View Full Version : F'd Over Rebuilt Dodge

03-09-2010, 08:43 PM
Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. 1919

The Dodge bros used to own a machine shop and produced parts for the model T.

They decided to break off and do their own thing, producing competing automobiles. They owned Ford stock and when they broke away from Ford, Henry took away their divedends. Dodge bros sued.

Moral of the story, Fords really are fu*ked over rebuilt Dodges.

03-09-2010, 09:50 PM
Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. 1919

The Dodge bros used to own a machine shop and produced parts for the model T.

They decided to break off and do their own thing, producing competing automobiles. They owned Ford stock and when they broke away from Ford, Henry took away their divedends. Dodge bros sued.

Moral of the story, Fords really are fu*ked over rebuilt Dodges.


I think, though, that Ford was privately owned until the 40s (maybe later) and that even NOW, they have a two tier stock classification and the family holds a massive stake in the corporation.