View Full Version : Sputtering from Bavaria to Serbia in a 1984 Yugo

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01-01-2019, 06:04 PM
The color was nicknamed “non-metallic pus” by the toothless gas station attendant with the red Partizan Belgrade cap. The turgid upholstery could have been cut from a wizened hermit’s bathrobe. The mocha brown all-plastic dashboard epitomized the fine Yugoslav art of brittle discoloring. So how come this frail-looking econobox on tricycle-like 13-inch tires got more...
The post Sputtering from Bavaria to Serbia in a 1984 Yugo (https://www.automobilemag.com/news/classic-drive-1984-yugo-bavaria-serbia-feature/) appeared first on Automobile Magazine (https://www.automobilemag.com).

More... (https://www.automobilemag.com/news/classic-drive-1984-yugo-bavaria-serbia-feature/)