View Full Version : What's the most effective martial art for self defense?

11-20-2009, 07:24 PM
No, not a gun, just you (and maybe your ability to grab and use whatever may be in your government).

- Easy to teach/learn
- Effective in defending against attacks from different styles

Mixed Martial Arts (Ultimate Fighting stuff)
Brazillian Jiu Jitsu (Still taught by the armed forces)
Krav Maga (Israeli armed forces)
Pankration (Traditional Greek quasi-MMA)

I figure they're all roughly the same. Each involve punching and kicking, locks and grappling to some degree. I kind of like Pankration for the flare in throwing (a la Grecco Roman wrestling)

Things like San Su Kung Fu are pretty awesome but take years to learn at a high level.

11-21-2009, 05:45 PM
The ancient art of arguing with a woman, no man has ever been able to master this art.

I don't really know, I would guess Judo because I hear it's similar to wrestling. In the few fights I've been in I always take them down to the floor and am able to keep them there. I fought with two guys once and both of them together couldn't pin me and I only played in highschool for a few years. If you watch UFC which is a fair comparison between all styles and mixed styles, the fight always comes down to the floor collegiate wrestling style. It's hard to throw a punch at me while I have my leg wrapped around you and my forearm on your neck pressing your face into the ground.

11-21-2009, 05:56 PM
I have a buddy that just recieved his black belt in Judo. He also has a black belt in Muy Thai. He's still learning Jiu Jitsu. When he I first saw him compete when he mixed it all up I was amazed. He's sloppy, but good. He has a few thropies already.

Anyways, back to the topic.... I'd say...... Judo for self defense. Normally I'd say Muy Thai.... but you'd have to start when your young to really learn the old school way(but that's my opinion).

11-21-2009, 06:15 PM
Akido, tight fighting, throws, and effective. IMO Best street fighting martial art availabile.

11-21-2009, 07:47 PM
Akido, tight fighting, throws, and effective. IMO Best street fighting martial art availabile.

I did Aikido for a little while. It's beautiful, but takes a LOONG time to get good at. Being born from Aikijitsu, it's also not particularly oriented toward defending against punches and kicks, more of a throw and break bones kind thing from the Samurai days when they had some armor (i.e., punching no worky). The thing that's particularly unique about Aikido, once mastered, is that you don't have to be all that strong, and certainly not stronger than your opponent, to whoop'em.