View Full Version : Nine Favorite Porsches from the Pits of Rennsport Reunion VI

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10-02-2018, 05:45 AM
Rennsport Reunion, the four-day Porschepalooza held once every few years, is hallowed ground for brand devotees. There’s so many legendary P-cars to see and hear, it’s almost more satisfying to walk around the pits in-between race heats and inspect the cars as they tick over. Here are some of our paddock favorites. 1980 Porsche 936...
The post Nine Favorite Porsches from the Pits of Rennsport Reunion VI (https://www.automobilemag.com/news/nine-favorite-porsches-pits-rennsport-reunion-vi/) appeared first on Automobile Magazine (https://www.automobilemag.com).

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