View Full Version : December 12th Meet

12-08-2009, 09:40 PM
Monthly Motorgen Meet at Nick's Burger in Fullerton. The meet starts at 6:30p.m. A great mix of domestic, import, and euro. Everyone is welcome - the food is good and it's a great group of people!

The address for Nick's is:

Nick's Burger
1712 W. Orangethorpe Ave
Fullerton, CA 92833

I know it'll be cold and it might be raining, but I'll be there regardless. Plenty of seating at Nick's :bigthumbsup:

I'm also gauging interest for a PCH cruise to ring in the New Year on Saturday, January 2nd 2010. I'm thinking of meeting at Savi Ranch again at noon and going from there. What do you all think?

12-08-2009, 11:20 PM
Lets go reverse this time! That way you guys can pick me up at El Toro and the 5! :thumbs_up:

12-08-2009, 11:33 PM
Sounds good.:D

12-09-2009, 11:25 PM
I'm pretty sure tyler and I will be there :]

You're only giving us a day to recover from new years? Hmmm

12-09-2009, 11:50 PM
I have to attend a reception on the 12th. I may come by afterward if its not too late.


12-10-2009, 07:10 AM
Frankie and I will coming back from Las Vegas that day. Bummer !!

12-10-2009, 09:04 PM
Frankie and I will coming back from Las Vegas that day. Bummer !!

Saturday, or the 2nd?

12-10-2009, 10:55 PM
Does anyone know of any good restaurants up or down PCH we should try to end up at?

12-10-2009, 11:17 PM
My favorite is the Harbor House in Sunset Beach.


12-11-2009, 12:28 PM
Saturday, or the 2nd?

This Saturday we have a Party to go to in Irvine. Can't make it this week !!! :(:(:(:(
Will be in Vegas for New Years with Frankie's Family. Got 8 of us cruising a motorhome back on Sat the 2nd.

12-12-2009, 01:47 AM
sean ill be at the PCH cruise on the 2nd :)

12-12-2009, 07:35 AM
Our young friend, Cody, will be cruising by tonight. He just purchased his first car, a Blue 68? Oldsmobile Cutlass. He's so excited !!

12-12-2009, 10:19 AM
sean ill be at the PCH cruise on the 2nd :)

Awesome - now post up some pictures of your new beast :D

12-12-2009, 10:38 AM
this still on tonight? it's wet... we're bringing the mini...

12-12-2009, 12:30 PM
I'm rolling deep tonight :p

12-12-2009, 12:33 PM
this still on tonight? it's wet... we're bringing the mini...

Rain or shine. We'll just hang inside.

12-12-2009, 02:10 PM
Walter and Jonluvsmopar want some stickers

12-12-2009, 03:40 PM
this still on tonight? it's wet... we're bringing the mini...

i know i know my mini makes u wet :rolling:

12-12-2009, 05:18 PM
I'm rolling deep tonight :p

Yup... sort of.. Lol. I'll be in my daily(toyota highlander).

- Dawly

12-12-2009, 10:16 PM
Sorry had to bail quick. Work calleth.

12-12-2009, 10:17 PM
i know i know my mini makes u wet :rolling:



12-13-2009, 01:08 AM
ah i would go to the pch cruise. but two things. highway patrol and lowered and loud 4 cylinder cars dont mix so well.
and secondly, going drifting at the NOS center

12-13-2009, 01:47 AM
Finally got to Nick's about 9:30, but most everyone was gone. See you on the second.


12-13-2009, 01:52 AM
Went to Doug's party. Great blower talk. I talked to a guy that used to run blown alcohol motors.:D

12-13-2009, 02:16 AM
Went to Doug's party. Great blower talk. I talked to a guy that used to run blown alcohol motors.:D

I wanted to go :(

12-13-2009, 12:25 PM
I wanted to go :(

Yea, it was great. Now for the "other" party.:sm_laughing:

12-13-2009, 08:21 PM
What does everyone think of this route (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=23081+Savi+Ranch+Pkwy,+Yorba+Linda,+CA+92808&daddr=I-15+S+to:Ortega+Hwy,+San+Juan+Capistrano,+Orange,+C alifornia+92675+to:CA-1+N+to:El+Camino+Real+to:CA-1+N+to:33.667211,-117.988358+to:1500+Adams+Ave+%23+108+Costa+Mesa,+C A+92626&geocode=FeHWBAId_4P7-Ck7RNUJKc7cgDEDYFPcRDQBIg%3BFRbQAwIdaP_--A%3BFbp3_wEdZIr9-Ck9_ZVXZfLcgDGDlrxwf53uPQ%3BFcLJ_gEdzMv7-A%3BFTpuAAIdPMf5-A%3BFVbyAAIdDOT4-A%3B%3BFfLSAQIdsa74-ClvFWPAYN_cgDHMb97unCxi6g&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=1&mrsp=6&sz=12&via=1,3,4,5,6&sll=33.629485,-117.910767&sspn=0.133212,0.338173&ie=UTF8&ll=33.682068,-117.734985&spn=0.532522,1.352692&t=h&z=10) for the New Year's cruise (on January 2nd)?

I was thinking we could meet at Savi Ranch at noon, cruise the 91fwy to the 15fwy and go through Ortega Canyon. Then we could hop on PCH all the way down by Dana Point and drive it back up to Costa Mesa. The endpoint would be a pizza place called Haus of Pizza. The Ferrari guys have been doing a meet their for years and I've heard good things. The food is supposed to be really good (it even won an award from the OC Register this year (http://foodfrenzy.freedomblogging.com/2009/06/03/is-ocs-no-1-hole-in-the-wall-restaurant-really-that-good/8077/)) and I think the parking lot would be able to accommodate us. What do you all think? Is this something you would be interested in?

12-13-2009, 10:32 PM
Works for me but isn't that too many miles to put on your car?:uh:

12-13-2009, 10:50 PM
Works for me but isn't that too many miles to put on your car?:uh:

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate you :jester:

12-15-2009, 09:59 PM
Looking for suitable end places for the PCH Cruise. Haus of Pizza is supposed to be fantastic, but the lot is small and I'm concerned we'll have a parking problem :huh:


12-15-2009, 10:09 PM
I'm thinking of ending up at the Super Mex in Huntington Beach (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=23081+Savi+Ranch+Pkwy,+Yorba+Linda,+CA+92808&daddr=I-15+S+to:Ortega+Hwy,+San+Juan+Capistrano,+Orange,+C alifornia+92675+to:33.505904,-117.744598+to:19684+Beach+Boulevard,+Huntington+Be ach,+CA%E2%80%8E&geocode=FeHWBAId_4P7-Ck7RNUJKc7cgDEDYFPcRDQBIg%3BFRbQAwIdaP_--A%3BFbp3_wEdZIr9-Ck9_ZVXZfLcgDGDlrxwf53uPQ%3B%3BFbTeAQIddKP3-Cnd2P15MyHdgDFt1jHpwDxbkg&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=1&mrsp=3&sz=11&via=1,3&sll=33.515637,-117.589417&sspn=0.266776,0.676346&ie=UTF8&ll=33.664925,-117.697906&spn=0.508622,1.352692&t=h&z=10). The food is really good and it's a big lot where we shouldn't have parking issues. I'm also thinking of moving the cruise back a week to the 9th of January. Thoughts?

12-15-2009, 11:41 PM
I will be out of town in AZ over the 9th and in Las Vegas over the 18th. It would need to be the 2nd for me.


12-16-2009, 09:23 AM
I will be out of town in AZ over the 9th and in Las Vegas over the 18th. It would need to be the 2nd for me.


My social director informed me last night that we're busy on the 2nd :inout:

12-16-2009, 09:36 AM
No problem. Maybe next time.


12-16-2009, 02:21 PM
Jan 9th is fine by us,


12-16-2009, 03:59 PM
Finally got to Nick's about 9:30, but most everyone was gone. See you on the second.

Missed this one this time around, guess it was a short one...

12-16-2009, 04:03 PM
The 9th is great for me too. I get back from vacation the 4th.