View Full Version : Steroids in Baseball Question?

02-23-2009, 09:25 PM
With all A-roid stuff lately I can't tell you how sick I am of the topic of steroids in baseball. My personal opinion is that the whole thing is completely overblown. The league and the union knew the players were doing it but didn't care because ratings and attendance were up. Lets face it, fans like seeing power hitters hit 400+ ft homeruns.

Now the question becomes do guys like Bonds, Clemens and A-rod get into the hall of fame or not? In my opinion they all should get in. I think it's clear that a lot of players were doing steroids, so can't we just say those guys were just the best players of the steroid era? It wasn't even against the rules at the time the guys were testing positive, so I think baseball is totally hypocritical to come down on everyone know. If they cared so much about it, they would have done something at the time. Not to mention people have been cheating in baseball since it started (spit balls, cork, "greenies," etc).

So what say you? Do the best players of the steroid error get into the hall, or should the be banished forever?

02-24-2009, 09:32 AM
With all A-roid stuff lately I can't tell you how sick I am of the topic of steroids in baseball. My personal opinion is that the whole thing is completely overblown. The league and the union knew the players were doing it but didn't care because ratings and attendance were up. Lets face it, fans like seeing power hitters hit 400+ ft homeruns.

Now the question becomes do guys like Bonds, Clemens and A-rod get into the hall of fame or not? In my opinion they all should get in. I think it's clear that a lot of players were doing steroids, so can't we just say those guys were just the best players of the steroid era? It wasn't even against the rules at the time the guys were testing positive, so I think baseball is totally hypocritical to come down on everyone know. If they cared so much about it, they would have done something at the time. Not to mention people have been cheating in baseball since it started (spit balls, cork, "greenies," etc).

So what say you? Do the best players of the steroid error get into the hall, or should the be banished forever?

Give it to them. Hell, steroids were even a problem when I was growing-up. :sm_up_there:

02-24-2009, 11:25 AM
I like to think of myself as a fairly serious baseball fan. I still think raising the mound and artificial turf are criminal enterprises. If you are in school, taking a test, and you get caught cheating, do you get to keep your "A"? of course not. If you win say, pro 10.5 races, and you run an 11.5 inch tire, do you get to keep your trophy? of course not. And if 3.4 of the field is doing it, is it okay then? No! So why are we even contemplating enshrining Cheaters into the hall of fame? Boggles my mind.

02-24-2009, 11:30 AM
I like to think of myself as a fairly serious baseball fan. I still think raising the mound and artificial turf are criminal enterprises. If you are in school, taking a test, and you get caught cheating, do you get to keep your "A"? of course not. If you win say, pro 10.5 races, and you run an 11.5 inch tire, do you get to keep your trophy? of course not. And if 3.4 of the field is doing it, is it okay then? No! So why are we even contemplating enshrining Cheaters into the hall of fame? Boggles my mind.

Well, cheaters are already in the hall of fame. Gaylord Perry for instance was notorious for scuffing the ball. Also Mike Schmidt and lots of great players from the 80's were taking "greenies" which is basically just speed all the time. Should those players be kicked out as well?

02-24-2009, 12:23 PM
I like to think of myself as a fairly serious baseball fan. I still think raising the mound and artificial turf are criminal enterprises. If you are in school, taking a test, and you get caught cheating, do you get to keep your "A"? of course not. If you win say, pro 10.5 races, and you run an 11.5 inch tire, do you get to keep your trophy? of course not. And if 3.4 of the field is doing it, is it okay then? No! So why are we even contemplating enshrining Cheaters into the hall of fame? Boggles my mind.

I totally agree with you about the AstroTurf. Clearly a Communist conspiracy. I also about 90% agree with you on your basic position, except for all your analogies are clear violations of stated rules/regulations. Apparently steroids were not illegal or banned at these times. I thought they were a controlled substance, whether they were explicity banned by baseball or not. If so, it'd sort of be like someone playing on speed, if there were any advantage there. Maybe that's a better analogy, and I think in that case, a larger percentage of the population would be against putting them in. Just a guess.

02-24-2009, 01:17 PM
I still do not know how to answer this question. On one hand I think that Pete Rose deserves to be in the Hall for the Playing career he had. He bet on baseball but that was not when he was playing as far as I know. On the other hand I look at players like... Canseco, Bonds, A-Roid and whether it was illegal or not I don't agree with them using it. It is hard to "punish" guys who technically did not break the rules. It is true that a number of players in the hall were not good people and had transgressions in their careers but to put up the numbers some the Steriod era players did were a large direct result of roids so are the numbers they put up roid numbers or real numbers? Can you say *?

I am going to vote no on this but would not put Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose in the same class as these guys. Shoeless Joe should be in for sure!!!!!!

02-24-2009, 01:32 PM
I still do not know how to answer this question. On one hand I think that Pete Rose deserves to be in the Hall for the Playing career he had. He bet on baseball but that was not when he was playing as far as I know. On the other hand I look at players like... Canseco, Bonds, A-Roid and whether it was illegal or not I don't agree with them using it. It is hard to "punish" guys who technically did not break the rules. It is true that a number of players in the hall were not good people and had transgressions in their careers but to put up the numbers some the Steriod era players did were a large direct result of roids so are the numbers they put up roid numbers or real numbers? Can you say *?

I am going to vote no on this but would not put Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose in the same class as these guys. Shoeless Joe should be in for sure!!!!!!

I absolutely agree on Shoeless Joe - it's criminal he's still not in.