it was nice talking with you.

03-08-2009, 12:06 PM
. . . Sean and I are coining a motorgen phase right now... "spogging". . . .

[With Indian accent] "Do you know how I know you two are gay? Because you coined a phrase. 'spogging'".

03-08-2009, 12:34 PM
Yesterday was by far the best conditions I have seen at that track. I ran a 14.39 (previous best was 14.42) on my first run and followed that up with 2 14.06. I was so close to getting into the 13 sec club. Damn it! I spun on the first run and then spun and bogged on the second. Sean and I are coining a motorgen phase right now... "spogging". the last run there was just alittle too much gas at the start so I spun a little. Overall I was happy with the runs I had. I nailed every shift! I just wish I could of gotten at least one more crack at the 13second club but there were about 8 hondas that went down and the worst was an IDIOT in a Cobalt SS who blew something about a 1/3 of the way down the track and decided it was best to coast down the rest of the track to the finish line before he came to a stop and spewed oil almost the entire way down the track. I swear people do now pay any attention to the anouncers wnhen they say stop the car and pull over. That IDIOT killed at least 15 runs down the track.

Overall it was a good day. It was good to meet some of you and Scott it was nice talking with you.

I know how u feel man, that was me friday trying to get in to the 11's but i was scared of braking something so i was not leaving as hard as usual. The track was nice and sticky.

03-08-2009, 01:39 PM
[With Indian accent] "Do you know how I know you two are gay? Because you coined a phrase. 'spogging'".

:rolling: Nice..!!

03-08-2009, 11:54 PM
Track felt really good...very sticky...probably why so many people were breaking. Only got 3 runs :bang:

03-08-2009, 11:54 PM
Track felt really good...very sticky...probably why so many people were breaking. Only got 3 runs :bang:

I know I got at least 2 of them on tape. After the breakdowns continued in the afternoon we finally gave up and left :suicide:

03-09-2009, 10:45 AM
Right after you guys left the track started cooling down. I should have done a long burnout on my last run but I didn't and spun through first, but got my best MPH of the day. :bang:

03-09-2009, 11:38 AM
I know I got at least 2 of them on tape. After the breakdowns continued in the afternoon we finally gave up and left :suicide:awesome..thanks Sean! Yup 3 hours between runs...12:17 - 2:48 - 5:50...lame. I wonder if street legal days are more prone to breakage? When I talked to the chick who was running the track at LA Invasion last year she said that street legal days people were getting at least 6 runs in...grrrr. Maybe without all the busted cars oiling up the track:bang:

03-09-2009, 11:39 AM
Private track rentals for the win. Sean HINT HINT.

03-09-2009, 11:52 AM
Private track rentals for the win. Sean HINT HINT.

Yeah, it's in the hopper. Only problem is CSW doesn't seem to be run by the most, mmm, "on it" bunch of folks. :judge: We were thinking of even doing some Irwindale dates. I love that little 1/8th mile.