View Full Version : Subaru WRX STI S209 First Drive Review: Faster and Fantastic

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10-01-2019, 12:34 AM
PALMER, Massachusetts—It seems almost criminal, this 2019 Subaru WRX STI S209: It’s precisely the car many of us have waited for from Subaru, but only 209 of them will come to the U.S. And with more than 600 dealers, good luck to Subaru executives in figuring out who gets one. And good luck to us...
The post Subaru WRX STI S209 First Drive Review: Faster and Fantastic (https://www.automobilemag.com/news/2019-subaru-wrx-sti-s209-first-drive-review-photos-specs/) appeared first on Automobile Magazine (https://www.automobilemag.com).

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