View Full Version : Possible Motorgen Project Cars

12-29-2008, 08:25 PM
We've been kicking around ideas for doing project cars for a while. Here are some options in the poll. Let us know your thoughts.

Obviously we're looking for a fun way to promote the site (well duh).

The constraints are in this order:
1 cost - No budget set but we're talking a few grand tops, but on top of donations of some parts and time, it should be enough . . . I think.
2 performance - The idea is to have fun and promote the site with something interesting. It doesn't have to be a world beating masterpiece.
3 time - There are no special deadlines. (But deadlines will be set.)

One of the ideas is that any members who participate meaningfully with donations of time or parts can drive the car. I have an L83 SBC, and 700R4 that could be used. It's optional for it to be a a street car or track only car. It should have some kind of interesting feature or character. It's good if it can mix up different bits and pieces from different makers, keeping in line with what the site is about.

The poll is just some options. If you have some more, let us know.

I'm a fan of the Tiger Team Model. That is talented people have responsibility for a project or an area of a project depending on the size and complexity. Project subdivision would look something like:

Project Manager (Vettezuki, unless one of you would like to take it on)
Oversees total project flow between units. Manages budget and scheduling. Is ultimately responsible for final product. Gets no credit upon success. Must commit ritual suicide upon failure. Ok, I'm kidding about the last bit.

Engine System
Responsible for engine, computer and harness (if it exists), engine cooling, intercooling (if exists), fuel storage and supply.

- Vettezuki - L83 SBC
- 94cobra69ss396 - TT V6 (Z Motor)?
- joedls - Forged 302 Ford


Transmission, axle, etc.

- Vettezuki - 700R4
- 94cobra69ss396 - 5 Speed from Z?
- joedls - 4 speed toploader


Steering, Springs, Shocks, etc.


Seat, harness, switchgear, cage (if necessary)


Paint/Body (I know a guy:))
Uh, Paint and body


General Fabrication
msc. bits and pieces that will be required almost no matter what.


If something strikes your fancy, please indicate which area you'd like to work in or what you might be able to contribute by posting a reply to this thread. You are not restricted to one area, but don't over commit yourself.

Anybody who contributes a major component, cash donation, or works on one of these teams can drive the car at the track or (if a street car) on our cruises.

12-29-2008, 08:32 PM
Do you already have a lead on a car? I like the idea of the SBC in the 240sx.

12-29-2008, 08:37 PM
Do you already have a lead on a car? I like the idea of the SBC in the 240sx.

Nope. Totally open right now. The nice part about a 240 or 914, is the could be made pretty gnarly and be street legal.

12-29-2008, 08:46 PM
That depends on what year your engine is. Do you still have all the smog euipment for it?

12-29-2008, 08:48 PM
I feel the MII is most practical. The others would have way too much front weight. They used to put SBC's in Jags and Healy's. Front weight proved to be too much for the susp, and the weight was way too froward.
My fav is the elec drag car, but you need big $$ and sponsors for that. It's up my alley too, but I do not have the access to stuff I had 10 years ago.

12-29-2008, 08:58 PM
That depends on what year your engine is. Do you still have all the smog euipment for it?

It's an L83 (1982 TB V8). It's a SBC, with a dynomite 8.5:1. Yes, it still has all the smog on it, but golley, we don't that silly stuff. I was thinking, instead of doing too much work on the engine internals, maybe some form of ghetto Forced Induction would work because of the compression. :huh:

12-29-2008, 09:02 PM
I feel the MII is most practical. The others would have way too much front weight. They used to put SBC's in Jags and Healy's. Front weight proved to be too much for the susp, and the weight was way too froward.
My fav is the elec drag car, but you need big $$ and sponsors for that. It's up my alley too, but I do not have the access to stuff I had 10 years ago.

The 914 is a rear mid engine, but it seem not trivial to do and is such a weight in such a small car that it'd probably require a LOT of fabbing to do safely. But seeing a 914 with a V8 rumble is . . . well, special lets say. I'm curious about the weiht distribution in a 240. As I recall they were front mid engines with the I6. I know guys do this setup for straight line stuff. Your probably right, too much front weight bias for to be anything other than a drag type car. There is a lot to recommend an MII . . . other than the way it looks. :nutkick:

The electric drag car thing is going to happen at some point. But as you mention, the cost and technical details are in a different category. Probably a better choice for a later project car.

12-29-2008, 09:09 PM
My dad still has a 3.0 turbo V6 and 5 speed trans out of his 1985 300ZX that I crashed 15 years ago. I could probably get it from him if we would like to put it in something. He still has the computer and wire harness as well. We could turn the boost up on it and Corn Fed could tune it.

12-29-2008, 09:12 PM
My dad still has a 3.0 turbo V6 and 5 speed trans out of his 1985 300ZX that I crashed 15 years ago. I could probably get it from him if we would like to put it in something. He still has the computer and wire harness as well. We could turn the boost up on it and Corn Fed could tune it.

Those were damn good engines. But maybe a little pricey in the parts dept. for broken bits????

How does the weight compare to an SBC? With CornFed's experience, maybe we could do an E85 conversion too? :huh:

12-29-2008, 10:07 PM
It's an L83 (1982 TB V8). It's a SBC, with a dynomite 8.5:1. Yes, it still has all the smog on it, but golley, we don't that silly stuff. I was thinking, instead of doing too much work on the engine internals, maybe some form of ghetto Forced Induction would work because of the compression. :huh:

Just because it has low compression doesn't mean it will hold the boost. I would imagine it would require a rebuild to make any real power. Still, it's not a bad starting point for a project motor.

12-29-2008, 10:08 PM
I'm torn between a 914 and a 240sx...

12-29-2008, 10:10 PM
Just because it has low compression doesn't mean it will hold the boost. I would imagine it would require a rebuild to make any real power. Still, it's not a bad starting point for a project motor.

It's a good point. I think even with 1 bar of intercooled boost, we'd be talking a max of 400~BHP, which it would probably hold ok. An E85 Z TT Z Motor could hold more boost and power right out of the gate . . . I think.

12-29-2008, 11:33 PM
Options have been updated to reflect additional possibilities. The electric drag car has been removed because it's probably "The Bridge Too Far" for a first effort.

12-30-2008, 12:43 AM
It's an L83 (1982 TB V8). It's a SBC, with a dynomite 8.5:1. Yes, it still has all the smog on it, but golley, we don't that silly stuff. I was thinking, instead of doing too much work on the engine internals, maybe some form of ghetto Forced Induction would work because of the compression. :huh:

I don't think that you will likely blow that L83. I'd be willing to bet that the diff/ trans would go on any car before that motor would.

The turbo V6 would be cool, especially if we went with a 240SX. But as Ben said, a bit pricey for the return. I'll be we'd see only 300whp after a couple grand even.

I'd go with Ben's L83. Pull the heads off, and bolt on some cheap used overly ported E-Bay heads. Lots of guys will port their heads too much, and the motor will run like crap, so they try to ditch them on E-Bay as having "special race porting." But for a drag/ track only car, who cares how well the motor behaves? It will always be up in the high rpm anyways. If we could score some tall gears and a manual gear box, then it would be even better for a peaky power band.

Then, score the biggest used solid flat tappet cam that we can (matched to the heads of course) with a 110-114 (preferably 114) lsa, try to keep the compression between 7.5 & 8.5:1. Then bolt on a big 6-71 or an 8-71 used, from an old GM diesel. Top it off with a used, possibly donated, or loaned, Holley... And that's all she wrote. I'll bet you could score the H&C&SC for a grand.

Or, used H&C& Big Nitrous Kit (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NITROUS-PLATE-SOLYNOIDS-NOS-KIT-N-X-BRAND-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ170289551465QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMo tors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item17028955 1465&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A543%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318 ).

I'm voting for the 240sx or the RX7 with a blown sbc.

12-30-2008, 12:48 AM
Check it out (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1971-240z-California-Car-with-280z-parts-car_W0QQitemZ270323338202QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20Trucks QQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=i tem270323338202&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318#ebayp hotohosting). I learned from my Vette project, that if your' going to replace large amounts of stuff, there ain't too much point in spending $$ on a "good" car to begin with.

If we did something crazy like this, we could turn the 280 into a drag car with the blown SBC and the 240 into a street car with the TT V6 (no smog probelms).


12-30-2008, 03:10 AM
I'm torn between a 914 and a 240sx...

Someone actually paid me to wrench on their 914 before. I didn't like the car, it was poorly made. And there would be NO room to work with a SBC in that car. As cool as a SBC in a 914 is, I wouldn't want to put it together or even work on it. Furthermore, the transaxle will likely have to be upgraded to handle the power, and a beefed up prosche transaxle will likely be more expensive than a traditional diff/ trans in most other cars.

Also, as a drag car, we'd have to worry about the CV joints breaking (or whatever they use).

12-30-2008, 03:14 AM
Check it out (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___1971-240z-California-Car-with-280z-parts-car_W0QQitemZ270323338202QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20Trucks QQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=i tem270323338202&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318#ebayp hotohosting). I learned from my Vette project, that if your' going to replace large amounts of stuff, there ain't too much point in spending $$ on a "good" car to begin with.

If we did something crazy like this, we could turn the 280 into a drag car with the blown SBC and the 240 into a street car with the TT V6 (no smog probelms).


Smog will not be a problem either way, if it's registered as a show car, it will not have to smog and it will be allowed to drive on the road, to and from automotive events/ shows. Which I suspect is all that the car would be doing.

And I hate to rain on your parade even more, but CARB components for the TTV6 wouldn't be very cost effective. ...Stick with one car for now.

12-30-2008, 03:17 AM
If I were you, I'd either win the auction, or watch it CLOSELY and let it time out, then submit an offer. Turn around and sell the orange one, and keep the parts car for the project. IMHO.

Actually, we should make a plaster mold of the orange hood before you sell it. Then lay one out in fiberglass for the other car. Also, take the pass seat out of the blue one and put it in the orange one to up the resale.

12-30-2008, 03:25 AM
If I were you, I'd either win the auction, or watch it CLOSELY and let it time out, then submit an offer. Turn around and sell the orange one, and keep the parts car for the project. IMHO.

Actually, we should make a plaster mold of the orange hood before you sell it. Then lay one out in fiberglass for the other car. Also, take the pass seat out of the blue one and put it in the orange one to up the resale.

Duly noted.

I'd like to get some other folks to chime in, but at least on the surface a running 240 and parts 280 for $800~, even in the condition they're in seems like something that should be kept a close eye in in the next day or so, since the auction times out on the 31st.

I know you got law school and all that, but would have some time for body and paint, nothing so extravagant, once you finish the Vette?

12-30-2008, 03:27 AM
BTW, I thought that you were talking about this 240sx.


If it's between the Datsun Z and the RX7, I'd change my vote to the RX7. Sexier body lines.

But the car itself really isn't that important either way. Seeing as how it will just be a shell.

12-30-2008, 03:29 AM
Duly noted.

I'd like to get some other folks to chime in, but at least on the surface a running 240 and parts 280 for $800~, even in the condition they're in seems like something that should be kept a close eye in in the next day or so, since the auction times out on the 31st.

I know you got law school and all that, but would have some time for body and paint, nothing so extravagant, once you finish the Vette?

For sheezy sleezy. I'm head over heels for this local chick right now, so I'm sure I'll be up here every weekend anyways. And with 3 or 4 guys sanding and no LSATs to study for, it should go quick.

12-30-2008, 03:32 AM
For sheezy sleezy. I'm head over heels for this local chick right now, so I'm sure I'll be up here every weekend anyways. And with 3 or 4 guys sanding and no LSATs to study for, it should go quick.

You got time in the next day or two to go take a look these things? Pics can be funny. I also got a blaster attachment for my compressor. We could ghetto media blast it right in my driveway.

12-30-2008, 09:19 AM
A SBC in a Mustang II. No way.

I like the Mazda with a SBC.
Ok, lets find a body first.:thumbs_up

I have a bunch of small block parts- even an extra dual quad intake. I have 5 or six extra set of heads. I have a bunch of shit Chevy parts laying around.

I even have a 454 short block --but that is going to be hard to talk me out of.:sm_laughing:

I've built hundreds of SBCs over the years. I maybe can help there.:laugh:

12-30-2008, 09:33 AM
Darlene has a 1990 Toyota Celica GT in her garage that needs to be removed. She has got an offer of $200 for it. We can talk her out of it. BUT, its a complete vehicle and it needs a LOT of work.

Just throwing it out there.:drink:

I'm trying to talk her into getting rid of the 95 T-bird too.:)

12-30-2008, 09:41 AM
You got time in the next day or two to go take a look these things? Pics can be funny. I also got a blaster attachment for my compressor. We could ghetto media blast it right in my driveway.

Not today, tomorrow anytime.

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
12-30-2008, 12:03 PM
well hmmmmm well if you guys dont mind im down to throw in a new submission for the project car.

i got an evo engine with a bad piston ring thats easily rebuildable
and i have a 87 mitsu starion.
and i know where to go to get all the parts and things for the swap. all i need is help and donations :-D





you guys know u wanna hop on this

and also it wouldnt be the same ol sbc in an import swap u see everywhere :-D

but if i had to pic from what you guys threw up i guess the FD body style of rx-7 with a sbc would be ok lol

12-30-2008, 01:34 PM
I am sure I am a little biased but I would like to see something done with a Mustang II. Nobody likes those things and they really are never seen. I think that doing something that would gets peoples attention. IE a car not really coveted going fast would be pretty cool. Drop a TT V6 in it. That would be fun. Smog should not be a big issue.

I am down with any of the builds and would more than willing to put in a little money and lots of man hours to help.

12-30-2008, 01:48 PM
well hmmmmm well if you guys dont mind im down to throw in a new submission for the project car.

i got an evo engine with a bad piston ring thats easily rebuildable
and i have a 87 mitsu starion.
and i know where to go to get all the parts and things for the swap. all i need is help and donations :-D

you guys know u wanna hop on this

. . .

You silly goose, this is for building a Motorgen project car, not helping user's build their project car. Unless you want to sign over the Evo motor and Starion. :smack:

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
12-30-2008, 01:56 PM
You silly goose, this is for building a Motorgen project car, not helping user's build their project car. Unless you want to sign over the Evo motor and Starion. :smack:

hmmmm tempting to sign it over. im not fully sure on what i wanna do with the starion yet. i need money but at the same time i do wanna do this swap and build up lol.

ok then well stick to the sbc rx-7 build lol but i am taking donations for the starion :-D just pm me and ill send you the paypal email lol :laugh:

12-30-2008, 01:57 PM
When you guys talk about RX-7s, what years are your referring to? This (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120354176898&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:Watchlink:middle:us)looks like a pretty clean 1979 that's locally available for something roughly in our price range (though the 240 and 280 for $800 still has my attention.)

12-30-2008, 02:24 PM
When you guys talk about RX-7s, what years are your referring to? This (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120354176898&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:Watchlink:middle:us)looks like a pretty clean 1979 that's locally available for something roughly in our price range (though the 240 and 280 for $800 still has my attention.)

The only problem with something post 1976 is getting it smogged is going to be impossible...

12-30-2008, 02:26 PM
When you guys talk about RX-7s, what years are your referring to? This (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120354176898&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:Watchlink:middle:us)looks like a pretty clean 1979 that's locally available for something roughly in our price range (though the 240 and 280 for $800 still has my attention.)

What you are not interested in the 90 Celica GT??????? Even if it was free.:rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling:

12-30-2008, 02:28 PM
What you are not interested in the 90 Celica GT??????? Even if it was free.:rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling:

Maybe. . . :thumbs_up:

12-30-2008, 02:29 PM
The only problem with something post 1976 is getting it smogged is going to be impossible...

Apparently, if it has a "show car" registration it will be exempt from smog, but will be restricted in the number of miles it can drive, which should be fine for our purposes. However, I'm pretty sure you can put just about whatever you want in a pre 1975 and register it normally. :huh:

12-30-2008, 02:36 PM
I am sure I am a little biased but I would like to see something done with a Mustang II. Nobody likes those things and they really are never seen. I think that doing something that would gets peoples attention. IE a car not really coveted going fast would be pretty cool. Drop a TT V6 in it. That would be fun. Smog should not be a big issue.

I am down with any of the builds and would more than willing to put in a little money and lots of man hours to help.
Yes, the Mustang II.
BUT!!!! They want to put a SBC in it. That just won't do. If we want to go fast we will need a FORD motor. :drink:

12-30-2008, 02:38 PM
Yes, the Mustang II.
BUT!!!! They want to put a SBC in it. That just won't do. If we want to go fast we will need a FORD motor. :drink:

There are far more Ford's with SBCs than GMs with Ford motors. :nutkick: How bout an M2 with an Evo Motor, now that'd be cool. :pot_stir:

12-30-2008, 03:39 PM
Maybe. . . :thumbs_up:

I told Darlene I want to give you guys the Toyota. She goes "but I can get $200 for it". Damn. :mad:

I won. It will be free, unless you WANT to give her $200. Me, I wouldn't even take it if it was free.:p

12-30-2008, 03:45 PM
How bout an M2 with an Evo Motor, now that'd be cool. :pot_stir:

Ok that's all fine and good. But, do we want to go that way or the tried and true V8 powered race car. We have 700r trans and cheap SBC power. We could fit that into just about anything . There is enough talent here to get it done. Just don't let me work on it.:laugh:

12-30-2008, 03:47 PM
Yes, the Mustang II.
BUT!!!! They want to put a SBC in it. That just won't do. If we want to go fast we will need a FORD motor. :drink:


12-30-2008, 03:51 PM
The only problem with something post 1976 is getting it smogged is going to be impossible...

Read on bratha'

Smog will not be a problem either way, if it's registered as a show car, it will not have to smog and it will be allowed to drive on the road, to and from automotive events/ shows. Which I suspect is all that the car would be doing.

Taling about 1st & 2nd gen RX7s. Light cheap RWD.


12-30-2008, 03:54 PM
Just changed my vote.

12-30-2008, 04:11 PM
Just changed my vote.

How do I change my vote?:huh:

12-30-2008, 04:51 PM
How do I change my vote?:huh:

What do you want to change it to?

Adam, did you see my link to the 79 RX-7? Looks in pretty good shape. Probably could recoupe some money with the motor/trans?

Glenn, my brother might actually be interseted in the Celica GT as a project car. Let me talk to him. Do you have any pics or more details on its "condition"?

12-30-2008, 05:00 PM
Eh. Not worth $1500+ IMO. But yeah, that's the idea.

Don't worry about the condition of the paint. If you don't want a show quality paint job we can scuff the paint thats on there with a scotch brite pad and shoot it the next day in your garage with some cheap 2K.

12-30-2008, 05:03 PM
Eh. Not worth $1500+ IMO. But yeah, that's the idea.

Don't worry about the condition of the paint. If you don't want a show quality paint job we can scuff the paint thats on there with a scotch brite pad and shoot it the next day in your garage with some cheap 2K.

Ok, I haven't looked for RX-7s, what a good target price range for a roller?

12-30-2008, 06:02 PM
Cheap RX7. Is this more of what you're thinking of Adam?

12-30-2008, 06:42 PM
Cheap RX7. Is this more of what you're thinking of Adam?

That looks interesting. I wonder what the curb weight would be stripped out?

12-30-2008, 07:07 PM
Look. I 'll give a hand, but keep the first one easy/simple. Mustang 2 front end stuff is avail. SBC's weigh more than stock 4/6 bangers. You need to beef it up. I see imports as a PITA, but you guys know more what's out there. Now I appreciate the HP/weight ratioo, but a built SBC will rip out a Mazda rear end. A Ford 9" will graft in a M2 fairly easily.
But, I'm all ears. Educate me, but keep it simple. CRS at 53.

12-30-2008, 07:12 PM
Apparently, if it has a "show car" registration it will be exempt from smog, but will be restricted in the number of miles it can drive, which should be fine for our purposes. However, I'm pretty sure you can put just about whatever you want in a pre 1975 and register it normally. :huh:

Correct. My next "project" vette will be a 75 or earlier. Anything goes then.

12-30-2008, 07:20 PM
Look. I 'll give a hand, but keep the first one easy/simple. Mustang 2 front end stuff is avail. SBC's weigh more than stock 4/6 bangers. You need to beef it up. I see imports as a PITA, but you guys know more what's out there. Now I appreciate the HP/weight ratioo, but a built SBC will rip out a Mazda rear end. A Ford 9" will graft in a M2 fairly easily.
But, I'm all ears. Educate me, but keep it simple. CRS at 53.

I totally hear you brother. I'm shooting for the best combination of doable+challenging given the human and technical resources we have available. The thing about the SBC in an RX7 or 240 is that it wouldn't be the first time. People have done it, so we can investigate and see how we can do it better or at least somehow more . . . colorfully.

As for the M2, I'm actually very interested in doing this as a future project, but with the Mitsubishi or Nissan engine. There are lots of American engines in imports, but VERY few import engines in American cars, so it's kinda more interesting, but it'd definitely be more expensive given the nature of those engines.

I have clearance from my designated spousal unit to use our large and well lit patio as a storage and work space for this project. I'd like to make a decision on direction and am leaning towards the RX7 + SBC. As you pointed out I think the most critical challenge will be the diff. What are the guys who have RX7s with LS1s running I wonder.

12-30-2008, 07:44 PM
As you pointed out I think the most critical challenge will be the diff. What are the guys who have RX7s with LS1s running I wonder.

We could always swap out whatever is in it for something cheap like a Chevy 12 bolt or a Ford 8.8. You could get an 8.8 out of an Explorer from a wrecking yard fairly cheap and it comes with 31 spline axles and disc brakes.

12-30-2008, 07:46 PM
We could always swap out whatever is in it for something cheap like a Chevy 12 bolt or a Ford 8.8. You could get an 8.8 out of an Explorer from a wrecking yard fairly cheap and it comes with 31 spline axles and disc brakes.

Whattaya think of an RX7 with a Ghetto-blown V8 and Ford rear end as a first project car?

12-30-2008, 07:56 PM
Whattaya think of an RX7 with a Ghetto-blown V8 and Ford rear end as a first project car?

Sounds fun except for the blower. With how light that car is a roots blower isn't a good match. Either go with a high winding N/A combo or a couple of small turbos. The one advantage of the SBC is cost of parts. You can get a complete rebuild kit from Summit Racing with 11.93 compression hypereutectic pistons from under $400 which would be great for a N/A combo. If you go the blower or turbo route you'll definately want forged pistons.

12-30-2008, 08:05 PM
Sounds fun except for the blower. With how light that car is a roots blower isn't a good match. Either go with a high winding N/A combo or a couple of small turbos. The one advantage of the SBC is cost of parts. You can get a complete rebuild kit from Summit Racing with 11.93 compression hypereutectic pistons from under $400 which would be great for a N/A combo. If you go the blower or turbo route you'll definately want forged pistons.

I like the idea of a turbo motor (cuz I want to learn about it). enkeivette suggested some old 6-71 or 8-71 off an old GM diesel. See here for more info:

Anybody have major objections to some kind of RX7 with some kind of SBC?

12-30-2008, 09:01 PM
Yes, the Mustang II.
BUT!!!! They want to put a SBC in it. That just won't do. If we want to go fast we will need a FORD motor. :drink:

I've got a forged 302 long block with E7 iron heads, roller rockers , and a custom grind roller cam set up for a blower. It has the oil pan and timing cover for the old 60s cars. The engine bearly had 5000 miles on it when I pulled it for a stroked 347.

12-30-2008, 09:04 PM
I've got a forged 302 long block with E7 iron heads, roller rockers , and a custom grind roller cam set up for a blower. It has the oil pan and timing cover for the old 60s cars. The engine bearly had 5000 miles on it when I pulled it for a stroked 347.

I also have a 4 speed toploader that will mate right up to it.

12-30-2008, 09:12 PM
I like the idea of a turbo motor (cuz I want to learn about it). enkeivette suggested some old 6-71 or 8-71 off an old GM diesel. See here for more info:

Anybody have major objections to some kind of RX7 with some kind of SBC?

Other than test driving the original Mazda RX in HS, I don't know squat about them.(Still have the original 1st year brochure)
Are they unibody or frame? Morphing a car without a frame is tough. Chopping up the required room weakens them alot.
After trashing the driveline and rear, all you really have is a shell and front susp.
If it's a 75 or newer, which an RX7 is, it's gonna be a track car, since smog is totally out.
I wish Bob and I hadn't flipped his sons old race ready Vega. THAT would have been the catz azz. Stripped, tubed, tubbed, and reworked front and 9"rear.

12-30-2008, 09:15 PM
As for the M2, I'm actually very interested in doing this as a future project, but with the Mitsubishi or Nissan engine. There are lots of American engines in imports, but VERY few import engines in American cars, so it's kinda more interesting, but it'd definitely be more expensive given the nature of those engines.

Wish I could find those pictures. There is a guy in Frisco with big $$$ that stuffed a Jag V-12 in the front compartment of a Corvair. Outside looked completely stock. S C R E A M E R.:laugh:

12-30-2008, 09:24 PM
That reminds me of the best sleeper I ever rode in. I had an old friend who was a mechanic in Newport Beach at the Yacht yards. He put a buick V-6 in the back of a Fiat Station Wagon. Quiet exhaust. Whenever he was challenged, he was down the street before the other guy crossed the intersection. Bill was his name. HP/weight was unreal.

12-30-2008, 09:26 PM
Sounds fun except for the blower. With how light that car is a roots blower isn't a good match. Either go with a high winding N/A combo or a couple of small turbos. The one advantage of the SBC is cost of parts. You can get a complete rebuild kit from Summit Racing with 11.93 compression hypereutectic pistons from under $400 which would be great for a N/A combo. If you go the blower or turbo route you'll definately want forged pistons.

Yep. Spot on.

12-30-2008, 09:38 PM
Other than test driving the original Mazda RX in HS, I don't know squat about them.(Still have the original 1st year brochure)
Are they unibody or frame? Morphing a car without a frame is tough. Chopping up the required room weakens them alot.
After trashing the driveline and rear, all you really have is a shell and front susp.
If it's a 75 or newer, which an RX7 is, it's gonna be a track car, since smog is totally out.
I wish Bob and I hadn't flipped his sons old race ready Vega. THAT would have been the catz azz. Stripped, tubed, tubbed, and reworked front and 9"rear.

They are unibody. I'm not sure how much chopping is really required in this case. :huh: Apparently show car registration allows it to be driven on the street for a limited number of miles.

12-30-2008, 09:39 PM
I also have a 4 speed toploader that will mate right up to it.

Duly noted brother Joe. To be clear, we are talking about donations here, or really really cheap. :)

12-30-2008, 09:48 PM
It seems that SBCs in RX7s are so common that there is an entire community devoted to them with a coming book and DVD!


This means I'd either
a) rather do something else
b) it's gott be a little quirky, like an E85 TT V8

Continue discussion. I'll make a decision once I see all the major issues are on the table and can see a path to the best option.

12-30-2008, 09:50 PM
Duly noted brother Joe. To be clear, we are talking about donations here, or really really cheap. :)

LOL, true story :bigthumbsup:

12-30-2008, 09:57 PM
Duly noted brother Joe. To be clear, we are talking about donations here, or really really cheap. :)

I'd be happy to donate if the car gets built.

12-30-2008, 10:10 PM
I'd be happy to donate if the car gets built.

Numero Uno, I won't start this project til I know it can be done. Ask Sean, I get twitchy when things go slow. I can't stand not finishing things, won't happen. So rest assured on that account.

Poll options updated to reflect availability of 302 Ford.

Obviously the slam dunk is this motor in a Mustang 2, but I almost feel that's too easy.

12-30-2008, 10:24 PM
Numero Uno, I won't start this project til I know it can be done. Ask Sean, I get twitchy when things go slow. I can't stand not finishing things, won't happen. So rest assured on that account.

Poll options updated to reflect availability of 302 Ford.

Obviously the slam dunk is this motor in a Mustang 2, but I almost feel that's too easy.

I also have a broken Holley 174 blower that could be fixed up with a couple of replacement parts, if this gets serious.

12-30-2008, 10:34 PM
I also have a broken Holley 174 blower that could be fixed up with a couple of replacement parts, if this gets serious.

Be sure to vote in the poll if you haven't already. :bigthumbsup:

st-evo-9*corn fed-8urvet*
12-30-2008, 10:43 PM
ooooohhhhh crap y is it when you guys said rx-7 i was so thinking of the 93 and up years bwahaha oh man im trippin!!!

i think the first thing you guys need to set up is a budget or at least a budget mark and set it with a 5 grand give or take mark.

then go from there

how about we start with a basic parts bin and cars we know will fit into that parts bin *obviously mine are gonna be imports b/c its wat i know*

strong engine
-2jz *94-up supra*
-new 4g63 *03-06 evo*
-older 4g63 *89-99 eclipse/89-90 galant*
-13b turbo *93-up rx-7
most honda motors once u build them up and it doesnt hit the wallet too hard

strong rear end
03-06 evo
89-99 eclipse
89-90 galant
93-up rx-7
94-up supra
86-89 starion
86-87 rwd corolla
99-08 wrx/legacy
240sx all years

or pretty much any import with a rear LSD

strong tranny from my knowledge
94-up supra
93-up rx-7

as far as mix and matching engines to trannies i know the rx-7 tranny can be matted with a mitsu bell housing to fit an eclipse or evo engines.

and ive seen in magazines and what not people mate things to the supra tranny.

now through everyone elses ideas into those 3 catagories and lets see what the cheaper solution will be to make this cost effective

the place i think your gonna save money on is if you buy a car that already comes with a strong rear end. but a blown engine or tranny or badly running engine and tranny

ie-starion, eclipse, 240sx, 510 datsun, 86-87 corolla as far as import land are gonna be your best bets for being cheap

12-30-2008, 10:57 PM
ooooohhhhh crap y is it when you guys said rx-7 i was so thinking of the 93 and up years bwahaha oh man im trippin!!!

i think the first thing you guys need to set up is a budget or at least a budget mark and set it with a 5 grand give or take mark.

then go from there

how about we start with a basic parts bin and cars we know will fit into that parts bin *obviously mine are gonna be imports b/c its wat i know*

strong engine
-2jz *94-up supra*
-new 4g63 *03-06 evo*
-older 4g63 *89-99 eclipse/89-90 galant*
-13b turbo *93-up rx-7
most honda motors once u build them up and it doesnt hit the wallet too hard

strong rear end
03-06 evo
89-99 eclipse
89-90 galant
93-up rx-7
94-up supra
86-89 starion
86-87 rwd corolla
99-08 wrx/legacy
240sx all years

or pretty much any import with a rear LSD

strong tranny from my knowledge
94-up supra
93-up rx-7

as far as mix and matching engines to trannies i know the rx-7 tranny can be matted with a mitsu bell housing to fit an eclipse or evo engines.

and ive seen in magazines and what not people mate things to the supra tranny.

now through everyone elses ideas into those 3 catagories and lets see what the cheaper solution will be to make this cost effective

the place i think your gonna save money on is if you buy a car that already comes with a strong rear end. but a blown engine or tranny or badly running engine and tranny

ie-starion, eclipse, 240sx, 510 datsun, 86-87 corolla as far as import land are gonna be your best bets for being cheap

Nice job simplifying . . . :sm_up_there: :laugh:

See the first post which I update constantly with available parts donations. We have three engine/trans combos in the pipeline.

I agree with you point about the roller, one with a stout rear end would be good. The great thing about the M2 is how easy and cheap it is to set up with a Ford 8.8 or even 9" which will take massive abuse.

Personally, for the challenge and because of the kind of site we're trying to build, I'd like some mixing and matching. But that's by no means a hard rule.

As bird pointed out, easy for the first one is a good idea. It'll give us a chance to get our feet wet with this kind of thing. We can build up to more ambitious from there.

As for money, let's just somewhere between cheap and really cheap. :)

12-31-2008, 12:02 AM
I must say the thought of a iumport motor in even a M2 makes me cringe. I am all for a RX-7 with a SBC! That at least is improving the car.

12-31-2008, 02:24 AM
Numero Uno, I won't start this project til I know it can be done. Ask Sean, I get twitchy when things go slow. I can't stand not finishing things, won't happen. So rest assured on that account.

Poll options updated to reflect availability of 302 Ford.

Obviously the slam dunk is this motor in a Mustang 2, but I almost feel that's too easy.

A SBC RX7 is too easy, but a Ford motor in a Mustang is almost too easy?

Don't worry about what's been done before. If it's a pop option that only means that motor mounts and headers will be available and not have to be fabbed.

12-31-2008, 02:28 AM
Why not a 302 with a 4 speed and nitrous in an RX7?

12-31-2008, 02:31 AM
Why not a 302 with a 4 speed and nitrous in an RX7?

That'd be fine. Wanna make it an option?

What about bird's concern about the RX7 being a unibody? Hacking and whatnot making it weaker. :huh:

12-31-2008, 02:35 AM
Also, that red RX7 would be perfect. Loves it. I can hear the monster cam already.

I think it would be cool to do some custom flares/ wide body panels in the rear (we could match the flares to whatever wide ass tire/ rim package that you can find on e-bay) & paint the car white with the orange motorgen logo on the sides. Maybe a low profile, blended in ram air tunnel on the hood?

12-31-2008, 02:38 AM
That'd be fine. Wanna make it an option?

What about bird's concern about the RX7 being a unibody? Hacking and whatnot making it weaker. :huh:

If I'm not mistaken, Fox Bodies are also unibodies (thusss the need for subframe connectors) so unibodies are really all that's on the table.

Besides, I know a welder, his name is Ben. And although he may not realize it just yet, he has the ability to weld in steel bars to connect and reinforce the subframes of any unibody that we might encounter.

12-31-2008, 02:41 AM
That'd be fine. Wanna make it an option?

What about bird's concern about the RX7 being a unibody? Hacking and whatnot making it weaker. :huh:

I'm going to edit it, if you don't like it, you can put it back:

SBC in a 240sx 1 16.67%
TT V6 in a 240sx 0 0%
302 Ford in a 240sx 0 0%
SBC in a Mustang 2 1 16.67%
TT V6 in a Mustang 2 1 16.67%
302 Ford in a Mustang 2 1 16.67%
SBC in an RX7 2 33.33%

12-31-2008, 02:58 AM
I'm willing to bet that few people care whether were talking about a SBF in an RX7/ Datsun or a SBC. And the reality is, that if you're able to score a junkyard 454 for $100 which is a possibility, then the project will take that route, poll or no.

What's more important is what type of setup with what kind of vehicle, IMHO. Engine options can be discussed after you land the high hp/ best platform for the best price. If Joedls is going to generously offer a built SBF, f*ck the stock SBC.

12-31-2008, 03:02 AM
I'm willing to bet that few people care whether were talking about a SBF in an RX7/ Datsun or a SBC. And the reality is, that if you're able to score a junkyard 454 for $100 which is a possibility, then the project will take that route, poll or no.

What's more important is what type of setup with what kind of vehicle, IMHO. Engine options can be discussed after you land the high hp/ best platform for the best price. If Joedls is going to generously offer a built SBF, f*ck the stock SBC.

I'm pretty jazzed. I'm gonna sleep on it and make an executive decision.

12-31-2008, 08:36 AM
I'm pretty jazzed. I'm gonna sleep on it and make an executive decision.

The "spirit" of hot rodding goes back to the Model T. Taking a general purpose car, and making it lower, wider, faster, safer, lighter, and of course more fun. Pursue the spirit. It never died.:bigthumbsup:

12-31-2008, 09:28 AM
The "apex" of hot rodding is placing the modern in the old. My old friend, now deceased, Stan Betz glorified this before he died with his 2032, or 2000duece.
He installed a Lincoln in a repop all metal duece.
That kid, Shawn I think, owns the Muffler Man next door to OC driveline owns a Northstar engine, complete with 30,000 miles for $400. Stick THAT in the back seat of an old Nova. You can still find them for under $1,000. Darrow passed on one for $800 in SD.
Hell ya, mid engine Nova with 2000 tech.:D

12-31-2008, 09:31 AM
My old friend, now deceased, Stan Betz glorified this before he died with his 2032, or 2000duece.

When did Stan die? I was over at his shop checking out his cars like a year ago.

Do you know Art Barker?

12-31-2008, 09:34 AM
What do you want to change it to?

Glenn, my brother might actually be interseted in the Celica GT as a project car. Let me talk to him. Do you have any pics or more details on its "condition"?

Ok, the vehicle is beat to shit. She informed me last night she wants $200. She bought it new in 1990. Left front is crashed some, but fixable. The interior is trashed. The engine has a blown head gasket. The trans (auto) is good and the diff is good. New CV joints and the computer is bad. :drink:

12-31-2008, 09:37 AM
Look. I 'll give a hand, but keep the first one easy/simple. Mustang 2 front end stuff is avail. SBC's weigh more than stock 4/6 bangers. You need to beef it up. I see imports as a PITA, but you guys know more what's out there. Now I appreciate the HP/weight ratioo, but a built SBC will rip out a Mazda rear end. A Ford 9" will graft in a M2 fairly easily.
But, I'm all ears. Educate me, but keep it simple. CRS at 53.

Mustang IIs came with 302s. Suspension is really not a problem. :drink:

12-31-2008, 09:46 AM
When did Stan die? I was over at his shop checking out his cars like a year ago.

Do you know Art Barker?

You know. I think I f..Ked up. I was looking for the Duece post, found the Von Dutch auction, and saw an obite. Turns out it was another racer named Stan Betz in Texas. I haven't seen Stan since Leonard Jennings , Mr Duece" died. I am not so sure now, and stand corrected.:suicide:

Art Barker? Nope. Roy Barker.

12-31-2008, 09:48 AM
Mustang IIs came with 302s. Suspension is really not a problem. :drink:

I know that. Bob and I have talked about installing a M2 clip in the 57 for years. My point was it will handle the weight/torque with little work. I can only imagine what it would take in a rice rocket.:judge:

12-31-2008, 09:54 AM
You know. I think I f..Ked up. I was looking for the Duece post, found the Von Dutch auction, and saw an obite. Turns out it was another racer named Stan Betz in Texas. I haven't seen Stan since Leonard Jennings , Mr Duece" died. I am not so sure now, and stand corrected.:suicide:

Art Barker? Nope. Roy Barker.

Art did alot of the fabrication on many of Stan's cars. He's also the guy that built the woody on a Corvette chassis for Stan. He's an old-school fabricator. I was gonna have him do some work on my 68 GT/CS last month, but he was admitted to the hospital with a brain tumor. This reminds me I need to check on him.

12-31-2008, 09:58 AM
Whattaya think of an RX7 with a Ghetto-blown V8 and Ford rear end as a first project car?

Yea, I think that would do it.:drink:

12-31-2008, 09:59 AM
Art did alot of the fabrication on many of Stan's cars. He's also the guy that built the woody on a Corvette chassis for Stan. He's an old-school fabricator. I was gonna have him do some work on my 68 GT/CS last month, but he was admitted to the hospital with a brain tumor. This reminds me I need to check on him.

We need to meet at an MG function sometime. You know Dennis Web? Lives across the street from Angelo's? Walt and Dennis used to do work for me years ago.

12-31-2008, 09:59 AM
Yea, I think that would do it.:drink:

Sounds like $$$$$$ to me.

12-31-2008, 10:07 AM
I've got a forged 302 long block with E7 iron heads, roller rockers , and a custom grind roller cam set up for a blower. It has the oil pan and timing cover for the old 60s cars. The engine bearly had 5000 miles on it when I pulled it for a stroked 347.

Yes, that is what I'm talking about.:drink:

12-31-2008, 10:09 AM
What do you want to change it to?

RX7 with a Ford SB.:D

12-31-2008, 10:13 AM
Numero Uno, I won't start this project til I know it can be done. Ask Sean, I get twitchy when things go slow. I can't stand not finishing things, won't happen. So rest assured on that account.

Poll options updated to reflect availability of 302 Ford.

Obviously the slam dunk is this motor in a Mustang 2, but I almost feel that's too easy.

Remember, easy is cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!:drink:

12-31-2008, 10:22 AM
Sounds like $$$$$$ to me.

From what I have figured out. The Mustang II with joes engine would be the cheapest. Next would be the RX7 with SBC-only because that has been done many times before. Lastly would be the RX7 with the FORD of joes.

I've decided that the Mustang II with FORD power is our best option-if a body can be found.

Brutal has spoken.:smack:

Before everyone goes postal-if we go the cheapest with body and engine-then we have more money for suspension work and interior safety equipment.

12-31-2008, 10:31 AM
From what I have figured out. The Mustang II with joes engine would be the cheapest. Next would be the RX7 with SBC-only because that has been done many times before. Lastly would be the RX7 with the FORD of joes.

I've decided that the Mustang II with FORD power is our best option-if a body can be found.

Brutal has spoken.:smack:

Before everyone goes postal-if we go the cheapest with body and engine-then we have more money for suspension work and interior safety equipment.

If we go with my engine, I think we should pull the heads and have you work some of your magic on them. One of the reasons I pulled this engine for the 347 was because of the heads. They don't breathe very well. The exhaust ports especially need work.

Originally I was just gonna get a set of aluminum heads for it, but then I got a real hard-on for the blown 347 stroker.

12-31-2008, 10:39 AM
If we go with my engine, I think we should pull the heads and have you work some of your magic on them. One of the reasons I pulled this engine for the 347 was because of the heads. They don't breathe very well. The exhaust ports especially need work.

Originally I was just gonna get a set of aluminum heads for it, but then I got a real hard-on for the blown 347 stroker.

What head casting number are you using on that block? Haven't done FORD SB heads since 89. Not a problem doing the porting, but I don't have any of my seat and valve griders anymore. If someone has a set, then I can do the heads complete.:drink:

12-31-2008, 10:58 AM
RX7 with a Ford SB.:D

I'll change it, what was your old vote?

12-31-2008, 11:09 AM
What head casting number are you using on that block? Haven't done FORD SB heads since 89. Not a problem doing the porting, but I don't have any of my seat and valve griders anymore. If someone has a set, then I can do the heads complete.:drink:

After looking, I was mistaken about these being E7 heads. They are actually reconditioned e6se-aa heads. They have factory hardened exhaust seats. They have PC type valve seals. The castings have not been cut on. The valves are a little small, they are 1.78 & 1.46. The machinist talked me into keeping the valves instead of going with oversized valves because they have such a nice grain pattern and virtually no wear on the chrome stems. They have dual crane valve springs, part #99893. They have 3/8 screw in studs, chrome moly spring retainers, Crane machined steel locks, Crane cams guideplate conversion kit with adjustable locks. The combustion chambers are heart shaped and are 64 CC. They have Crane Cams Energizer 1.6 roller rockers.

12-31-2008, 11:10 AM
I'll change it, what was your old vote?

V8 SBC in RX7.:D

But, with what Joe has thrown on the table, the Mustang II with FORD SB power is a slam dunk. Remember, Mustang IIs came with 302 2bls engines later in the run.

When I had my Moble Repair buiness in the early 80s, I worked on a number of these. All owned by women. This one time one of the women called me to come to her house and when she opened the door she was wearing...................

A FORD 4 speed top loader---damn what a GREAT guy. You can NOT do better that that.!!!!!!!!!!!:drink:

12-31-2008, 11:28 AM
After looking, I was mistaken about these being E7 heads. They are actually reconditioned e6se-aa heads. They have factory hardened exhaust seats. They have PC type valve seals. The castings have not been cut on. The valves are a little small, they are 1.78 & 1.46. The machinist talked me into keeping the valves instead of going with oversized valves because they have such a nice grain pattern and virtually no wear on the chrome stems. They have dual crane valve springs, part #99893. They have 3/8 screw in studs, chrome moly spring retainers, Crane machined steel locks, Crane cams guideplate conversion kit with adjustable locks. The combustion chambers are heart shaped and are 64 CC. They have Crane Cams Energizer 1.6 roller rockers.

Ok, some good stuff on the heads. The trouble is the small ports. Now ANY after market head will out preform these heads. Porting does help. If you we go forced induction then a bowl clean up, maybe bigger valves ( that will call for a camber unshroud that will increase the CC) and good port intake match/cleanup. The exhaust port is another story. I can make it better, but not to what it should be. But, again with forced induction it makes it much more doable. A longer duration ( 10 to 12 degrees) on the exhaust than the intake will help with the small port.

12-31-2008, 11:30 AM
The "spirit" of hot rodding goes back to the Model T. Taking a general purpose car, and making it lower, wider, faster, safer, lighter, and of course more fun. Pursue the spirit. It never died.:bigthumbsup:


The "apex" of hot rodding is placing the modern in the old. My old friend, now deceased, Stan Betz glorified this before he died with his 2032, or 2000duece.
He installed a Lincoln in a repop all metal duece.
That kid, Shawn I think, owns the Muffler Man next door to OC driveline owns a Northstar engine, complete with 30,000 miles for $400. Stick THAT in the back seat of an old Nova. You can still find them for under $1,000. Darrow passed on one for $800 in SD.
Hell ya, mid engine Nova with 2000 tech.:D

Sure, but I think more of us are concerned with acceleration that having FI & a computer.

I think you have it in for Jap econo rockets, more than you do for other econo rockets. The Shelby Cobra was a 4 banger British car originially wasn't it? If we had the budget for something like that, we'd do it. But what's on the table is a 3500lb Mustang or a 2500lb RX7. And although the Mustang has that cool muscle factor, I'd rather have the extra second in the quarter.

12-31-2008, 11:33 AM
A longer duration ( 10 to 12 degrees) on the exhaust than the intake will help with the small port.

Unfortunately, I can't find any info on the cam. I'll keep looking, though. It's not where I should have kept it, but I have another place I may have stored it. I'll check in the next couple of days.

12-31-2008, 11:36 AM

Sure, but I think more of us are concerned with acceleration that having FI & a computer.

I think you have it in for Jap econo rockets, more than you do for other econo rockets. The Shelby Cobra was a 4 banger British car originially wasn't it? If we had the budget for something like that, we'd do it. But what's on the table is a 3500lb Mustang or a 2500lb RX7. And although the Mustang has that cool muscle factor, I'd rather have the extra second in the quarter.

3,500 lbs??? Where did you get that figure? I don't remember them weighing that much. I'll see what I can find out.

By the time we go through the vehicle is will weigh 2,500 lbs EASY.:bigthumbsup:

Here's what I found out; curb weight -offical- is 2,500 to 2,700 lbs depending of options.

12-31-2008, 11:38 AM
How about TT V6 Pinto? No Smog Issues.


Or a Blown SBC in a Ford Pinto?

Or either of these in a old VW Rabbit?

12-31-2008, 11:44 AM
V8 SBC in RX7.:D

But, with what Joe has thrown on the table, the Mustang II with FORD SB power is a slam dunk. Remember, Mustang IIs came with 302 2bls engines later in the run.

When I had my Moble Repair buiness in the early 80s, I worked on a number of these. All owned by women. This one time one of the women called me to come to her house and when she opened the door she was wearing...................

A FORD 4 speed top loader---damn what a GREAT guy. You can NOT do better that that.!!!!!!!!!!!:drink:

Vote has already been changed to reflect. The option is now simply V8 RX7.

How much do you think this Ford SB puts out hp wise? And does it have forged internals.

Ben's SBC probably puts out about 200hp. If this Ford SB doesn't have forged internals or significantly more hp. Maybe we should go with the SBC, we could likely score a set of used big heads for a SBC for a couple hundred bucks, prob score a big used solic cam for about $100. Not so sure about finding parts as easily or as cheap for the SBF. Then again, I'd much prefer the toploader to Ben's Auto.

I honestly don't care if we do this with a Honda engine. It's simply a matter of hp & weight for me (which would kind of eliminate all Honda engines :sm_laughing:).

BTW, if we go the Chevy route, I will donate a Milodon high flow water pump (less than 10K miles on it) and various other SBC parts that I have lying around, Q-Jet, HEI, etc.

Also, I don't think that my blue coil overs would support the front end weight of a SB equipped car. But we could try them out, I'm definitely willing to give them up for this project.

I also have resin left over for flares. :bigthumbsup:

12-31-2008, 11:45 AM
How about one of these?

12-31-2008, 11:45 AM
How about TT V6 Pinto? No Smog Issues.


Or either of these in a old VW Rabbit?

Uhhh... neh!

12-31-2008, 11:52 AM
How much do you think this Ford SB puts out hp wise? And does it have forged internals.

I never dynoed it, but I outran several S197 Mustang GTs with the set-up I had. I'd say it was putting out 260 - 270 RWHP thru a C4 with ~6 PSI of boost. That was also through the stock exhaust manifolds and 2" exhaust. And yes, it's forged.

12-31-2008, 12:36 PM
but I think more of us are concerned with acceleration that having FI & a computer.

I think you have it in for Jap econo rockets, more than you do for other econo rockets. The Shelby Cobra was a 4 banger British car originially wasn't it? If we had the budget for something like that, we'd do it. But what's on the table is a 3500lb Mustang or a 2500lb RX7. And although the Mustang has that cool muscle factor, I'd rather have the extra second in the quarter.

My first NEW car was a Ford Courier(Mazda). Couldn't kill it. Japs okay, just not my thing. I grew up with Muscle cars, when Jap was joke. That's all.

Want fast? Get me a rocket nozzle and some silver screen. I'll get you down the QUARTER in under 4 seconds.

Brutal. Remember the rocket car at OCIR? Ran on H2O2?

12-31-2008, 12:36 PM
Ok. I've decided for a variety of reasons we're going to do an RX-7 with a Forced Induction SBF.


Closing this thread.