View Full Version : the evo may be totalled :-(
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-19-2009, 08:46 PM
yesterday sucked ass!!!
im still waiting to see if the shop its at will total it out i hope to god they dont....there isnt really any mechanical damage so idk how the evaluation will fuckin praying they wont total out me baby and just fix it.
02-19-2009, 08:55 PM
Man, I'm soooo sorry Steve - that's awful. What the hell happened? Are you okay?
02-19-2009, 09:08 PM
Now I'm a sad panda. :(
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-19-2009, 09:14 PM
Man, I'm soooo sorry Steve - that's awful. What the hell happened? Are you okay?
ya man im good and my 3 other passengers are too lol
the short story is i was leaving the e85 station in LA i went about 400ft down the road which turns into a 90 degree right turn. and there was an suv in front of me well he braked in preperation for the turn and i braked in preperation for the turn right behind him, well in the middle of the sharp right i guess this asshole gets scared and hits his brakes like theres a fuckin deer in the middle of the road or something and i reacted to slow and my hood and lights went under his honda pilots read bumper and because i hit the brakes so hard in the middle of a right turn my rear end slid out and the rear driver side tire hit the curb.
02-19-2009, 09:22 PM
ya man im good and my 3 other passengers are too lol
the short story is i was leaving the e85 station in LA i went about 400ft down the road which turns into a 90 degree right turn. and there was an suv in front of me well he braked in preperation for the turn and i braked in preperation for the turn right behind him, well in the middle of the sharp right i guess this asshole gets scared and hits his brakes like theres a fuckin deer in the middle of the road or something and i reacted to slow and my hood and lights went under his honda pilots read bumper and because i hit the brakes so hard in the middle of a right turn my rear end slid out and the rear driver side tire hit the curb.
I just had my wife look at the pictures and she thinks it might be a total :(
I'm so sorry to hear about everything - looking at the pictures makes me sick :(
02-19-2009, 09:25 PM
Would now be an inappropriate time to ask what happens to totaled cars and what you can take out/off of them? :sm_up_there:
02-19-2009, 09:30 PM
DAMN! well alteast you and your passengers are ok. So did they make it 100% your fault or was it split?
on a side note... did your head hit the windshield??? jesus man =(
02-19-2009, 09:40 PM
DAMN! well alteast you and your passengers are ok. So did they make it 100% your fault or was it split?
on a side note... did your head hit the windshield??? jesus man =(
Holy crap, I missed that the first time :yikes:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-19-2009, 09:42 PM
long story is i took my friend to the mitsu dealer in coasta mesa to pick up his car, well sense we where already by the beach i was like fuck driving back in traffic lets take the pch too santa monica.
so we get there and stay till 6-7pm-ish and we needs to head back home to chill with his girl....wel i wanted to stay at the beach so i picked up this friend in which is a female on the way home in west covina....also it was her 21st bday so i wanted to kinda spend it with her and also make her buy me drinks :drink:
well we're leaving west covina and i wanted to go to laguna beach or dana point but then she wanted me to pic up her friend in san gabrial on the 10 freeway so i just said fuck it sense im going that was lets go to santa monica when i didnt really wanna go to santa monica, well i was on 91 and the tank was running dry so i decided to get e85 sense i was in the area and boom it happens as i leave the station.......
if it gets fixed imma garage queen that car and put my money into the startion and drive that until i get the genesis coupe......all i can think about is my baby being fixed...and not getting totalled like no joke im tearing up thinking about it. it was my most accomplished car...i had it set up perfectly to where there wasnt one thing i didnt like about the car. damn this is depressing
02-19-2009, 09:46 PM
long story is i took my friend to the mitsu dealer in coasta mesa to pick up his car, well sense we where already by the beach i was like fuck driving back in traffic lets take the pch too santa monica.
so we get there and stay till 6-7pm-ish and we needs to head back home to chill with his girl....wel i wanted to stay at the beach so i picked up this friend in which is a female on the way home in west covina....also it was her 21st bday so i wanted to kinda spend it with her and also make her buy me drinks :drink:
well we're leaving west covina and i wanted to go to laguna beach or dana point but then she wanted me to pic up her friend in san gabrial on the 10 freeway so i just said fuck it sense im going that was lets go to santa monica when i didnt really wanna go to santa monica, well i was on 91 and the tank was running dry so i decided to get e85 sense i was in the area and boom it happens as i leave the station.......
if it gets fixed imma garage queen that car and put my money into the startion and drive that until i get the genesis coupe......all i can think about is my baby being fixed...and not getting totalled like no joke im tearing up thinking about it. it was my most accomplished car...i had it set up perfectly to where there wasnt one thing i didnt like about the car. damn this is depressing
I will pray for your Evo.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-19-2009, 09:57 PM
vette- once its in the insureces grasp u have to work quick to take parts out and engine and tranny uninstalles can get tricky and u have to replace all parts with that are removed with factory imma try and dump my blown motor in the back seat and take out the good one.
also the crack is from my hand.
i was making a tight right turn remember well my left hand was at 12 o clock when the air back went off and forced it threw the windshield i have all sorts of cuts and glass in my hand kinda hurts alot.
but here is wats wrong with the car
both front fenders
both head lights
radiator support
a/c condensor
coolent resivour
steering wheel from air back
steering wheel shaft collapsed
rear driver rim
rear driver control arm
and any sensors assosiated with the airbags
radiato fans and so on
also the intercooler is fine hahah
like it just looked uglier then it is.
the radiater isnt even punctured it was just bent!!!
i turned on the car and let it idol for a second and reved it up no boost leaks, and then i put it in first and drove it 5 feet. so mechanically its tits!!
just mostly body damage
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-19-2009, 09:57 PM
I will pray for your Evo.
thanks man that means alot
02-19-2009, 10:11 PM
vette- once its in the insureces grasp u have to work quick to take parts out and engine and tranny uninstalles can get tricky and u have to replace all parts with that are removed with factory imma try and dump my blown motor in the back seat and take out the good one.
also the crack is from my hand.
i was making a tight right turn remember well my left hand was at 12 o clock when the air back went off and forced it threw the windshield i have all sorts of cuts and glass in my hand kinda hurts alot.
but here is wats wrong with the car
both front fenders
both head lights
radiator support
a/c condensor
coolent resivour
steering wheel from air back
steering wheel shaft collapsed
rear driver rim
rear driver control arm
and any sensors assosiated with the airbags
radiato fans and so on
also the intercooler is fine hahah
like it just looked uglier then it is.
the radiater isnt even punctured it was just bent!!!
i turned on the car and let it idol for a second and reved it up no boost leaks, and then i put it in first and drove it 5 feet. so mechanically its tits!!
just mostly body damage
Gotta love cars with a Ralley heritage.
02-19-2009, 11:21 PM
Glad you and your passengers are okay Steve. Don't worry if they total the car because you can still buy it back from them. My brother did that when his K5 Blazer got hit. It actually worked out well for him because he was able to completely redo the truck for less than what they gave him plus the price he paid to buy it back. Plus it was way nicer. He had custom National Springs with a 6 inch lift made for it. It scored a 1200 (highest you can get) on a RTI ramp.
02-20-2009, 12:35 AM
Glad you and your passengers are okay Steve. Don't worry if they total the car because you can still buy it back from them. My brother did that when his K5 Blazer got hit. It actually worked out well for him because he was able to completely redo the truck for less than what they gave him plus the price he paid to buy it back. Plus it was way nicer. He had custom National Springs with a 6 inch lift made for it. It scored a 1200 (highest you can get) on a RTI ramp.
That kind of begs the question, can't you just take a total payment for the total less buy back in one fell swoop? Lexy?
02-20-2009, 01:12 AM
ya man im good and my 3 other passengers are too lol
the short story is i was leaving the e85 station in LA i went about 400ft down the road which turns into a 90 degree right turn. and there was an suv in front of me well he braked in preperation for the turn and i braked in preperation for the turn right behind him, well in the middle of the sharp right i guess this asshole gets scared and hits his brakes like theres a fuckin deer in the middle of the road or something and i reacted to slow and my hood and lights went under his honda pilots read bumper and because i hit the brakes so hard in the middle of a right turn my rear end slid out and the rear driver side tire hit the curb.
So you basicly rrear ended some :whistle:dude?
02-20-2009, 01:41 AM
You might be able to buy the car back from the insurance company if they do total it. Then just pay the difference to get it fixed.
If I were you, I'd let it go. Build another one, bigger and badder. Tough luck man, be happy that you can still walk. That's all that's important.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-20-2009, 05:33 AM
You might be able to buy the car back from the insurance company if they do total it. Then just pay the difference to get it fixed.
If I were you, I'd let it go. Build another one, bigger and badder. Tough luck man, be happy that you can still walk. That's all that's important.
ya man i see your point with that but i already have so much in this car that i dont wanna let it go. and i really dont want another evo or even an evo 10 because i really wanted to hop on a genesis coupe and my evo was gonna become roll caged garage queen when the hyundai shows up....this accident puts a wrench in that plan.
vette- ya ur right this car is a fighter...bullet proof mechanically but exterior might as well be made of fairy dust its so non was ment to really be attached with mud and zip ties
also i do wanna know if i can buy the car back?
i was told by another friend that you can buy it back if u hastle the insurence company about it once they cut u the pay off in a sense u can double end the deal. and fix it yourself
BADDASSC6 - lol ya basicly i rear ended this so over insurence companys not once have they every found any of my incidense to be the other drivers fault. like really at least try to fight for me and throw me a damn bone for one accident for the 375 a month they charge me every damn month.
i beleive if i heard the voice correctly on my dads phone being as how the car is in his name. they found me to be at fault after 5 minutes of talking to me....state farm didnt even talk to any of my passengers! but the other guys insurence which was progressive was all nice and she talked like the lady from the progressive commercials all cute and what not and she talked to all my passengers!!!
and the other guy that hit me in october had mercury and they where all mean with me and fighting for him hitting me even though it was his fault like no freakin joke i need to get a new insurence company!! state farm are lame.
at this point though i could care less if im at fault i just want my baby running and for the freakin pain in my ankle and hand to go away!
i was hitting the break so freaking hard my brake pedel bent toward the gas pedel i was pretty suprised when noticed that
Douglas Mariani
02-20-2009, 08:26 AM
Sorry about the car. But thank God you walked away with your life.The car can be can't
02-20-2009, 09:17 AM
DAMN! well alteast you and your passengers are ok. So did they make it 100% your fault or was it split?
on a side note... did your head hit the windshield??? jesus man =(
Lol, this is my insurance adjuster part of me coming out so bare with me and some terminology.
Based upon Steves FOL (facts of loss) it appears that he rear ended the party in front of him. He most likely would be found 100% liable for rear ending the party infront of him and then losing control and hitting the curb (again....all insurance coming out here). Should he wish to dispute the FOL and say "the fella slammed on the brakes for no apparent reason" a witness would have to prove that, but since it doesn't sounds like that is the case (PS - passanges are not witness'...they have a biased opinion about the FOL (just general knowledge I'd thought i'd share) the insurance company would most likely come back and say, he was following too close, or going too fast for the road/weather and so on.
Normal person now....
Steve, I'm so sorry dude. I'm glad that you guys are all ok. For airbags to deploy, that requires some serious force. And as for your head to the windshield....eek, no bueno dude. Again I'm glad you're all ok.
02-20-2009, 09:29 AM
Would now be an inappropriate time to ask what happens to totaled cars and what you can take out/off of them? :sm_up_there:
:insurance lady talking again:
It all depends on the insurance company. Should the car be a TL (total loss), it would be up to you to ask your TL adjuster if you would be able to take items out of the vehicle. Now, they probably think that you want to take maybe some speakers, cds...and so on. You need to make them fully aware that you would like to take engine parts off. They might say no and just suggest that you provide parts prices for the items that you have on the vehicle and include that into the price that your vehicle is worth.
Another suggestion you might want to think about (again should the car be a total loss) is if you have the time, you will be given the option to either sell it to your insurance company, or you can keep your wreaked vehicle. Should you decide to keep the wreaked vehicle, you have the benefit of taking off what you want and selling out the rest of the vehicle. The only catch is that if you keep the vehicle, they (insurance company) are going to deduct the salvage amount of the vehicle (the amount that they would get for the vehicle at auction....just guessing, probably a couple k (i'm guessing maybe 4-5).
02-20-2009, 09:38 AM
That kind of begs the question, can't you just take a total payment for the total less buy back in one fell swoop? Lexy?
You mean like this:
Value of car - 20k
Registration/tax - 1k
Total payout - 21k
Less salvage (should you keep it)- 5k
payout by insurance company to steve = 16k
It would go something like that. Hope that helps.
PS - With the company that I work with, we have to pay off any lien holders first (banks) and anything left over goes to the registered owner. What do you own on the car if anything?
02-20-2009, 09:44 AM
Oh, sorry forgot something. I know you expressed interest in wantng to fix up a possible totaled vehicle....please keep in mind that the vehicle would then have a salvage title, and would be a b**** to sell in the long run.
02-20-2009, 11:45 AM
Sorry to hear what happened. I don't pray much, but since Ben thought of it, it couldn't hurt.
Again man, I'm sorry to hear what happened.:(
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-20-2009, 01:00 PM
thanks for all the info lxy, your pretty much said what i wanted to hear as far as buying the car back.
also i never planned on selling my car ever my plan was to keep it under 45-50k miles and then garage it till hover cars come out lol.
also lxy that crack on the windshield was from my hand not my head.....pretty crazy huh but i think me already having a crack in the windshield helped that out.
but ya what i was getting at was that my friend actually sold and fixed up salveaged evo's for profit, he bought them both for 4-5 grand one with heavey rear end damage and one with heavey front damage similar to mine. well he got them fixed 100% perfectly the wripples in the paint look factory! and spent about 8k in the end to fix both and he ended selling one for 17,000 and the other for 20,000. i also had another friend that had a salvaged evo that was bought for around 7k at an auction and he ended up trading this guy pink slip for pink slip on his 2004 honda s2000 with a clean title and decent milege......
where im pretty much getting at is that my car has a strong salvage market as far as buyers if i where to get her fixed and re-slang her.
oh ya on a side note the shop where my friend fixed up his salvaged evo's just so happends to be the same shop my insurence told me to drop my car off at. so thats a plus....but they charged my friend less for labor work, and told him if he was an insurence company ther would have quadrupled the labor price on the work they did. kinda sucks if my car where to get totalled because of some greedy assed wanted to charge there astronomicle ass labor rate!
brutal- thanks man i appreciate thati guess i find out today around 2-5pm on what fate they pick for it
02-20-2009, 01:23 PM
Sending good ju-ju your way Steve. I say buy the car back and fix it with the $$ you get form the insurance. Who cares about the salvage since you are never going to sell it anyway.
I am glad you are ok.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-20-2009, 02:35 PM
ya thanks man and i plan on doing that if they salvage it out.
i believe if they did total out the car imma get 28-30k pay off form the insurence and there is 18-19-ish owed so far the price to repart vs. the price of pay off is looking good sense its still worth alot, and the money i get after the finance company is payed off vs. how much it will be to buy back and repair is looking decent.
also i drove the starion to west covina/azusa last night and jesus did it make me miss the evo that was the loneliest ride home ever!
well its the weekend and imma try and drown out my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle and forget about thinks.
on the plus side my insurence will go down on the evo if it gets salvaged
02-20-2009, 03:33 PM
When did this accident happen? Do you know when your insurance company is going to look at it? You should hear something by now if it's total. Call the shop...they'll be able to tell you what's up with it.
Hehe, if you want me to call the shop, I can - just provide phone number.
Keep us posted :)
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-20-2009, 05:35 PM
When did this accident happen? Do you know when your insurance company is going to look at it? You should hear something by now if it's total. Call the shop...they'll be able to tell you what's up with it.
Hehe, if you want me to call the shop, I can - just provide phone number.
Keep us posted :)
it happend wednesday night at 10:30pm in L.A.
but we dropped the car off at the shop the night of the accident, and then next morning called the shop about the car, well they said they couldnt touch the car till they got a claim number, well i didnt get a claim number till after noon time and then i forgot i still had the keys and they couldnt touch it w/o the keys and i had to sign some paperwork approving it.
in other words they couldnt look at it till today haha.
but ya if you wanna give them a call that would be nice
its (909) 829-6800
heritage auto collision
in fontana CA on cherry and vencinte ave. just in case you need that info
also my insurence is state farm, i believe the claim agent is maritza, on team case you wanna make it sound more official lol
oh and license number is 5XNL001, 2006 silver mitsu lancer evolution special edition
well let me know
ive been wanting to call them all day but i dont like to bug shops also try and tell them if they can not total it out imma nice kid blah blah blah u know the whole thing ahahah
02-21-2009, 10:45 AM
holy crap, my heart hurts for your loss man, its a damn shame the other dude's douchebaggery goes w.o consequence :(
Glad you and your peeps are safe
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-21-2009, 02:43 PM
holy crap, my heart hurts for your loss man, its a damn shame the other dude's douchebaggery goes w.o consequence :(
Glad you and your peeps are safe
thanks man im not even caring about the other driver. no one is gonna care for you....learned that lesson from back stabing friends and state farm. u have to care for yourself more then you care for others or else u get fucked and walked over.
so ya screw all of them i just want my car back and fixed unsalveged and to go about my life becoming a real estate baller with my laguna beach house, with my evo, gen coupe, and army of other play cars. and i no one is gonna stop me !!
02-21-2009, 11:42 PM
thanks man im not even caring about the other driver. no one is gonna care for you....learned that lesson from back stabing friends and state farm. u have to care for yourself more then you care for others or else u get fucked and walked over. . .
Don't give into the dark side of the force. There are many wonderful people; me for example.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-22-2009, 05:38 AM
Don't give into the dark side of the force. There are many wonderful people; me for example.
lol ya u are pretty groovey good sir!
but ya u'll find much of the youth drenched anxt and depression of the 90's crossed over to my generation in an even deeper less noticable level.
i believe we are the most innocent and the most dark of previous generations.
in other words and most of you now this we became huge pussies.
anywho maybe ill just get some underground zoloft from mexico or something lol
02-23-2009, 01:27 PM
Any word on your ride?
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-23-2009, 03:38 PM
Any word on your ride?
naw not yet i thought u where gonna call for me haha i left the info a page back or scared to call and find out
02-23-2009, 05:11 PM
I'm sorry to inform you but your vehicle is a total loss. :(
Shall we make arrangements for the funeral, or a re-birth?
Please see your PM for more details.
02-23-2009, 05:12 PM
I'm sorry to inform you but your vehicle is a total loss. :(
Shall we make arrangements for the funeral, or a re-birth?
Please see your PM for more details.
Steve, I still think you should consider buying it back.
02-23-2009, 05:32 PM
I'm sorry to inform you but your vehicle is a total loss. :(
Shall we make arrangements for the funeral, or a re-birth?
Please see your PM for more details.
Sorry to hear that. :censored:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-23-2009, 05:46 PM
dude thats complete bullshit they told me the damage was worth 20,000 how the fuck they come up with that number idk there fuckin gouging expensive labor rates are gonna get my car totalled!
also i talked with state farm and they told me to total a car out the repairs have to be 70% of the market value of the car and my car should have a market value of 28,000-31,000 and then i havent told them a put a new engine in it just recently which will add to the value when they find out.
at that market value range my car totaling ratio is somewhere between 19,000-22,000.
so ya im horendiously pissed right now that the damages came out to be oh so convieniently perfect on the total amount
02-23-2009, 06:48 PM
dude thats complete bullshit they told me the damage was worth 20,000 how the fuck they come up with that number idk there fuckin gouging expensive labor rates are gonna get my car totalled!
also i talked with state farm and they told me to total a car out the repairs have to be 70% of the market value of the car and my car should have a market value of 28,000-31,000 and then i havent told them a put a new engine in it just recently which will add to the value when they find out.
at that market value range my car totaling ratio is somewhere between 19,000-22,000.
so ya im horendiously pissed right now that the damages came out to be oh so convieniently perfect on the total amount
Yes, that is correct. Generally a car totals out when the damages exceed 70% of the market value. Do they know all the stuff you put into it? Did you find out what the estimate was that they wrote?
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-23-2009, 11:37 PM
Yes, that is correct. Generally a car totals out when the damages exceed 70% of the market value. Do they know all the stuff you put into it? Did you find out what the estimate was that they wrote?
all i know for sure is that they estimated the damage at 20k
as for what market value they came up with for my car im assuming 28-31k so idk i wanna fight this its b/s
like for real i could do all the labor myself if the insurence will just pay for parts and for the shop to fix the radiator support and the steering column and air bags i can do the rest....those 3 things are the hardest part everything else is simple bolt on body panels
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-24-2009, 10:49 PM
fuck that shop they got my fuckin evo totalled because they wanted to be greedy asses!!
they initially estimated 4 grand for labor, which sounded correct
but then when u look at the shit they listed in the must evaluate and inspect section they have every little thing on my car on there even taking out the engine and tranny and inspecting it!! WTF!!! they are fine
and then they wrote down 6500 to buy a whole new front clip and then added 1500 more for some 20% mark up bullshit
fuckin tweekers would do that when all i needed was the fuckin radiator support area which ive alread found 2 guys that would have let me have theres for 100 bucks, and then they go off on how a steering wheel is 1500 which is true but like thats the new price they didnt even put a remanufacted one or hell i know a mitsu dealer that gives 30% discounts to socal evo members. and then they wrote down new dash which im not gonna argue with them on but they put new??? when again those same 2 guys would let me have there evo dashes for a few hundred. like wtf they did even wanna try and save this car i even talked to some asshole there about me helping to find parts for cheaper sense i know so many sources!!
and then my insurence totalled the fuckin car because they're stupid car estimate company they used compared my car to a bunch of fucking lancers again. i even told her over the phone dies the report show comparisons with normal lancers because my car isnt a normal lancer its an evolution SE and she paused and then studdered and then said well one of them says evolution i x and i said do u mean the roman numeral 9? and she said yes and has the letters RS next to that like WTF??? they arent even comparing it to a similar car in there report and they valued it at 23,xxx
well i said the estimate is to fucken high and i know of places *which i showed shop 1's estimate too and they said wtf??? we can do that for much cheaper* that said that the estimate was too high, and i told her the value was too low, and that my car should have a totalled title on it so i asked can this me taken off and re-evaluated and the car re-assesed at another shop and she said no sorry once the salvage title is on there we cant take it off!
WTF for real what the holy fuck kinda stupid shit is that?
really there has to be away around this? sxylxy for real tell me something i wanna hear ive been trying to look up info on this and hit dead ends?
02-24-2009, 10:55 PM
fuck that shop they got my fuckin evo totalled because they wanted to be greedy asses!!
they initially estimated 4 grand for labor, which sounded correct
but then when u look at the shit they listed in the must evaluate and inspect section they have every little thing on my car on there even taking out the engine and tranny and inspecting it!! WTF!!! they are fine
and then they wrote down 6500 to buy a whole new front clip and then added 1500 more for some 20% mark up bullshit
fuckin tweekers would do that when all i needed was the fuckin radiator support area which ive alread found 2 guys that would have let me have theres for 100 bucks, and then they go off on how a steering wheel is 1500 which is true but like thats the new price they didnt even put a remanufacted one or hell i know a mitsu dealer that gives 30% discounts to socal evo members. and then they wrote down new dash which im not gonna argue with them on but they put new??? when again those same 2 guys would let me have there evo dashes for a few hundred. like wtf they did even wanna try and save this car i even talked to some asshole there about me helping to find parts for cheaper sense i know so many sources!!
and then my insurence totalled the fuckin car because they're stupid car estimate company they used compared my car to a bunch of fucking lancers again. i even told her over the phone dies the report show comparisons with normal lancers because my car isnt a normal lancer its an evolution SE and she paused and then studdered and then said well one of them says evolution i x and i said do u mean the roman numeral 9? and she said yes and has the letters RS next to that like WTF??? they arent even comparing it to a similar car in there report and they valued it at 23,xxx
well i said the estimate is to fucken high and i know of places *which i showed shop 1's estimate too and they said wtf??? we can do that for much cheaper* that said that the estimate was too high, and i told her the value was too low, and that my car should have a totalled title on it so i asked can this me taken off and re-evaluated and the car re-assesed at another shop and she said no sorry once the salvage title is on there we cant take it off!
WTF for real what the holy fuck kinda stupid shit is that?
really there has to be away around this? sxylxy for real tell me something i wanna hear ive been trying to look up info on this and hit dead ends?
Hmmm, I would think you would be able to at least get a 2nd opinion....
I don't understand how that would really impact the insurance company. Hell, it may even end up costing them less that way :huh:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-24-2009, 11:36 PM
they told me that i was able to get a second opionion on the car from another shop[ of my choice but it the agent made it sound like as if it wouldnt have any baring on the totalled title on my car?? like wtf.
weither way im not the name on the car so i pretty much gave my mother all this info and she is even more pissed then i am and she is gonna get her yell on with them sense she has more pull. also at one time being an E8 1st sgt in the army didnt hurt her yelling and munipulation skills either.
so ya im hoping this wall all be over turned
also the second shop imma take it to is another state farm backed shop in fontana that did alot of body work for my dad when he was in an accident a while ago and they love my dad even to the point where they paid his 1000 dollar diductable. idk y the hell i just didnt take my car there in the first place.
at first glance at shop number 1's estimate they knew they could already cut 4grand off. i made a big mistake by not taking to them first fuck im so pissed
02-25-2009, 12:22 AM
they told me that i was able to get a second opionion on the car from another shop[ of my choice but it the agent made it sound like as if it wouldnt have any baring on the totalled title on my car?? like wtf.
weither way im not the name on the car so i pretty much gave my mother all this info and she is even more pissed then i am and she is gonna get her yell on with them sense she has more pull. also at one time being an E8 1st sgt in the army didnt hurt her yelling and munipulation skills either.
so ya im hoping this wall all be over turned
also the second shop imma take it to is another state farm backed shop in fontana that did alot of body work for my dad when he was in an accident a while ago and they love my dad even to the point where they paid his 1000 dollar diductable. idk y the hell i just didnt take my car there in the first place.
at first glance at shop number 1's estimate they knew they could already cut 4grand off. i made a big mistake by not taking to them first fuck im so pissed
Your moma was an E8, what the hell happened to you? Ah jk. For them it's just dollars and cents, they really really don't care about anything else. Pitch it so they come out a winner and you get your way.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-25-2009, 07:04 AM
Your moma was an E8, what the hell happened to you? Ah jk. For them it's just dollars and cents, they really really don't care about anything else. Pitch it so they come out a winner and you get your way.
lol ya my mom was an e8 and she actually made E8 relatively quick i forgot the time but from the way she tells the story if note worthy, and my dad was an E9 in the army, and a high way patrol, so ya really wheren't expecting me hahah
but anywho ya as you can tell this has been bugging me so much i cant sleep.
well i guess we shall see how today goes.
02-25-2009, 09:22 AM
fuck that shop they got my fuckin evo totalled because they wanted to be greedy asses!!
they initially estimated 4 grand for labor, which sounded correct
but then when u look at the shit they listed in the must evaluate and inspect section they have every little thing on my car on there even taking out the engine and tranny and inspecting it!! WTF!!! they are fine
and then they wrote down 6500 to buy a whole new front clip and then added 1500 more for some 20% mark up bullshit
fuckin tweekers would do that when all i needed was the fuckin radiator support area which ive alread found 2 guys that would have let me have theres for 100 bucks, and then they go off on how a steering wheel is 1500 which is true but like thats the new price they didnt even put a remanufacted one or hell i know a mitsu dealer that gives 30% discounts to socal evo members. and then they wrote down new dash which im not gonna argue with them on but they put new??? when again those same 2 guys would let me have there evo dashes for a few hundred. like wtf they did even wanna try and save this car i even talked to some asshole there about me helping to find parts for cheaper sense i know so many sources!!
and then my insurence totalled the fuckin car because they're stupid car estimate company they used compared my car to a bunch of fucking lancers again. i even told her over the phone dies the report show comparisons with normal lancers because my car isnt a normal lancer its an evolution SE and she paused and then studdered and then said well one of them says evolution i x and i said do u mean the roman numeral 9? and she said yes and has the letters RS next to that like WTF??? they arent even comparing it to a similar car in there report and they valued it at 23,xxx
well i said the estimate is to fucken high and i know of places *which i showed shop 1's estimate too and they said wtf??? we can do that for much cheaper* that said that the estimate was too high, and i told her the value was too low, and that my car should have a totalled title on it so i asked can this me taken off and re-evaluated and the car re-assesed at another shop and she said no sorry once the salvage title is on there we cant take it off!
WTF for real what the holy fuck kinda stupid shit is that?
really there has to be away around this? sxylxy for real tell me something i wanna hear ive been trying to look up info on this and hit dead ends?
Well....I would like to say that I have good news for you but I'm thinking that I don't.
In the eyes of your insurance company they think you have a factory optioned mitsubishi evo. Stock evo engine, stock evo parts,...and so on. That is the vehicle that you pay your premiums for.
Being that you have added all these extra additional items, parts, and have built up your engine, your insurance company doesn't care. They again think you have a stock evo vehicle and that is the vehicle they are going to evaluate and write up.
If you're wanting to get the amount that your vehicle is "worth" which yes, it's worth a lot more than what your insurance company is going to give you, you would need to buy back the salvage and part out what you have which will make up the difference that your vehicle is worth.
***Let this be a lesson to all who have built up vehicles with "standard insurance polices."
You're going to get what you pay for. If you start porting, adding turbos, adding cams, and so on, your insurance company sees the vehicle as a factory vehicle. Should you decide to go the route and build up your car, you're going to need to take out a seperate insurance policy probably with a different company to cover all the additional parts and work that you have put into your vehicle.
I'm sorry about all this news....I know it totally sucks. I know I look like the devil right now, but in all fairness, it's not the insurance company that is dick'n ya around. When you purchased your policy with the insurance company, you purchased it for a a stock lancer evo.
Best option at this point, would be to buy back the vehicle and part it out.
(But if your insurance company is only evaluating the value of your vehicle based upon just a "lancer" I would demand that they re-evaluate that sucker ASAP for an evo.)
02-25-2009, 10:28 AM
You might be able to buy the car back from the insurance company if they do total it. Then just pay the difference to get it fixed.
If I were you, I'd let it go. Build another one, bigger and badder. Tough luck man, be happy that you can still walk. That's all that's important.
I understand you want it back, and Im also praying for you. But dont forget guys, you cant just go buy a new evo 9 to make bigger and badder. Plus Steve said this was his most successful car yet, buying another 9 could be the worst idea ever.... What if it has been through more than this one?
02-25-2009, 11:49 AM
Cornfed, on a different note if you're looking for a Genesis Coupe I have a guy who can help you. His name is Steve Cooke and he works for Douglas Hyundai in Santa Ana. He is one of my friend's at work dad and is a cool guy. His phone # is 714-814-9005 and the address of the dealership is 1405 Auto Mall Dr, Santa Ana CA.
Sorry again about the Evo, it's really horrible the way everything is going down :bang:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-25-2009, 12:41 PM
Cornfed, on a different note if you're looking for a Genesis Coupe I have a guy who can help you. His name is Steve Cooke and he works for Douglas Hyundai in Santa Ana. He is one of my friend's at work dad and is a cool guy. His phone # is 714-814-9005 and the address of the dealership is 1405 Auto Mall Dr, Santa Ana CA.
Sorry again about the Evo, it's really horrible the way everything is going down :bang:
thanks man ill probably be asking you for that number in a few months when the version of gen coupe comes out that i want.
and sxylxy-
ya i know mods dont add to much to any value to a car at all.
but they tryed to pull the same crap on my old 04 evo when it got totalled
they compared it against 13 lancers and 2 base model evo rs models, and came up with the car being worth 21k well i got made and said thats way too low and y arent you comparing cars that are similar to mine? and we got our own appraiser and fought the insurence and got the price raised to 28k
so imma have to do the same thing with this evo because 23k is way too low.
so my plan for now is to get them to raise the value of the car and get a second opinion from another shop....once those prices have been adjusted to there proper place hopefully we can fight for them to undo what they did, my mom said if she needs to sue them for totaling out a vihical because the numbers where improperly handled she will to get it off the title and fixed.
so we shall see how it goes now im off to go drive around in the starion for a bit
02-26-2009, 02:29 PM
Cornfed - I see you're on. Any updates on the situation?
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-27-2009, 07:42 PM
Cornfed - I see you're on. Any updates on the situation?
lol actually most of the time i just leave my screens open and leave the computer lol.
well now the car is at another shop for that second estimate.
well after they closed i went to my friends house down the street, the same friend that bought a salvaged evo from an auction and then got it fixed at that first shop i went too.
well as we where talking about solutions for my car and how to help out.
it just hit me like a ton of friend bought his evo at an auction for 5k give or take, meaning he...or more technically his dad can buy cars from auctions!! well y not find an evo that was totaled with rear end damage for the 4-6k that shop number 1 wanted to spend on just a front clip and i would still be left with a spare evo engine and tranny and so on. and all the rest of the cash can be spent on labor....which now will bring that high ass 20k repair bill to 12-16k which is well within my cars 70% total out margin with parts left over to sell and make some cash on if needed.
fuck i dont know i didnt think of that earlier!
so monday when the shop opens im gonna pass the idea by them. and go from there.
also my insurence is pissed at me. an agent called me wanting me to release the car to the insurence company and i said no because im gonna get a 2nd estimate at another shop. and she got a big ass attitude with me and said well where not gonna clean the title or pay for anything and then i told her that i know these cars in and out and have been in the evo community for a while and know where to find bargains to help a repair shop and with confidence in my voice and not anger *i was being so cool and calm* i told her the estimate was a joke and i know it can be repaired for less. and she got mad and said "whatever do what you want but you do know to fix the car the damages have to come out to 16,xxx dollars" and i said ya im sure thats do-able and she said whatever and just hung up on me like a child.
so im glad i kinda broke her down to say it wont be repaired unless the damage estimate is lowered. she pretty much told me with that, that its repairable.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-27-2009, 07:45 PM
OOOHHHH shit and get this!!
apparently heritage auto collision had been turning on my car and driving it w/o any radiator fluid. thats how they have been moving it about the shop.
also im on e85 right now meaning my engine needs to warm up or else the car hates its life and acts horrible.
i also recorded them driving it out!
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-27-2009, 08:19 PM
damage cleaned up
02-28-2009, 03:11 AM
You can run a motor for awhile without any radiator fluid. If they keep the rpms low and keep it running for less than a minute I wouldn't worry about it.
That's the rule of thumb for working on jet skiis out of the water, and those blocks are a lot smaller and heat up a lot faster than your 2L block with the transaxle attached.
As for the C from the insurance company, simple minded people always flip out when customers express their right and don't bend over and take it any way they want to give it. Get used to it. And good for you for not letting her get to you.
02-28-2009, 03:58 AM
You can run a motor for awhile without any radiator fluid. If they keep the rpms low and keep it running for less than a minute I wouldn't worry about it.
That's the rule of thumb for working on jet skiis out of the water, and those blocks are a lot smaller and heat up a lot faster than your 2L block with the transaxle attached.
As for the C from the insurance company, simple minded people always flip out when customers express their right and don't bend over and take it any way they want to give it. Get used to it. And good for you for not letting her get to you.
I certainly wouldn't worry about even a couple minutes of putting around a parking lot. Think about real drag cars. Fire them up, get them warm, run them HARD . . . all without a radiator even being hooked up. Early on in sorting out the details for my Vette, we had an electrical problem with the fan not coming on at all. Honestly except for sitting in traffic for long periods of time, it was fine.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-28-2009, 11:30 AM
well all thats good to hear. thanks for the info, and ya i really dont let people get to me as most of you have experienced with me im actually a pretty happy go lucky guy thats pretty helpful, and i like to be try and solve propblems from many angles not just look at one and give up. i kinda dislike that quick and dirty attribute of the insurence.
but i do understand there side of covering there own ass...if the car has anymore demonds in it after its fixed and just not dealing with the hastle, and i agree for most daily driven/ whatever cars which is a high ass percent of cars out there, that this is a good approach and very helpful on the end of the costumer *me* but in certain cases where the owner loves the car, doesnt want to let it go like that and is confident that it can be repaired for less, i think that they should be a little more understanding and explore some options with the costumer, its not like its consting them anything so far its just time and paitience. at the end im trying to save them money
02-28-2009, 01:33 PM
So if they pay less than the total value, it's not a salvage right?
I think drag cars use some sort of gel in the block in place of radiator fluid. My barber has a 1200hp BelAir and he was talking about doing this so that he could junk his water pump.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-28-2009, 01:42 PM
So if they pay less than the total value, it's not a salvage right?
I think drag cars use some sort of gel in the block in place of radiator fluid. My barber has a 1200hp BelAir and he was talking about doing this so that he could junk his water pump.
the damages have to be 70% of the total value of the car.
well sense state farm mis-valued my car at a low 23k for now
70% of that is 16k-ish so ive already found an evo that is at an auction in las vegas thats silver and was totalled because it was stolen it has no seats, radio or engine/bumper/lights but it does have a dash and steering wheel/column/rack and pinion and radiator/support and hood/fender control arm. essentually everything i need to fix mine.
my friend said that he doesnt see evo's w/o engines or interiors going for more then 2 grand.
so im gonna tell the shop my car is at about helping me out and making a new estimate of my car if they had such a donor car in the same color even. and bring that to the insurence saying they can do the job for within my 70% range and all they would have to spend on parts would essentually be 2-3 grand and the rest can go to labor which should be around 4-6 grand
i really think a 12-14k estimate is well within reason if the shop will work with me. and they are a cool shop. when my dad got in an accident they really helped him out and love him. they also do perfect work!
so if they can pull this off! i would highly suggest anyone to go there, they will work with costumers.
02-28-2009, 01:53 PM
I think drag cars use some sort of gel in the block in place of radiator fluid. My barber has a 1200hp BelAir and he was talking about doing this so that he could junk his water pump.
The Top Fuel guys are just solid blocks as far as I know, there are no water jackets. But yes, there is a gel that lower level racers can put in their "normal" engines and dump the radiator and wp altogether.
02-28-2009, 01:55 PM
. . .
so if they can pull this off! i would highly suggest anyone to go there, they will work with costumers.
Is this Tuning Technologies?
02-28-2009, 04:40 PM
Do the math or ask them where the cutoff point is, if it's close, bargain with them. And tell them that you'll take less in exchange for a clean title. It'll prob save you in the long run.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-28-2009, 06:11 PM
Is this Tuning Technologies?
naw not them they do all my mechanical work, but not any body stuff or painting
ill say the name of the place after its all done with i dont want any drama happening over someone happening across this thread who wasnt ment to happen across it
and vette i know all that im trying my hardest to come up with a compremise for everyone
also here is the salvage/stolen 05 evo i found at an auction it should be up for sale in a week or 2 maybe 3 at the longest.
it should sell for 1-2.5 grand and have just about every part i need and might need, except for a front bumper, head lights, bbs evo rim. but i get 4 normal enkie evo rims, leather door panels, new doors so i wont have that lame dent in my rear one, front windshield and spare brembos haha
the only thing that is gonna be noticably different in my car will be the dash because older evo's done have the carbon fiber trim, and the steering wheel will be a grey/silver color not the 06 black color.
as you can tell i would go to hell and back for my car.
02-28-2009, 09:35 PM
You should just drop your motor in that Evo, buy a carbon fiber front bumper cover, sell your Evo after robbing it of the lights etc. and call it a day. You can do all that in your driveway.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
02-28-2009, 10:24 PM
You should just drop your motor in that Evo, buy a carbon fiber front bumper cover, sell your Evo after robbing it of the lights etc. and call it a day. You can do all that in your driveway.
ya i know i can the only thing that scares me though is i have to rewire the whole car because 05 and o6 evo's dont use the same ecu or ecu harnesses, thanks to mivec on my car :-(
also im scared of the whole vin number thing like i dont know if there is some way that maybe the chassis will have one vin along with other places around the car and it dash and wat not and then i drop all my shit in it and say its my car.....with a clean title and something happens to pop up which shows all the vins being mixed around! and it gets crushed b./c they think its stolen or has stolen parts
02-28-2009, 10:36 PM
. . .
also im scared of the whole vin number thing like i dont know if there is some way that maybe the chassis will have one vin along with other places around the car and it dash and wat not and then i drop all my shit in it and say its my car.....with a clean title and something happens to pop up which shows all the vins being mixed around! and it gets crushed b./c they think its stolen or has stolen parts
It's the same as when doing an engine swap. You need a bill of sale of the VIN number of the source of parts. This is exactly what the DMV uses to check if the engine is legit or stolen. As long as you have this record of purchase showing the VIN numbers of the source and target you'll be fine.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-01-2009, 06:22 AM
It's the same as when doing an engine swap. You need a bill of sale of the VIN number of the source of parts. This is exactly what the DMV uses to check if the engine is legit or stolen. As long as you have this record of purchase showing the VIN numbers of the source and target you'll be fine.
now there is the slight problem of me finding out that 26k is owed on the car and yet they wanna value it at 23k......
03-02-2009, 11:41 PM
Use your harness and your ECU, your instrument cluster too...
Is that an 05? You can drop your 06 engine in an 05, I'm pretty sure it would be smog legit. Zuki would know.
If you don't buy that one, here's a hood. Should save you 2 lbs. :sm_laughing:
03-02-2009, 11:41 PM
now there is the slight problem of me finding out that 26k is owed on the car and yet they wanna value it at 23k......
Do you have gap coverage?
03-03-2009, 12:51 AM
Use your harness and your ECU, your instrument cluster too...
Is that an 05? You can drop your 06 engine in an 05, I'm pretty sure it would be smog legit. Zuki would know.
If you don't buy that one, here's a hood. Should save you 2 lbs. :sm_laughing:
His 06 wasn't exactly smog legal. :smack: but yeah, no sweat putting a an 06' into an 05'. It's exactly the same class of motor, from a later. Just make sure you keep emissions stuff, like charcoal canister from the newer year. If you ever have to go to the ref, they really are that pedantic. As for the cluster, your odomoeter is *supposed* to read the miles that are on the chassis, not the motor. But if you put in new gauges, I think there's just a form declaring the actual mileage on the chassis is not what's shown on the odometer or something like. This is if you want to play ball with the man.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-03-2009, 09:47 AM
His 06 wasn't exactly smog legal. :smack: but yeah, no sweat putting a an 06' into an 05'. It's exactly the same class of motor, from a later. Just make sure you keep emissions stuff, like charcoal canister from the newer year. If you ever have to go to the ref, they really are that pedantic. As for the cluster, your odomoeter is *supposed* to read the miles that are on the chassis, not the motor. But if you put in new gauges, I think there's just a form declaring the actual mileage on the chassis is not what's shown on the odometer or something like. This is if you want to play ball with the man.
the wiring really looks like a bitch, not to say that i wouldnt ever b down too.
but ya here is where im at now.
by steps
1- get car value up
2- see if it can cover all bases and "if" situations on repairs
3- is 2 doesnt work as insurence if they can write me the check and not give it to the finance company so we can still make payments and yet have enough to fix car
4- *and i was told this would most likely work* if 3 doesnt work sit down at a branch of your finance company tell them the car is totaled but tell them you wanna keep it and fix it and countinue making payments. and ask them nicely if they can send the check to the repair facility that the car is at, and then use the extra money to pay down the car some and maybe refinance a little
step 3 and 4 will be what most likely will happen though.
but i was actually quit suprised to see that step 3 and 4 actually can happen. it kinda just makes the whole thing redundent?
03-06-2009, 02:48 PM
So, any decisions as to what you're going to do or what you've done? Let us know. :) Hope you're doing ok.
03-06-2009, 03:35 PM
So, any decisions as to what you're going to do or what you've done? Let us know. :) Hope you're doing ok.
Yea, we're all behind you.:bigthumbsup:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-06-2009, 04:03 PM
ya thanks guys. like ya im still down about the whole thing. its got me smoking a pack or more of cigs a day.
but ill make it things will get better, im also glad that this time i got more indepth with options and precedures *typo* of the insurence company, and this whole proccess. im not mad at them anymore just wish everything as far as options would have been laid out and thoroughly explained in the first place. im the type of person that like to have a full grasp and knowlege of everything im getting myself into and why things happen and what avenues im able to explore.
either way by the end of the year my goals and plans are to have my evo back running or another comparable evo, and my genesis coupe r-spec, and make over 70k in real estate and start saving up to by a house by the end of 2010. so for now imma stick my plans and goals and focus on getting them achieved.
at least i have a pretty clear plan for being a 20 year old. ive just realized i need to become more independent and its time for me to get more responsible so i wont have to drag others such as my parents threw this proccess sence it is my dads name on the car and im on there insurence.
moral of the story - optimisum and hard work will get me threw all this
and again thanks everyone for the words and help. hopefully by the summer ill be cruising with yall again threw the canyons :-). i could take the starion but sometimes i question its durability haha
03-06-2009, 04:39 PM
ya thanks guys. like ya im still down about the whole thing. its got me smoking a pack or more of cigs a day.
but ill make it things will get better, im also glad that this time i got more indepth with options and precedures *typo* of the insurence company, and this whole proccess. im not mad at them anymore just wish everything as far as options would have been laid out and thoroughly explained in the first place. im the type of person that like to have a full grasp and knowlege of everything im getting myself into and why things happen and what avenues im able to explore.
either way by the end of the year my goals and plans are to have my evo back running or another comparable evo, and my genesis coupe r-spec, and make over 70k in real estate and start saving up to by a house by the end of 2010. so for now imma stick my plans and goals and focus on getting them achieved.
at least i have a pretty clear plan for being a 20 year old. ive just realized i need to become more independent and its time for me to get more responsible so i wont have to drag others such as my parents threw this proccess sence it is my dads name on the car and im on there insurence.
moral of the story - optimisum and hard work will get me threw all this
and again thanks everyone for the words and help. hopefully by the summer ill be cruising with yall again threw the canyons :-). i could take the starion but sometimes i question its durability haha
Great. Now what's up with the Evo? you buying it back....etc.
03-06-2009, 05:40 PM
Dude seriously, it's just a car, f*ck it. You can still walk, you can still breathe.
I totally f*cked my arm on my dirtbike, separated my shoulder, shattered my radius, unlna and wrist bones. 3 or 4 years later and I still can't push myslef up using my left hand. But you know how I walked away from that accident? Not worrying about the $8K bike with a bent frame, but I was saying "Thank God I can still walk after landing on my face/ neck like that, thank God." I hit my head so hard I didn't know who I was or who my friend was for 1/2 an hour.
The car will be fixed, you have another to tide you over. Life is good, don't buy any more cigarettes, treat yourself to a strip club tonight, and smile. :drink:
03-06-2009, 05:44 PM
Also, if you need help swapping the motor out and in the new Evo, PM me for my number. I'll have a lot of free time this summer.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-06-2009, 09:09 PM
lol haha ya i know dont trip.
my plan so far is to sort threw all my internet reciepts and email reciepts and blah blah blah for the crate motor and all my other added on parts and present them to the insurence. just finding all of my crap is a mission and a half!
then get the value up, get the fatter pay off buy it back from the finance company and use my friend to find a recovery theft evo *one that wasnt in an accident* at an auction in california. then swap all my crap into it and recoupe the money by selling what extra parts i have.
the only thing that really sucks is that i need to find an 06 evo because shit like the ecu, or ecu that controlles the active center diff, and dash, and misc other small crap wont match up to the 03-05.
lol you missed the angry bandwagon that was last week
03-06-2009, 09:14 PM
lol haha ya i know dont trip.
my plan so far is to sort threw all my internet reciepts and email reciepts and blah blah blah for the crate motor and all my other added on parts and present them to the insurence. just finding all of my crap is a mission and a half!
then get the value up, get the fatter pay off buy it back from the finance company and use my friend to find a recovery theft evo *one that wasnt in an accident* at an auction in california. then swap all my crap into it and recoupe the money by selling what extra parts i have.
the only thing that really sucks is that i need to find an 06 evo because shit like the ecu, or ecu that controlles the active center diff, and dash, and misc other small crap wont match up to the 03-05.
lol you missed the angry bandwagon that was last week
Bet you'll keep a larger following distance in the future. :nutkick:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-07-2009, 12:50 PM
Bet you'll keep a larger following distance in the future. :nutkick:
ya i know at times i forgot that not every car gives their driver the same confidence as some sports cars out there.
any who such is life the future can only get bigger and better
03-07-2009, 01:53 PM
ya i know at times i forgot that not every car gives their driver the same confidence as some sports cars out there.
any who such is life the future can only get bigger and better
You should do something crazy since you have the opp. You should buy like a stripped theft salvage S2000 and drop your Evo motor in there.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-07-2009, 02:03 PM
You should do something crazy since you have the opp. You should buy like a stripped theft salvage S2000 and drop your Evo motor in there.
ohhhh believe me like that wasnt my plan with the starion as well.
but just like the starion the problem came up that the evo motor doesnt have a suitable rwd tranny or aftermarket bell housing to mate it to a rwd set up.
i even asked that rwd evo drift team in japan but they didnt give me any answers.
basicaly if someone can make a bell housing or an adaptor of sorts then send them my way.
also my ass doesnt fit in a s2000 too well :-( suprisingly a del sol fit me better then an s2k haha
but here are the things id love to put an evo engine in.
sand rail
new eclipse
current japanese model colt
an arial atom
maybe a t-rex
other choices are strip the evo who needs airbags and body panels and throw some ignorent ass huge turbo on it and add more fuel support and make an e85 dedicated drag evo *huge turbo*, or road race evo *not as huge turbo but still bigger*
03-07-2009, 06:08 PM
ohhhh believe me like that wasnt my plan with the starion as well.
but just like the starion the problem came up that the evo motor doesnt have a suitable rwd tranny or aftermarket bell housing to mate it to a rwd set up.
i even asked that rwd evo drift team in japan but they didnt give me any answers.
basicaly if someone can make a bell housing or an adaptor of sorts then send them my way.
also my ass doesnt fit in a s2000 too well :-( suprisingly a del sol fit me better then an s2k haha
but here are the things id love to put an evo engine in.
sand rail
new eclipse
current japanese model colt
an arial atom
maybe a t-rex
other choices are strip the evo who needs airbags and body panels and throw some ignorent ass huge turbo on it and add more fuel support and make an e85 dedicated drag evo *huge turbo*, or road race evo *not as huge turbo but still bigger*
Last three cars went over my head. How much power can a stock (I'm assuming yours is) Evo drivetrain take? And how much tire can it take?
Where did you find that auction Evo btw? I've been thinking about going to an auction with a wad of cash looking for a bike.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-07-2009, 07:33 PM
Last three cars went over my head. How much power can a stock (I'm assuming yours is) Evo drivetrain take? And how much tire can it take?
Where did you find that auction Evo btw? I've been thinking about going to an auction with a wad of cash looking for a bike.
well here is the first one
and coming from a guy that likes bikes i thought u would have known the last 2
atom =
YouTube - BBC: Atom (the full clip in high quality!) - Top Gear
and here is the t-rex
evo drivetrain is looking like if you dont launch it 700-800hp w/o harrassing shifting, but if you wanna launch alot keep it too 600hp and a nice clutch.
as for the auction i can look them up only because my friends dad has a dealer license to buy from auction and he is cool with helping out anyone who is looking for an auctioned vehical. what type of bilke are u looking for? and also are u looking for a hit one or theft recovery?
i wish they would be able to let anyone walk into an auction but they wont i tryed once :-(
03-07-2009, 09:11 PM
ohhhh believe me like that wasnt my plan with the starion as well.
but just like the starion the problem came up that the evo motor doesnt have a suitable rwd tranny or aftermarket bell housing to mate it to a rwd set up.
What about FWD? THis is for me. Would a stock Evo engine work with a typical FWD Transaxle like in a Protege 5 for example. . .:sm_up_there:
i even asked that rwd evo drift team in japan but they didnt give me any answers.
Send the EXACT question you want and I will translate to Japanese for you.
basicaly if someone can make a bell housing or an adaptor of sorts then send them my way.
How much are you willin to pay? I have access to a 4-axis machine. If you know some who can program CNC or do SolidWorks models, this is not totally out of the question. You are talking some money (certainly over $1g) in the best case.
I would LOVE to build a smog exempt 240 with an Evo setup. That'd be baller.
03-07-2009, 09:14 PM
Oh, BTW, my brother wants to build a 3 wheeled car type thingy. We were thinking of using a liter bike motor, but an Evo motor would work pretty well too. :thumbs_up:
Here's an early drawing.
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-08-2009, 10:49 AM
essentually anything that the eclipse 89-99 turbo motors can fit in, the evo motor will fit in. so if you wanted to make a front wheel drive evo application, you should look into just using the front wheel drive eclipse drivetrain.
or look up 4g63 swaps, ive seen an eclipse motor in a early 90's civic hatchback and if that fit in there, then the evo motor will fit for sure. i just dont know what he used as far as drive train but it was still fwd.
and for the rear wheel drive application be careful because the 4g63 motor gets really technical, and basically for a cheap drivetrain solution you will have to find a "wide block" N/A 4g63 2.0L motor only found in a few select years in the mighty max and in the same equivilent mazda truck from way back when. then you have to put the turbo eclipse head on that block to make it turbo but it all bolts up nicely, and then that engine can bolt up to an 1993 rx-7 tranny, usuing the starion bell housing, kinda of a strange hassle swap. and in the end of the day you still cant get the new 4g63 or evo motor in there.
also the 3 wheel thing is pretty cool, its still in bike like and yet i wont fall out of it haha, thats why i liked the t-rex
as for the japane question ill just wait till i see the car and team next month or 2 in person, when the drift crap comes to cali
and the 1g+ on a coostom bell housing that i would gum up if left to molesting a cnc mechine by myself lol. there are easier ways to go about the same concept.
such as using the japanese 240 engine its called the sr20det or just sr20 for short. its a 2.0 turbo 4 cylinder makes 220hp out of the box i think and easily be upgraded and has a fat aftermarket following. the only thing that sucks is that its not legal in the states unless you bring it over as a kit car piece by piece...blah blah blah you guys should know the rest. or you can do the bawler 240 swap and put it a skyline engine the rb26det or just rb26 for short, its a pretty commin swap so im sure there will be plenty of resorces to help you out with it and aftermarket support because its only the most creamed after japanes motor behind the supra and evo.
anywho this just reminded me...i met a soldier who came back from iraq the other day and he was getting his evo tuned at the shop i go too, and i noticed his keys said gtr but it wasnt the new gtr keys? and i asked him about it and he said he owned legal florida registered vin number having japanese right hand drive skyline and which time he pointed out the window to a nice blue straight outta the fast and furious looking skyline, really nice car in person. ashame they didnt sell them here. but ya moral of the story if you wanna have a legal "not so legal" car you better be in the military or have outta state property
03-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Yeah, I've thought of doing the Skyline (Silvia) motor swap into an old 240. It's legal as long as it's earlier than 75. It'd be a hoot and rumor has it you can make some power with those motors. :thumbs_up:
03-08-2009, 01:14 PM
2003+ R6, GSXR, or CBR
I'd be cool with an earlier GSXR (2001+) or an R6 if it was stupid cheap. But the 2000 tail on the GSXR is fugly, and the 2002- head lights on the CBR are fuuugly.
I'd really spooge over anything black, or yellow and black, or blue and black. Other than that I'm cool with anything other than silver.
I want a theft recovery. I could deal with a bike that had very easy and only cosmetic damage. Dropped while stopped. But it would have to be waaay cheap, I really don't want to have to spend time painting a bike.
03-08-2009, 02:12 PM
2003+ R6, GSXR, or CBR
I'd be cool with an earlier GSXR (2001+) or an R6 if it was stupid cheap. But the 2000 tail on the GSXR is fugly, and the 2002- head lights on the CBR are fuuugly.
I'd really spooge over anything black, or yellow and black, or blue and black. Other than that I'm cool with anything other than silver.
I want a theft recovery. I could deal with a bike that had very easy and only cosmetic damage. Dropped while stopped. But it would have to be waaay cheap, I really don't want to have to spend time painting a bike.
My guess is that this was supposed to go somewhere else. :huh:
st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
03-08-2009, 03:15 PM
zuki- ya i am curious if you use a foreign engine in a before 1975 year chassis can it still be legal? was your answer a for sure yes or a hypothetical yes? lol
also the skyline engines can make stupid power too just like the supra 2jz motor. actually i think the skyline motor is better then the supra's but because the way the japanese culture is the dont go ballz out on there cars. they like the "well balanced" car build approach where 400-500hp is usually the goal and then focus on suspension and looks and braking on a way more extensive level then we do here in the U.S. but there are a few 1000-1400hp skyline motors out there mostly in europe or back east but they keep there cars under wraps.......there is a long and contriversial story that goes on behind why they hide there cars but maybe ill save it for the politics forum
enkie- ill get my friend too look those up for you and see if he can get a ball park price. but really i would imagine a theft recovery bike thats even in decent shape should go for 2k at the most but thats just my estimate ill get back too u with a real answer
03-08-2009, 04:40 PM
zuki- ya i am curious if you use a foreign engine in a before 1975 year chassis can it still be legal? was your answer a for sure yes or a hypothetical yes? lol
also the skyline engines can make stupid power too just like the supra 2jz motor. actually i think the skyline motor is better then the supra's but because the way the japanese culture is the dont go ballz out on there cars. they like the "well balanced" car build approach where 400-500hp is usually the goal and then focus on suspension and looks and braking on a way more extensive level then we do here in the U.S. but there are a few 1000-1400hp skyline motors out there mostly in europe or back east but they keep there cars under wraps.......there is a long and contriversial story that goes on behind why they hide there cars but maybe ill save it for the politics forum
enkie- ill get my friend too look those up for you and see if he can get a ball park price. but really i would imagine a theft recovery bike thats even in decent shape should go for 2k at the most but thats just my estimate ill get back too u with a real answer
Thanks man, I'll totally pay your friend a finder's fee if he finds one that I end up buying. :beer:
03-08-2009, 08:30 PM
zuki- ya i am curious if you use a foreign engine in a before 1975 year chassis can it still be legal? was your answer a for sure yes or a hypothetical yes? lol . . .
Fact. It's the reason a future Motorgen project car will be pre 1975, so we can get a bit nutty in a genuine street car with Big Brother breath down our necks or sticking his hand in our pants.
03-08-2009, 09:19 PM
Actually no, it wouldn't be legal... I'm fairly certain. I think it is always illegal to tamper with OE smog equipment, whether the car is subject to testing or not. I think if you had a 75 C3 with a blower sticking out of the hood, and a CARB nazi wanted to... they could bust ya.
03-09-2009, 12:01 AM
Actually no, it wouldn't be legal... I'm fairly certain. I think it is always illegal to tamper with OE smog equipment, whether the car is subject to testing or not. I think if you had a 75 C3 with a blower sticking out of the hood, and a CARB nazi wanted to... they could bust ya.
Nope. Don't listen to him CornFed, he's the one who tried to tell me about the mystical "show car" registration. :nutkick:
Enkei, you're thinking of the "custom car" registration again. Technically, if you were super anal about it, you COULD put a Corvette motor into a same year or later non-Corvette, so long as you meet the smog requirements of the transplant, get a ref to sign off on the Smog, AND get an inspection from the CHP for safety. For example, it may be possible (though not pleasant) to put an LSx into an RX-7 FD if you were willing to jump through all the hoops. The problem is there is no table of accepted "customizations". Either the Ref or the CHP could turn you down for very small pedantic reasons.
What I did is a CA legal swap. Same class of engine from the same or later year of the target vehicle. Requires ref, but not a CHP inspection.
Pre 1975, it's a little vague, but as I recall you technically only have to retain the "chassis" emissions equipment, though I don't recall what technically that would be (evap?). But the point is you don't have to get it smogged. There are LOTS of pre 1975 240s and the like running around with V8s with no smog equipment with legal registrations. That's what Smog Exempt means. They did however do away with the rolling exemption. It's fixed at 1975 now.
From "The Man":
Beginning April 1, 2005, the 30-year rolling exemption will be repealed. Instead, vehicles 1975 model year and older will be exempt. Therefore, 1976 model year and newer vehicles will continue to be subject to biennial inspection indefinitely.
They do state that you need to keep your original emissions system which in the case of pre-1975 Japanese cars may not have even included a cat (because for the time they were very clean burning). Sticking a big blower out of your hood on a big block in a Cellica may be asking for a tangle. But basically, if you have a neat and clean modern looking engine under the hood of an old car (like a Silvia swap into a 240) I honestly don't think you'd ever have a problem unless you ran into a major major a*s hole and you kind of deserved by attracting attention doing something like street racing. For sure you don't have to take it in for the biennial smog. That's the main point.
We probably should do a thread that is a very detailed description of the different mods and ways to legally register your car with case examples in CA. We're terrible for modded cars (kinda ironic no?). I don't think any state is more severe. A couple are possibly equal, following in our footsteps like NY. Other places are way more of a free for all (for now) like TX and FL.
I did the CA legal swap. ThrottleCrazy did the "custom car" registration for his Land Cruiser (I think).
03-09-2009, 03:26 AM
Nope. Don't listen to him CornFed, he's the one who tried to tell me about the mystical "show car" registration. :nutkick:
...but as I recall you technically only have to retain the "chassis" emissions equipment...
...They do state that you need to keep your original emissions system ...
And I said that my friend said that you were able to obtain show car registration, I thought he knew what he was talking about. And feeling bad I did offer you a generous solution... A solution that would be no more illegal than removing a cat off a 75 C3.
Vehicle Pollution Emission Standards: 1955 Through 1965 Model Year Motor Vehicles
27157.5. The State Air Resources Board, after consultation with, and pursuant to the recommendations of, the commissioner, shall adopt such reasonable standards as it determines are necessary for the public health and safety for the emission of air pollutants from the exhaust of motor vehicles of 1955 through 1965 model years. These standards shall be based on the normal emissions of such cars when the timing and carburetor are in proper adjustment and the spark plugs are in proper operating condition.
Added Ch. 1095, Stats. 1971. Operative May 3, 1972.
Certificates of Compliance or Inspection: 1955 Through 1965 Model Year Motor Vehicles
27158.5. After notice by a traffic officer that a motor vehicle does not comply with any standard adopted pursuant to Section 27157.5, no person shall operate, and no owner shall permit the operation of, such motor vehicle for more than 30 days thereafter unless a certificate of compliance has been issued for such vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Section 9889.18 of the Business and Professions Code or unless the department has checked the vehicle and determined that the vehicle has been made to comply with such standard adopted pursuant to Section 27157.5. A certificate of compliance issued for such vehicle shall, for a period of one year from date of issue, constitute proof of compliance with the standards determined pursuant to Section 27157.5.
Amended Ch. 769, Stats. 1974. Effective January 1, 1975.
Vehicle Pollution Emission Regulations
27157. The State Air Resources Board, after consultation with, and pursuant to the recommendations of, the commissioner, shall adopt such reasonable regulations as it determines are necessary for the public health and safety regarding the maximum allowable emissions of pollutants from vehicles upon a highway. Such regulations shall apply only to vehicles required by Part 5 (commencing with Section 43000) of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code or any federal law or regulation to be equipped with devices or systems to control emission of pollutants from the exhaust and shall not be stricter than the emission standards required of that model year motor vehicle when first manufactured.
One of the many greasy laws in Part 5 of Division 26 ->
43610. The state board shall set standards for, and certify,
exhaust devices to significantly reduce the emission of oxides of
nitrogen from 1966 through 1970 model year motor vehicles, as
determined by the state board from a representative sampling of such
motor vehicles, which the state board has found to be necessary and
technologically feasible to carry out the purposes of this division.
In setting standards under this section, the primary consideration
shall be the greatest possible reduction of oxides of nitrogen.
Don't see the one for 70-75 but I'm sure it's there. There's nothing magical about those 5 years.
Vehicular Air Pollution Control
43000. The Legislature finds and declares as follows:
(a) The emission of air pollutants from motor vehicles is the primary cause of air pollution in many parts of the state.
(b) The control and elimination of those air pollutants is of prime importance for the protection and preservation of the public health and well-being, and for the prevention of irritation to the senses, interference with visibility, and damage to vegetation and property.
(c) The state has a responsibility to establish uniform procedures for compliance with standards which control or eliminate those air pollutants.
(d) Vehicle emission standards applied to new motor vehicles, and to used motor vehicles equipped with motor vehicle pollution control devices, are standards with which all motor vehicles shall comply.
(e) Dependence on petroleum based fuels in motor vehicles not only contributes to substantial degradation of air quality and risk to public health, but also impedes the state's progress toward the petroleum use reduction goal prescribed in Section 25000.5 of the Public Resources Code.
(Amended Ch. 900, Stats. 1991. Effective January 1, 1992.)
Amended Ch. 373, Stats. 1979. Effective January 1, 1980.
Certificates of Compliance; Vehicle Inspection
27158. After notice by a traffic officer that a vehicle does not comply with any regulation adopted pursuant to Section 27157, no person shall operate, and no owner shall permit the operation of, such vehicle for more than 30 days thereafter unless a certificate of compliance has been issued for such vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Section 9889.18 of the Business and Professions Code or unless the department has checked the vehicle and determined that the vehicle has been made to comply with such regulation adopted pursuant to Section 27157. A certificate of compliance issued for such vehicle shall, for a period of one year from date of issue, constitute proof of compliance with any regulations adopted pursuant to Section 27157 provided that no required pollution control device has been disconnected, modified, or altered or has been adjusted by other than a licensed installer in a licensed motor vehicle pollution control device installation and inspection station subsequent to the issuance of the certificate of compliance. The provisions of this section shall apply to the United States and its agencies to the extent authorized by federal law.
Amended Ch. 769, Stats. 1974. Effective January 1, 1975.
03-09-2009, 03:30 AM
So all of that basically gives the CHP the right to pounce on your ass and shove fines up it if they feel like it. You could prob do a burnout in an alcohol blown 632BB 1969 Corvette tubbed with a solid axle, slicks and a wheelie bar as you drive past the CHP station off the 5 freeway and no one would take a second look for your PCV valve. But if they wanted to... they could, and they could take your car away for a year and until you fix all the smog stuff.
03-09-2009, 04:11 AM
So all of that basically gives the CHP the right to pounce on your ass and shove fines up it if they feel like it. You could prob do a burnout in an alcohol blown 632BB 1969 Corvette tubbed with a solid axle, slicks and a wheelie bar as you drive past the CHP station off the 5 freeway and no one would take a second look for your PCV valve. But if they wanted to... they could, and they could take your car away for a year and until you fix all the smog stuff.
Thanks for the legal details. It's kinda what I was saying in a round about sort of way (I think).
a) yeah, there are rules
b) you aren't going to a smog station every two years (important bit) . . . so
c) you'd "probably" never have a problem, especially with something like a modern engine (especially if you sorta kept it like a modern engine with cats, etc.) in a pre 1976 . . . but
d) because we live in a kind of police state, the man can f with you at will
Basically, I follow the law very strictly (almost). But I wouldn't worry at all about doing a Silvia swap into an old 240 and making it pretty naughty.
And I repeat my idea for smog regs. Every year/make/model should have defined emissions standards for actual emissions (sniffer). As long as I'm within those standards for my chassis, 1982 Corvette in my case, get the f out of my life you Fascist twats.
03-09-2009, 12:17 PM
Also, I don't know if this is true or not, but I have heard that some late 75s still need to be smogged. Could you imagine buying a 75 something or other and getting that first smog req reg in the mail. :suicide::nutkick:
So another thing you might want to research if you did buy a 75, and not anything 74 or earlier.
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